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Listen to me kayla says for a split second she feels sorry for slapping him. She hurry's to grab his wallet shoving it back in his pocket.
  Her fingers graze across his firm ass making her blush for a tiny min. Never bring that much money to school.
  Especially this one kid. If someone would have seen it you might have got cut she sighs rubbing her temples on the now forming headache.
  If you must know it was two-fifty. The boots were custom made. They have your name on them. So don't do anything illegal with them on kayla laughs.
  Don't worry about the money I don't need it. Money is just a thing that greedy people want she says.
  He loss for words and  doesn't understand. Doesn't need it what does she mean doesn't need it. What is she thinking. Its free money for crying out loud he thinks.
  She must be sick and can't really think straight, right he thought to himself. O..ok....Okay his hoarse voice rings out in the great hall.
  Hey baby. Why don't you fallow me to the restrooms between the two halls Jessica purrs. Raping her arm around his.
  Sorry my girlfriend wouldn't like it that much austin grunts out while tugging his arm out of her grasp.
  He has a girlfriend I haven't heard about that kayla thought she felt a little sting in her chest.
  Oh baby what she doesn't know won't hurt her and trust me we can definitely keep this secret Nevaeh says with a cunning smile.
  What my twin sister and I are trying to say is we both want you. Even if it's just one time. She'll never know this even happened Jessica says.

The press their chest to his arms pulling ever so slightly trying to coax him into the back restroom.
  Girl if you don't leave my boyfriend alone. I'm going to beat the living fuck out of you. You will not touch what's mine again kayla yells.
  She didn't know why she defined him but she did. They both gasp at the rush of her words and smiled evilly.
  We took one we can always take another from you and he definitely knew what he was doing Jessica says flipping her blonde hair off her shoulders.
  Dyson was easy to get. What makes you think you can satisfy this one. He'll be running to us in no time. You just wait and see Nevaeh says.

They both giggle. While fixing there breast with their hands. Not caring if people seen.
  Kayla was about to say something when she was cut off. Oh and what makes you think this sexy ass women can't satisfy me.
  Her pussy is so tight it would make any man bow down to her. I took her innocence so I know she's pure  unlike you. Something smells like Rotten fish huh baby Austin says in kaylas ear.

It was loud enough for them to hear him clearly. Their gasps could be heard from miles away.
  He had raped his arm around her shoulder her back to his chest. He licks her ear making a shiver of delight going down her spine.
  Fuck why is he doing this if he has a girlfriend kayla thought. Austin's head dipped down to her neck kissing and nibbling the place between her neck and shoulder.
  Kayla let out a soft moan. There's a soft growl from Austin as his chest feels with soft chuckles. The girls left in a hurry. Making kayla pull away fast.
  She didn't like cheaters and he just kissed her neck while having a girl waiting on him. Where ever she is.

Her anger boiling. She couldn't figure out what upset her more. The fact he basically cheated or that he had a girlfriend.
She couldn't lose her temper again or she'll be expelled. So she had not choice but to continue.

  She walks him to their first class English then history, math which they have twice. They go to math then lunch and back to math. Come on I need a break kayla says walking to the band hall.
  Don't we have this class last Austin smiles. Why are we going here know Austin says.
  What there's no way your in band. You don't look like you can play an instrument. Your just messing with me aren't you kayla asks.
  Mr.Wilkerson I got your request we have no need for a guitar at the moment but we do need another drummer.
  So if you'd please stay after school to practice mr. harrison says patting Austin's back.
  I'll need a ride home and Kayla promised me one. I can only stay after if she stays with me Austin says.
  Kaylas mouth falls open. She made no such promise. Oh kayla would love to. She always stays here for as long as she can isn't that right sweetly. She has the biggest heart I've ever seen mr. Harrison says.
  She smiles at him. yes sir I'll stay afterwords kayla only agreed because he is like a father to her.

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