Telling The Lee's.

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Felix has been overthinking a lot. He overthinks about everything. He overthinks about the health of his baby, his relationship with Changbin, what he'll do after school, or where he's going to live when his lease is up. The thing he's been overthinking the most today is; how is he supposed to tell his family that he's pregnant, and worst of all, that he's pregnant and single.

His parents are Catholic and very traditional people. He was baptized as a baby, grew up going to a Catholic school and church every Sunday. They always told him that sex was for procreation and mated pairs only- when he'd had his first heat they had him prayed over at Mass. It was a humiliating experience now that Felix looks back on it. They told him dating was strictly a means to marriage so when he'd introduced Changbin over video call almost two years ago, they welcomed him as apart of their family. For a while, Felix thought Changbin would be apart of his family forever too.

Now, he has to tell them otherwise. He also has to tell them he'd given away his purity and was now having a child outside of a mating. He can already imagine how disappointed his parents will be. His mother will definitely cry and he's worried his father will never speak to him again.

The first person he thinks to call about his situation is Jisung, but the other omega has heard it all at this point and he had to stop being a coward. He thinks that it would be easier to tell his sisters first, and they would give him some comfort. They knew their parents better than anyone too maybe they would give him some good advice.

He calls his older sister, Rachael first. She's more level-headed than Olivia and would most likely react more calmly than his younger sister. If he wanted advice, she was definitely the one to go to.

"Hi Sunshine~" she greets him brightly when she answers his video call. She looks a bit busy because her face isn't in the camera and she's moving.

"Hey noona, are you busy?" He's speaking English as he usually does with his sisters.

"I just got back from eating with some friends, but I can talk to you" she replies.

"Oh okay, I have something I need to tell you..." He starts off, unintentionally cryptic. Rachael gives him a funny look but doesn't say anything, prompting him to continue. "Rachael, you have to promise not to tell anyone until I say so"

"What the heck did you do Felix?" The omega woman sighs.

"Nothing. Well, I did do something, I guess, but it's not what you're thinking" he pauses to take a deep breath. He can feel an anxious lump in his throat as he mentally prepares himself. "So, um, I... I'm pregnant" he admits quietly. Rachael is quiet in response and he thinks for a moment that the phone call went out. "Hello?"

"You're pregnant?" She asks and Felix allows her time to process the information. "Wait, by Changbin? Or?..." she questions.

"Yes, by Changbin. He's the only person I've been with" he tries not to be offended by her reaction, but it's difficult when she assumes he'd been with someone else in the short time he and Changbin have been broken up.

"Oh okay... so you two are back together then?" The omega woman asks.

"No. We're still broken up." He answers shortly and for some reason, he's embarrassed to admit it.

"Hm, okay." Is all she offers and Felix nervously waits for something, anything. "So who else knows? Changbin knows?" She asks him after a while of silence on the line.

"Changbin and a couple of my friends know. Sung knows" Felix explains. He'd been expecting a different reaction from his sister. Maybe a more enthusiastic one? Or more upset? Either would've been better than the tense silence on the line.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now