At Odds.

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If someone would've told Felix that halfway through his pregnancy he wouldn't be able to shit for two weeks straight, he might've reconsidered getting pregnant. That's a lie, he wouldn't give up his pup for anything in the world -and it's not like he'd planned it anyways- but it was impossibly annoying to be so constipated. He isn't sure if the swell of his stomach is from the pup or how backed up he is.

Regardless, he does really enjoy being pregnant. He enjoys all of the attention that he gets now that he's showing, and he likes being able to try new food combinations because of cravings. He loves feeling his baby girl move inside of him. Her movements aren't quite strong enough to be felt from the outside yet, so it's like a little secret that he and her have just between them. His hair has also never been healthier or thicker- despite the constant abuse he's put it through.

"If I could be pregnant forever, I would" Felix comments to his younger sister, Olivia through video call. He's on break between classes and he's talking to her as he walks to the bus stop.

"I've never been pregnant but something tells me you're not gonna feel that way in the next few months" Olivia chuckles and Felix takes a seat at the bus stop -another positive of being visibly pregnant is that everyone gives up their seat for him at bus stops and on the bus. He smiles at the polite gentleman that gave him the seat.

"I probably won't when I start to actually get big, but for now, I really like it. It's so fun- other than the constipation, which is really not fun." He replies as he feels baby girl flipping around in his belly. He's started to learn her schedule a bit, she's usually awake for about an hour around lunchtime. It's around that time right now so he's not surprised she's up and active.

"Okay, don't say that I told you, but Eomma has been telling everyone you're pregnant and that you said you don't want her involved in your baby's life. Plus, Rachael told me that Appa said he's not going to talk to you until you apologize for disrespecting Eomma." Olivia spills and Felix's mouth drops open in offense and shock.

"Apologize? What am I apologizing for? She's been trying to force me to move back to Sydney for the past three months and I'm just trying to get her to respect my boundaries!" He lets out an affronted huff. "And I never said I don't want her in my daughter's life. Not once. Who is she saying that to?" To hear that his mother has been spreading falsities about him is annoying, but to hear that his dad is refusing to speak to him because of it? That's really pissing him off!

"She says it to anyone that will listen, and I thought it didn't sound like something you'd say so that's why I'm mentioning it. Don't go telling everybody I told you because then she'll be mad at me." Olivia warns and Felix frowns.

"That's so annoying. Why would she do that?" He questions irritably, before he sees his bus arriving. "I'm not going to say anything to her, but I've gotta go. My bus is here" he ends the call with his sister and gets onto the bus that will take him home. It's a short ride but it gives him time to think about what Olivia told him. He's the most frustrated by his father refusing to speak to him. He doesn't feel like he owes his mother an apology, but he's also willing to put his pride aside and just get it over with. If she wants him to apologize for hurting her feelings, he will, but that won't change his decision about moving back to Sydney.

The omega is in an angry huff when he walks up the stairs to his apartment. The more he thinks about it, the more pissed he gets! Maybe it's the hormones but he just feels so offended. To add to it, he's out of breath from only three flights of stairs. Since when could he not go up three flights of stairs?

He keys in his lock code and enters into his apartment, just wanting to take a load off and eat before his next class. The first thing he sees when he comes in is a certain young alpha shirtless in his living room. He widens his eyes and quickly closes the door in front of him, but then he realizes that this is definitely his apartment. He reopens the door and this time Jeongin is fully dressed.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now