Apartment Hunting.

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It's time for Felix's fifteen week ultrasound and checkup, and that also means it's time for the awkward ride with Changbin to the doctor's office. Felix hadn't been looking forward to it. He even wanted to just go on his own, but it was unfair to Changbin to exclude him from seeing their baby.

They are currently in the car and they're silent, the only noise being some underground rap artist that Changbin likes. Recently, everytime they talk it turns into an argument. Felix knows that it's because he's very sensitive due to stress and hormones right now. Everything Changbin says just pisses him off, to be honest.

So when Changbin lets out the loudest, most devious smelling fart he's ever heard, Felix is pissed. The alpha even has the audacity to laugh.

"It stinks!" The alpha laughs as Felix rolls down the window with a grimace. "I don't know what I ate for it to smell like that" he jokes and Felix shakes his head. The smell is so bad to Felix's sensitive nose that it makes Felix want to throw up, it's like he can taste it.

"Why wouldn't you wait until we get out of the car? I'm gonna throw up!" Felix yells and Changbin looks at him with wide eyes as the omega covers his mouth and nose. "Changbin~" Felix whines before he starts to cry.

"Felix, just let it air out. It'll be fine" he chuckles nervously as the younger puts his head in his hands and starts to sob.

"No, you are so fucking mean" Felix cries and at this point, the smell has actually aired out but the disgust and shock of being suddenly bombarded by rotten eggs has Felix feeling all types of things. "You made me breath in fart air~" Felix sobs and Changbin can't help but laugh.

"It doesn't even stink anymore" the older tries to console him but he can't stop giggling while Felix cries his eyes out.

Felix calms down by the time they get to the doctor's office but he's still pissed at Changbin. He's so pissed, he doesn't even say "thank you" when the alpha holds the office door open for him. He thinks that'll show him.

Felix is weighed and has a blood and urine sample taken before he sees the doctor. Apparently he's gained 6kg in a matter of two months. He went from 59kgs to 65kgs, which is only a kilo change from his pre-pregnancy weight. You can't really tell that he's gained any weight other than the slight swell of his belly.

They wait for a little while before they can see the doctor but when Felix's name is called, they are lead further into the office to see her. He doesn't struggle to get onto the exam table yet, but he knows it's coming eventually.

"Felix-ssi, hello. How are you feeling?" Dr. Jung greets the omega, looking up from a tablet that most likely contains his chart.

"I'm doing good, seonsaengnim" Felix answers with his hands clasped underneath his bump.

"Is everything well with you physically and mentally?" She asks and Felix frowns. He hasn't been well mentally but he doesn't know if that's something to share with his doctor.

"I've been okay, both physically and mentally" he decides to respond as he doesn't think his doctor could help him with the things that are causing him to be mentally unwell.

"Alright, we'll begin with the sonogram and then we'll have time for any questions you may have." She tells him and he nods and rolls up his shirt over his belly. "The gel will be a bit cold"

Dr. Jung squeezes a translucent blue gel onto the ultrasound probe and then presses it against his lower belly. She has the screen facing towards her so they can't see the baby, and Felix's heartrate picks up as he worries over his pup.

"I'm just going to take some measurements and then you can see the pup" she tells them and clicks on her mouse a couple of times. Then she's turning the screen towards them. Felix gasps when he sees the black and grey image.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now