Kiss you.

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Her mom was always on her. She'd get whooped for no reason. Or the reason was she eventually  do something or did something her mother knew nothing about.

It was a bad time when she just met her  knew step dad. He always seemed to be against her. It's since been better since but not as great as you'd think.

She watch her siblings all the time and only got out a little very seldom.  Her mother claims to be at work but she knew she was partying.
  She only got to stay at Sarah's and Emily's which was every once blue moon if even at that. Mr. Harrison was her comfort zone. He helped her through the though times in her life.
  she pulls Austin Out of the room frustrated. He had a girlfriend and it seemed like he wanted her. Why do men cheat she thought.

Why can't one man in the world be loyal. Why must there be hurt. Why must the innocent suffer so much.
  It had been two long speeches about The school before She realized she was still holding his hand. He did not once pull it out of her grasp.

She wanted to yell and scream for the girl he was cheating on but for some reason she could bring herself to do it.
  They had Votech next she walks him out the of the building. Walks down the side walk. He grabs her pulling her into his chest.
  She lets out a little scream her hands against his firm chest. His face between her neck and shoulder. Kissing and nibbling like before.
  She tries to push but her brain is getting foggy by the min. He ask if he can kiss her but she didn't understand what he was saying and moaned a yes.
  His hands go up her Sides sending tingles Up her body. His hand grazes over her boob she lets out a giggle. Up her neck till it's holding her cheek.
  His warm lips touch hers with passion and hunger. He swallows her moan with his lips. She slaps him when her mind realizes what their doing.
  She's no better then the twins. She kissed a taken man and she loved it. She wanted more but she will not go down that rode. She's saving herself for someone who won't cheat on there loved one.
  Why'd you do that. I asked and you said I could. It's okay to be a little late to the nursing class. Austin grunts out rubbing his red face.
  Cole interrupts them by coughing letting his presents be known. Cole your back. Did you get everything taking care of.
  I don't know why you can't tell me where you went kayla says excitedly jumping into his arms. Cole catches her mid air.
  He lets out a small cough. Um yea it's all taking care of. He glances at Austin. Who looks pissed off about something.
  Cole throat dried instantly. What's coach got us doing today Cole asked looking down at kayla. Trying not to glance at Austin.
  We working on his sons 1996 mustang. Theirs something wrong with the Engine. You know free work. So he doesn't have to pay for the shit. Makes the school pay half for the equipment Kayla says.
  What there's no way she knows how to work on cars. She's a little girl. To pretty to even want to get dirty Austin laughs.
  It was cut short when his feet was swept from under him. Kayla on top of him holding his throat. I can only take so much of your arrogant ass Kayla says.
  Kayla blushes when she moans as his hard member rubs against her core. What the fuck is wrong with her she thought. Why is he hard does he love it when she Dominates Him.
  She growls. Listen you Prick girls are just as strong as guys. We just tend to lessen it for men to feel Macho Kayla says.

You know your egos. Don't want the to be crushed now do we.
  She stands up holding out her hand for him. Though he doesn't deserve it. He wants to cheat on his girlfriend. Why is she so into him.
  He pushes her hand away. His face hard with no emotion. Suit your self. Come on Cole lets go kayla says.
  Cole you stay I need to speak to you about the black headed she devil Austin howls. Kayla sighs that must mean his girl friend.
  Well he has a type black headed chicks. Kayla doesn't realize why she's so upset. She barely knows the guy. He's made her feel things she's never felt before why she thought to herself.

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