Trip to Ansan (Part I).

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Felix and Jisung's birthdays are coming up this week. Jisung is first and then Felix is immediately after on that Friday. They planned to have a get together with just the 00's. Chan was sulky because he wanted to be involved but other than that, everyone is excited. Seungmin's aunts live on the coast in Ansan-si. They have a really nice house with a big backyard and they agreed to let them stay for the weekend.

They took the subway to Gojan Station where Seungmin's aunt picked them up. They all squeezed into the beta woman's coupe. Felix is sandwiched in between Jisung and Hyunjin, with Seungmin sitting upfront with his aunt.

"Do any of you boys have your license? Maybe you can take the car out to town. There's a food street in Wongok-dong. They have all types of food and street vendors. It would be fun for you all." The beta woman asks as they make the drive to the coast where she lives with her mate.

"None of us can drive, but we're all used to public transportation at this point." Seungmin responds for the group who all murmured their replies.

"Actually, I can drive. Just not legally." Jisung speaks up and Seungmin gives him a look, but doesn't respond.

"That means you can't drive, Jisung-ah" Hyunjin laughs as he looks from out of the window.

They arrive to Seungmin's aunts' home and it's a big yellow home. The inside is painted a baby pink with light wooden floors and Seungmin's aunt tells them to make themselves at home. They will have the downstairs to themselves while his aunts will be upstairs, except for when they use the kitchen, of course.

The first thing Felix does when he gets to the house is go to the bathroom. He'd had to hold it for an hour and a half and his bladder was no longer able to do things like that with a 2kg baby sitting on it. The other boys settle in and put their things down in the living room.

"Felix-ah, we want to go check out that street on Wongok-dong. Do you want to do that or do you want to rest first?" Seungmin asks the brunette omega when he comes out of the bathroom. A nap sounds so good right now, but he doesn't want to hold everyone up on their vacation, so he agrees.

They take a taxi out to Wongok-dong and follow Seungmin's aunts instructions on how to get to the food street. When they get there, the street is filled with tourists and patrons. There are shops on every corner and food vendors at their carts. The street smells heavenly.

"There's so much food. I'm starving!" Jisung says from next to Felix and the other omega agrees with a nod. The first thing they do is get some bubble tea because there was a stall right next to them. Felix got matcha milk tea with black tapioca pearls. It tastes better than any milk tea he's had in Seoul, maybe it's just the tourism that makes it taste better though.

"Here, Yongbokkie" Hyunjin comes up to Felix holding out a skewer with some sort of meat on it. He gestures for Felix to open his mouth and Felix does so without question. He feeds the omega from the skewer, a smoky and sweet flavored chicken. "It's Sate Ayam. The ahjumma says its really popular in Indonesia" he explains and Felix hums in approval at the flavor.

"It's delicious." Felix compliments as he takes the skewer from Hyunjin to finish it off. The beta watches him eat with a pleased grin, making Felix look at him funnily. "What?" He questions in confusion and Hyunjin reaches out to touch Felix's lips. The omega feels his ears burn as Hyunjin wipes something from his lip.

"Guys, do you want to sit down and eat? There's a Chinese noodle shop over here with seats." Seungmin suggests and Felix readily agrees. Being on his feet and walking around was fine, but he was starting to get uncomfortable.

When they get inside the restaurant they are greeted by a polite Chinese man. He doesn't seem to speak a lot of Korean and the entire menu is in Chinese as well, but they use a translator app to figure out what they want. They end up with some sort of spicy chicken soup with thick cut noodles, dry fried string beans, soup dumplings, and fried chive pancakes. It was all so delicious and filling, Felix is practically in a food coma by the time he's finished.

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