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Things surprisingly aren't awkward between Hyunjin and Felix. The omega was worried that the beta would avoid him and become uncomfortable around him, but he's been acting like it never happened. Felix really appreciates this because he frankly had no idea why he'd kissed Hyunjin. Maybe it was just the overwhelming feeling of being appreciated so suddenly, or maybe he was attracted to Hyunjin all along and had a moment of weakness in his vulnerable state. Either way, it was a mistake.

It was nice to feel cared for though. Recently, Felix feels so alone. Pregnancy is the most alienating experience of Felix's life. He's the only person in his life who could possibly understand how he's feeling. Everything is actively changing non-stop, no one could understand unless they were experiencing it with him. Everyone else's lives are mostly unaffected by these changes, so no one seems to care or care enough. It is so lonely.

The only thing that keeps him from feeling like the world is ending is the fact that he has Dumpling. The reassurance that no matter how alone he feels right now, in a few short months he will never really be alone again, and for a long time. He'll have someone who needs him and loves him. Someone to hold and love without feeling ashamed or afraid. Dumpling is his sole reason for continuing to try. He is so grateful for her and thinking about how much he loves her sometimes overcomes him and he can't help but cry.

He's folding clothes when he thinks of her and his eyes well up with tears. He scoffs in annoyance at his own emotions. It's embarrassing to be so hormonal, even though no one's around to see it. He tells himself that it's not wrong to be overcome with love for his daughter, that it's healthy.

He's broken from his thoughts when he hears a loud ringing. It takes him a moment to realize that it's coming from his doorbell. He puts down the shirt he was folding and walks to his front door with a look of confusion. Who could be showing up at his apartment at this time? He feels a bit uncomfortable because Hyunjin isn't home, but they live in a decent neighborhood so he tries to reassure himself with that.

When he looks on the video monitor by the door, he is relieved but also confused to see Jisung standing at his door. The other omega is looking into the camera and waving at Felix through it. The blonde omega opens the door for him.

"Jisung?" Felix greets the omega with a questioning tone. Jisung was one of the last people Felix had been expecting to show up at his home unannounced.

"Hey, um, I brought Smash Bros?" The dark-haired omega suddenly looks sheepish now that the door is open. Felix doesn't say anything but just steps aside to let Jisung into his home. "So, um... fuck, I didn't think this through."

"Think what through? What are you doing here?" Felix tries not to come off as standoffish, but he was honestly caught off-guard. The last time he spoke to Jisung it hadn't gone well so it was weird that he's here right now.

"Well, I- I don't know. I thought I could... I don't know. I wanted us to make up." Jisung seems nervous as he speaks, he barely holds Felix's eye and he won't stay still.

"You want to make up?" Felix asks, and he crosses his arms over his chest nervously. The dark-haired omega's burning wood scent and his antsy movements are rubbing off on Felix. He can't help but feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Yeah," Jisung replies with big brown eyes and there's no way Felix was going to say no to him.

"How'd you know I'd be home?" Felix asks to provide a change in subject. Jisung seems to appreciate it because his body relaxes a little.

"You can tell I didn't think this through. It was very impulsive, and I was just hoping one of you would be home to let me in." Jisung chuckles, "It would've been really embarrassing otherwise." Then a silence falls over them and Felix sighs.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now