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CW!! There is male breastfeeding in this chapter. It's only like a paragraph or two long and it happens when the lactation specialist comes in. You can just skip over it if it makes you uncomfortable!

"Aigoo~ such a chubby baby!" Changbin's mom coos as she comes into the hospital room to see Felix holding their newborn.

"How much did she end up weighing?" Changbin's father asks as they come closer to dote on the pup.

"She's 4026g and 53.4cm long." Changbin responds proudly as if he were the one that pushed her out. "Felix-ah did it completely unmedicated. I've never seen anything like it." He tells his parents and Felix chuckles.

"Wow, she's bigger than Changbinnie was. Can I hold her?" Changbin's mother asks and Felix gently hands his daughter over to her grandmother. "Oh, she's so beautiful~" she smiles down at the infant. Felix watches her stroke his pup's hair and rock her gently.

"She really is precious" Changbin's father says as he leans over his mate's shoulder to look down at the baby. They coo adoringly over her and Felix feels a bittersweet feeling. He wishes his family were here to meet their daughter but he's so happy that she has two grandparents that adore her here.

They call Felix's mom on video call. She wouldn't be expecting to meet the pup yet, because Felix hadn't told her he was in labor, so when she answers the phone to see a newborn cradled to his chest, she gasps.

"Is that her? Oh my! Oh dear, yeobo! Yeobo, come here. Yongbokkie had the baby!" She calls for his father, who soon appears in the camera too. "Yongbokkie, she is so precious. Oh my." She gushes as she looks at their daughter through the phone.

"She looks just like you when you were born. Her nose is just like yours and those eyes! Even down to the eyebrows!" His father exclaims and his mother agrees. Then his dad starts to get choked up.

"Noo, don't! Don't do that! Or I'm- I'm gonna cry" Felix's mother starts to cry too and seeing them both become emotional, in turn makes him emotional too.

The next person on the list to call is Jisung. The other omega was updated by Hyunjin that Felix was in labor so he was most likely patiently awaiting the call. The dark-haired omega picks up after only two rings.

"Ahh! Oh my God!!! The baby~" Jisung squeals as soon as he sees her. "Why is she so cute?? What's her name?" He questions with big bright eyes and Felix giggles.

"Her name's Seo Nabi, because of the dream with the butterflies I had before I found out about her." Felix explains and Jisung pouts adoringly.

"That's so cute. Nabi-ya~" he coos just as someone knocks on Felix's door. They end the call when the lactation specialist comes in.

"Would you like to try to breastfeed her?" The woman asks and Felix nods. She undoes his gown and helps him hold Nabi in an appropriate position. "Let's see if she's hungry." She says and starts to stroke the corner of Nabi's mouth, the baby starts to move her head towards the stimulation and the woman guides the baby to Felix's chest. "That's called the rooting reflex. Usually when she's hungry she'll respond to you gently stroking her mouth by turning her head to find your nipple. Now, when she latches on make sure her mouth is wide and her lips are flanged like a fish." She explains as Nabi's lips wrap around Felix's nipple. "Good job, she's a natural" she smiles at the latch.

The newborn's sucking just feels like tugging on his nipple. She's looking up at him with big still swollen eyes as he nurses her. However, it doesn't take long for her to get full and fall asleep with his nipple still in her mouth. He gently pulls her away from his chest and she doesn't even budge. She's out cold, he laughs. He sends Hyunjin a picture of the satiated infant and the beta replies with a plethora of hearts and praises.

Felix wishes Hyunjin could be here, but alphas tend to be territorial over their newborn pups. Felix doesn't put it past Changbin to stink up the room with his alpha musk if Hyunjin were to visit. Plus, it would probably be awkward anyways.

They go home with Nabi after three days in the hospital. Changbin asked if they could go to his apartment but Felix desperately needs to have his pup in his nest. Hyunjin cleaned up their place really nicely, and despite what Felix said, he's staying at his parents' house for the first week. The beta says he wants to give the new parents time to adjust to caring for their daughter and Felix appreciates it, though he'd really wanted to see his boyfriend.

When Felix gets home with Changbin carrying the hospital bag and Nabi in Felix's arms. He kicks off his shoes at the door and beelines it for his bedroom. The alpha seems a bit lost on what to do so he follows after him once he puts Felix's things on the floor by the door. The omega gets into his nest that had remained untouched through his stay at the hospital. The scents have faded a bit but it still smells like home.

"Come here," Felix beckons Changbin over with a soft smile when he sees Changbin standing awkwardly by the door. The alpha makes his way over to the bed, but stops at the edge. He obviously doesn't want to intrude, but it's so obvious he's itching to be included. "Get in, dummy." Felix laughs and the alpha immediately climbs into the nest with the omega and his pup.

Felix feels like he can finally breath. After being surrounded by people poking and prodding him and his pup for days, it's nice to be home and surrounded by comforting smells. Felix can feel his daughter's body against him and the way her chest rises and falls with her breath. He feels so at peace and happy in the moment, that he almost cries.

"Hyung," Felix calls as Changbin sits at the edge of the nest, just looking at the omega and their daughter. "I'm just so happy right now, and it's thanks to you. No matter what our relationship is, I'm so thankful for you for giving me her. I love you, and you will always be my family no matter what." He tells the alpha as tears build in his eyes.

"I love you too, Felix, and I should be the one thanking you. I can't believe I didn't want to keep her. I'm sorry. She's so perfect, and I'm thankful to you for having her. You've made me the happiest man on Earth." Changbin responds and Felix can see the unshed tears in the alpha's eyes. This just makes the dam of emotion the omega was holding back burst and he bites his lip as tears fall down his cheeks. The older wordlessly comes closer and wraps his arms around Felix and their daughter as the omega cries. The scent of chocolate coffee is comforting and familiar.

The name Nabi means butterfly in Korean if I wasn't clear enough. That's why I said it was really obvious because of Felix's conception dream in the first chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying this story. We only have a few more chapters left together :(

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