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End of flashback
What the fuck is this bitch doing here Kayla hears Sam say and she comes back from her Wondrous mind.
  Sam we are no longer together. Get that through your fucking mind. It's none of your business who I am with or what the fuck I'm doing blake yells.
  Sam looks toward Kayla. So you're into brunettes with hazel eyes with hmmm she says as if she's thinking well she does have all the right curves but she's still too big in the stomach area sam laughs.
  Hell look at me skinny perfect firm breasts shiny blonde hair with green eyes she praises herself like she's a goddess.
  Kayla slowly mix her way around the yelling crazy people. Walking back to the road gave her some relief.
  The tall tree so I am back-and-forth as it the wind blows by them. It makes the trees look as if they were dancing.
  She listens to all the creatures running and playing this would have been peaceful if she come alone. Once on the road she heads towards her parents house.
  That's when she heard the unmistakable sound of her black 4 x 4 Z 71 jacked up truck. She looks behind her and smiles as her gray baby comes over the hill.
  Her brother asked to borrow it for some college girl. James comes to a stop. Do you need a ride he laughs
  What's happening Kayla asks. Hows your first year of college. she could see the annoyance in his face. Oh boy here we go she told herself.
  Look I'm older than you and your Rich fiancé somehow got you into college Earlier than you were supposed to be.
  Little did he know it wasn't him that got me in college But me. Of course the dean was in our fathers family and will be in mine when I get get it back she smiles at her brother Who has no clue about the real world.
  It's just not fair y'all graduated at fifteen. Your in you last year at eighteen your friend/bodyguard is twenty-two he has a law degree and was a cop.
  So please tell me how are y'all so smart you just skipped through school. Then going to graduate top of your class James says.
  I don't know what to tell you brother but I've decided to move out of the dorms and into my house kayla says. It's about time he laughs.

She drops James off at there parents house. My offer still stands I will get somebody to build your house when you're ready and plus I'm pretty sure that girl would love it too kayla yells out the window.
  She calls Trevor for him to get someone to pick up coda for her and she heads to the dorms to pack her stuff up.
  She's missed her home Wilkerson's saddle creek ridge. Once at the dorms she smiled at Trevor who's sitting on the bench.
  His white shirt with his black leather jacket over it. Tight blue jeans and square toed boots making him look like he'd stepped out of the movie grease.
  Hello there beautiful he beams handing her A dozen peony's. Her favorite flower. Always on your toes huh Trevor kayla laugh. Lightly patting his firm chest.
  His saint algue hair style. It's so black it almost looks like a dark blue. He has bright hazel eyes sparkling in the sun.
  He's perfectly shaved face leaving a little stumbles in it's wake. Body fit as if he was born from a Greek god. The perfect size not too big that he looks fake but not too small he wouldn't intimidate you.
  She can act like her old self around him and she loves it. She shakes her head of the ungodly thoughts this is her friend after all.

He's always reminded her of Austin only difference is Austin had Sandy blonde hair and sky blue eyes.
  That would bring you to your knees. Hey James. oh sorry Kayla I thought you were James coming back to see me summer says.
  It's fine. So Trevor you can go ahead to my room kayla says. She watches as he leaves. His perfect round ass shaking as he runs to her dorm.

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