Little Grey Blip.

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Despite what Jisung said about Changbin coming around, it doesn't seem like he will. He's been avoiding Felix. It's been almost a week and he sneaks in late at night after work and sneaks out early in the morning to leave. He's been doing everything in his power to not see Felix it seems. If things were awkward before, Felix doesn't know what to call it now. Maybe it's not awkward because they don't see each other but it's not exactly comfortable either.

Plus, even though Felix said he'd be cute and happy during his pregnancy, he's closer to miserable. It's like as soon as he found out he was pregnant the symptoms doubled. He's been waking up sick in the mornings, and when he hasn't eaten he throws up bile.

This is one of those particularly early mornings. the sun hasn't even come up and he's hunched over the toilet vomiting up stomach acid because there's nothing in his stomach left to upchuck. He's panting with his eyes shut and watering as he sits next to the toilet waiting to stop being violently ill. He thinks, "Is this punishment?" "Is God punishing me for what I've done?". His head hurts from dehydration but he's too exhausted to get up and go to the sink for water. He just wants to sit here and die, this is terrible.

"Felix?" He thinks he hears someone call but he thinks he may be hallucinating from lack of sleep and dehydration. "Felix-ah," he hears it again followed by a knock on the door. He slowly rises to his feet as he realizes Changbin is at the door. he's surprised, but he figures the alpha just needs to use the restroom and he is not in the mood to be rushed right now. Far from it, actually.

"I'm almost done" Felix calls irritably, his throat raw and sore. He starts to rinse his mouth out with water before Changbin knocks again. "Changbin, I just said I'll be done!" He snaps and then there's silence so he assumes the alpha left. He feels tears of frustration prick at his eyes but he quickly wipes them away and opens the bathroom door.

To his surprise, Changbin is standing outside of the bathroom against the wall. He has a bottle of water in one hand and a handful of a packet of crackers in the other. Felix is shocked.

"Um, this is for you" he avoids looking at Felix as he offers the food and drink. He's still dressed in his pajamas and his hair is a mess like he'd just woken up.

"Did I wake you up?" Felix asks as he hesitates to accept the older's gifts. Something about the offering just feels loaded and he is still hurt by Changbin's actions.

"I haven't been able to sleep much" he admits quietly before he pushes out his hands containing the gifts again. "It's a peace offering" he finally looks up at Felix with his lips pressed together in a stiff apologetic smile. The omega looks down at the "peace offering" and then he sighs. That's why the offering felt so loaded, he's trying to get back in his good graces.

He takes the bottle of water and accepts the crackers. "Thank you" he thanks him softly and they stand across from each other in a tense silence. Felix doesn't know what to say to him. Last time he checked, the alpha was pretending he didn't exist. Part of him wants to tell him to continue to do that if that's what he wanted, but he feels like he should hear him out.

"I searched it up and Naver says that foods high in carbs and low in fat help with the nausea. I can't really cook anything so I thought crackers are the next best thing. You don't have to eat them, I know you just threw up" Felix doesn't answer, but just looks down at the crackers in his hand. He's angry at Changbin, and hurt. He wants to accept this peace offering and for things to just go back to normal- or their version of normal, but he isn't happy. He isn't satisfied with Changbin's attempt at peace after how he'd made the omega feel the past week. "I know you're mad, Lix... but I'm trying. I'm trying my best."

Felix looks down at the bottle of water as he thinks, trying to find the words for his hyung. "...I really- hyung, I appreciate this but... but it's not enough. You can't give me crackers and water, then think I'm just going to forget what you said. You hurt my feelings, when all I needed was your support. I've already accepted I'm doing this on my own. I don't need you to force yourself-"

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now