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Short note it's kaylas POV unless said differently)
  Cars pass by her honking their horns. Kayla laughs at there stupid attempts to get her bucked off. They'd needed a show after their long day at work.
  They just don't know who I am do they boy kayla says patting his neck. She looks over at the creepy chicken house as they pass by.
  The boards falling on the once usable tractor. Hay bales turned it to mush. Weeds snaking there way through the wholes in the tin. Making a huge weed cave.
  As they move forward they come to a complete stop. coda rares in the air Stomping making his displeasure known. She try's to sooth the stomping beast beneath her.
  Slowly descends from the seething beast beneath her. Come on boy she cox him to the side so she can tie him up.
  She pet his snout in an attempt to calm him more. She walks to the creature that seems to upset coda. It hiss and snaps a few times feeling threatened.
  She slowly maneuvers around it. She hurriedly catches it before it turns on her. Once calm she lets go of the head letting it swirl around her arm.
  She carefully places the black and white Peppered Snake on the other side of the rode. She smiled as it hurriedly slithered to the woods.
  She's always Preferred the woods and nature over people. I probably should have stayed that way she said to herself.
  Then my heart would be in one peace and I wouldn't be in the situation Huh baby she says looking up to the sky.
  A single tear falls to the lonely earth as her heart remembers him and his sweet words. She wipes her eyes and runs toward coda.
  Slinging her leg over his back landing in the saddle with ease. Come on boy we're almost to Emily's kayla says.
  They slowly make there way up the hill. Emily's grandmother waves at us as we ascend the top of the hill.
  She's a sweet old women who backs cakes for every occasions or who ever wants one. Beside her house is her youngest sons car shop.
  Car littered in the tall grass the tin rusted from the rain and sun beating down on it. The tall weeds beating against the tin makes an eerie sound.
  As she's about to turn down the rode. She heard a familiar dirtbike roar to life.

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