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Authors note
    I was think of making a SQL for the boys called HIDDEN LOVE. Please tell me what you think and I'll start.
    How are we supposed to tell mom about samara. She our moms stalkers kid. You've heard the stories jesse says.
    Shut the fuck up idiot samara is asleep on the couch. She doesn't know about that part of her life josh whisper yells.
    She perfect for both of them. With Her green eyes and blonde hair. stands at 5,11. They are 6,6.
    She is a little and they are her daddies. When she's not in little mood she bosses them around and they love it.
    There bad ass little. They had no idea they were daddies until she called them daddy.
    It may have slipped out of her pretty little mouth when they kissed her neck but it mad them so hard for her.
    They fought over her for so long and it tore her apart she loved both of them. Once they shared her with each other they new it was right.
    They were meant to be her daddies. They both looked at their little cuddled to her teddy.
    Josh walks over picking up her passy washing it off. We'll take her tomorrow and tell mom. She needs to now that we both share her.
    And that we are her daddies. There's nothing she can do about. I mean she excepted that jewels was a mommy to her husband josh says.
    I know your right man. I love my baby girl. I just hate that momma might hate her for what her parents did Jesse says.
    Daddies Kelly cries. Their head snaps to their little girl. Josh runs to her side picking her up. He slowly rocks her.
    Jesse has a warm sippy of white milk. When in little space she was 4. She didn't really need the passy but it comforted her.

What is it baby. Daddies here josh says.
    She just cuddles up to him and cries. Josh looks around their penthouse and found a note. He hands samara to Jesse who gives her the sippy.
    I'm coming for what's mine that's you baby girl. Daddy will have you baby. Well have so much fun. I'll kill them for you baby girl. Your mine and mine alone. Come to me alone or they die. Love Daddy
    Josh throws the paper in the fire as he grits his teeth. Baby were did you find this josh asks. His teeth still gritted.
    T. T. TTTeddy. It was in Teddy daddy. Who wants to take baby away and why. I don't won't to leave daddy. Please don't make me leave samara whimpers in her little voice.
    You are going no where baby girl. Can you be big girl for me real quick. I need to talk to big  samara baby josh soothes.
     Samara nods her head once's she opens her eyes she straightens up. Okay baby I need to know if there was anyone who was your daddy before us josh asked.
    Or if someone stalked you. Or was obsessed with you when you were younger Jesse asked.
   Samara tried to think of anyone. No I can't think of anyone who'd want me. They said he was going to kill y'all if I didn't go samara says.
    No ones going to kill us baby. I promise you that Jesse says. Josh picks her up and take them to the bed. She snuggles up to him.

Daddies I remember there was this one guy he was like 28 when I was 14. He was my friend but he always freaked me out samara says.

Okay baby get some sleep we will always protect you. Your our baby Josh says.

We love you they say in unison.
    Jesse lays behind her as the fall asleep. She felt safe with their arms around her.
Nothing could separate them. They knew it was time to come out about this.

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