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"Eomma, I can't do that" Felix sighs as he's scolded by his mother again. When he'd gotten the call from her he was expecting a casual conversation, maybe her checking up on the baby, but she'd immediately been on the offensive when he answered.

"Yongbok, you're unmated in a big city, surrounded by temptation and negative influences." She explains. "You're staying there for no reason other than stubbornness. You wanted to prove you can be on your own, but you obviously can't. You need Appa and I's support still" she continues and Felix sighs.

"No, I don't. I can do this on my own if I have to. I wanted you guys to know because I didn't want to rob you of the experience of your first grandchild, but I don't want to leave. I want to stay here with my friends and my child's father" Felix reiterates for what feels like the hundredth time now.

"You are robbing us of the experience of our first grandchild because you won't come home. We can't do anything for them while you're there." She argues and Felix wants to scream at the obvious attempt at emotional manipulation. "Your friends from school are still here. Do you remember Avery? He's still here and he asked about you. You won't be missing anything if you leave" she reasons but Felix doesn't want to hear it.

"No. It's not the same. What about Changbin-hyung? It's his child too. It's not fair for me to take his pup across the world." Felix retorts.

"He can come see them whenever he likes but you will be hurting eomma very badly if you don't come home, Yongbokkie" she tells him and he frowns at her words.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. Goodbye." he hangs up on her, like he did last time and just like last time, she calls back immediately. He puts his phone on silent and gets up to walk around and clear his mind.

He goes out into the living room and sees Changbin sitting on the couch eating. When the older hears him come into the room, he turns to him.

"Oh, Lix. I've been meaning to talk you," the older says with his mouth full and the sight irritates Felix. He waits for the alpha to finish, "So, you know our lease is up in a few weeks, right?" The topic immediately makes Felix want to scream.

"I know." Felix replies shortly from behind the couch. It's not like it's not the only thing he can think about most of the time, because he has to keep reminding himself that he'll be homeless in a mere few weeks.

"Yeah, so I talked to Eomma about it and she said she'll co-sign for a loan for you, so that you can get an apartment. Isn't that great?" Changbin smiles and Felix frowns in response.

"No. I don't want her to do that." The omega responds and the alpha furrows his brows in response.

"Why wouldn't you? You're not going to have anywhere to live in less than a month" Changbin states and Felix shakes his head with a sigh.

"Don't you think I know that? I don't want her to co-sign anything for me. I can handle it myself" Felix is bordering on snapping at this point but he tries to contain it.

"Why not? She hasn't done anything to you, and she paid the deposit on this apartment and you didn't have a problem with that. What's different now?" Changbin's tone is defensive as he speaks and this makes Felix feel defensive as well.

"That was for you, not me. I have my own parents and I don't need yours or you to help me get an apartment." Felix bites back and Changbin face contorts into an affronted look.

"You obviously do need help though, you haven't even started looking for somewhere else to stay! Are you planning to sleep on Jisung-ah's couch until the pup's born and he kicks you out?" He bites right back and Felix scowls. Even if he was planning to stay with Jisung, the other omega would never kick him out with nowhere to go.

"No, and I am looking for apartments! Just because I didn't tell you about it doesn't mean I'm not." Felix argues and Changbin rolls his eyes. "I don't need your unsolicited advice." He adds with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Unsolicited? You think you need to ask for my advice when you're having my kid? I'm trying to help you for their sake, so that you can keep them-"

"So you think you're gonna take my pup away from me?" Felix feels a surge of protectiveness rush through him at the mention of him not being able to keep his pup. Just the thought of Felix not being able to raise his baby makes his eyes well up with tears.

"If you're sleeping on your best friend's couch, I will! That's no way for them to live." He declares and Felix feels tears spill over his lashes. "Why are you crying? You just need to get yourself together, Yongbok" Changbin states and Felix runs off, back to his room and locks the door. Changbin doesn't follow him.

He picks up his phone and dials Jisung's contact. He needs to talk to someone and process his thoughts. He's also not sure what he's supposed to do. Changbin is right, and he knows it. He's been procrastinating the moving process, mostly because he's just been so busy with school and work that he doesn't feel like apartment hunting when he's done. There's a lot going on in his life right now and he's very stressed out.

Jisung doesn't answer his call, so he calls him again. The call isn't answered again. Felix cries harder as he thinks of someone else to call. Without thinking, he scrolls for Hyunjin's name. He'd gotten the beta's number last time they'd seen each other and for some reason, he feels like confiding in him.

"Hello?" Hyunjin answers after a couple of rings and Felix sniffles. "Felix? Are you okay?" Concern fills the black-haired man's voice.

"I'm just so frustrated, Hyunjin. No one understands anything! They're all just so self-involved and have no idea what I'm going through. Like, Changbin keeps bothering me about moving out and he told his mom to co-sign a loan with me for an apartment, but I didn't ask him to do that. That's embarrassing and makes it seem like I can't take care of myself! I don't want to owe her anything or for them to be able to say "without me, you wouldn't have blah blah," you know?" He pauses only for a moment to catch his breath that wrecks through him as a sob. "And my mom is just on my fucking case, constantly. She's being all emotionally manipulative and trying to make me feel bad for not wanting to drop my whole life and move back to Australia just because she says so." He pauses again to sob.

"Wow, I'm so sorry, Felix-ah. It sounds like you're going through a lot." He sighs sympathetically and Felix lets out a watery chuckle.

"That's not even the half of it. I'm about to be homeless in less than a month if I can't find a roommate. Plus, school is kicking my ass so bad right now. I can't even keep up because I'm constantly working to try to save up, so that I won't be homeless. I'm so fucking stressed out that I just want to cry and scream, but nothing gets done if I do that. Whether I like it or not, life is going to keep on moving around me and it's just so exhausting." Felix cries over the phone to the beta. He rants like this to Jisung frequently, but it was strange for him to do it to Hyunjin. They've only had maybe two conversations and the beta is probably taken aback right now. Felix could've called anyone else but he called Hyunjin for some reason.

"I understand, Felix. That does sound like a lot." Hyunjin sympathizes as Felix just cries. "Hey, Felix? I have a question," the beta starts, "If you're looking for a roommate, would you like to look for a place with me? I know we don't know each other well but I'm looking for a place right now too." He suggests and Felix's sniffles slow.

"You want to live together?" Felix asks in confirmation. He hadn't expected Hyunjin to suggest this when he started complaining.

"Sure, I'm not sure what your lifestyle is like but we're both looking for a place to live and we get along well, so why not?" The beta explains.

"What about my baby? You wouldn't mind living with a newborn?" Felix asks.

"I don't have any younger siblings or experience with pups, but I'm willing to try. I really don't think it's a bad idea." Hyunjin responds and part of Felix wants to tell him that a newborn will keep them both up all night. Then again, if Hyunjin is a deep sleeper, he'd be fine.

"If you are willing to try, then I am too. I just don't want you to regret living with me." Felix says and he hears Hyunjin let out a soft chuckle.

"As long as you don't steal my underwear I think we'll be fine. I really don't like sharing underwear" Hyunjin replies and Felix giggles.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now