short stuff

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The next morning with a table full of breakfast. Everyone stand up as Kayla walked in. Everyone stood up nod there heads while  saying boss.
  Kayla smiles and nods back to them. The twins run to hug their mom then their dad. Josh sat by his mom like the mommas boy he is. Josh had black hair and blue eyes.
  Jesse by his dad. Jess had blonde hair green eyes. So have y'all finished the story yet Cole asks.
  No we haven't. We were hoping momma will start it up again josh asks with his watery puppy dog eyes.
  Kayla smiles looking at her husband who in return nods his head. Kissing her check. You boys are lucky it's Saturday their dad says.

Eww mom that's nasty the said in unison.
  Back to the story
  It's been three months since kayla started college. She loves it especially since Austin by her side.
  She ended up on roslyn bad side. Because Trevor has became her friend/bodyguard. Austin tried talking him out of it. Being their friend is enough.
  Roslyn Told him who Austin was and for that Trevor became kaylas bodyguard. Roslyn got angry. even though she told him that. Him being a law man he'd become closer to her.
  Roslyn then told him that she was also one and he Look at her with discussed. Making her hate kayla even more. Why'd he like kayla over her she didn't know.
  Rose even tried killing Kayla but Trevor jumped in front of the bullet. Getting shot in the shoulder. She eventually stoped trying to kill Kayla.
  She couldn't risk Trevor getting shot or hurt. She loved him even though she knew he didn't feel the same way. Fast forward two years of college.
  Everyone was on there way to the rocks before the next year of school. Kayla was excited law school could get very boring at times.
  Hurry up guys I can't wait to get in the mud kayla squeals. Jumping up and down holding both there hands pulling them.
  Calm down my love we've got to get everything on the ATV before we go. Before speeding down the mud holes Right Trev Austin says as he grabs the cooler.
  He's right short stuff. We need to make sure we have everything. If we're to stay all day we need food and drinks right. So we don't have to stop Trevor says
  I'm only an inch or two shorter then you. You know I hate that nickname you've given me. Yet you still use it kayla grumbles.
  Come on let's get going before short stuff blows a fuse Trevor laughs. Austin puts his hands in the air. Making it known to leave him out of it.
  Kayla and Trevor laugh at his surrender. Okay my love. We can go know everything loaded up Austin says.
  They rode about four hours going through mud puddle after the other none stop. That's when they heard someone coming from their side.
  Fastly approaching them their coming from the wrong way. Austin slams on the breaks his face masked. Cover your ears and sing your favorite song
  She looks at him confused But does as he asks her to. Trevor when I say go. I need you to grab kayla and jump. I'll jump as soon as I can get this belt off.

It's Jammed. I think one of the family's is making a move. The breaks aren't working.
  He unbuckles kayla pulling her to him. I love you baby. Kayla could feel something was wrong.
  I love you to babe. Whats the matter. Don't you lie to me either kayla asks Austin smiles at her and just nods his head.
  Trevor grabs kayla jumping out of the vehicle. Trevor turns his body so she'll land on him. He gets the breath knocked out of him.
  No!!!!! Kaylas Screams. Austin grabs his knife cuts his belt and was about to jump out when the green ATV hit him head on.
  Kayla screams could be heard for miles. Trevor holds her tight to his chest as she cries. She watches as he flies through the air landing in one of the puddles.
  The driver to the green ATV drives off in a hurry. Kayla runs picking him up out of the nasty mud. She lays him on her legs. Baby are you okay kayla cries in his chest.

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