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So summer if your going to bring my brother into our world. You need to sit him down and tell him before it gets to serious.
  Well more then it already is. Your dad will want him to start right away after he looks into him kayla laughs.
  My father loves the fact he's your brother. He's never stops talking about you. He says your the spitting image of your father may he Rest In Peace.
  My father also says when your ready he'll help you get your clan. He's says your an amazing boss for the Wilkerson clan. It's time to get the smiths back summer says.
  Well I better go before Trevor packs it all. He's been putting box's in the truck since we've been talking. He never listens to me kayla laughs.
  Can I give you some advice you can take it as you will. Kayla it is okay to move on. I see the way you look at him. He's a good guy.
  Austin would want you to move on especially with a guy like Trevor. You act like you old self with him Summer says patting kayla On the back.
  What! I don't know what your talking about summer. I don't look at Trevor any kinda way other then my best friend kayla chokes out.
  Summer just laughs as she walks off with her hands in the air. Kayla looks up toward the dorm and her mouth goes dry. Her throat scratchy.
  Trevors Bare chest sweat beads dripping down his chest to his six pack. In his hand he's carrying a box a box labeled BDSM.
  We can go. I've got all of it loaded up this was the last box he's says smirking at her. Fucking kill me know she thought.
  He whips the sweat off his body. What I wouldn't do to.... and again she shakes her head of the ungodly thoughts.

The drive was faster then she thought. The unpack everything as soon as they arrived at Her home.

Emily said she's coming over to look at the house kayla says to Trevor.
  Trevor smiles and walks off to do his duty's. An hour later Emily pulls up in her rose colored Range Rover.
  Fallow me kayla says. She walks her to the barn. There's twenty stalls two black and white clydesdales.

Two wild mustangs tamed. Coda her black and white appaloosa paint. Ghost the wild mustang none tamed.
  Three blue Rome mares. The others are for ones I'm going to get kayla laughs. Up stairs is a loft. Cole stays up there to watch over my babies.
  Wow I really love the wood it looks aged and new at the same time. Almost like that barn on heartland your favorite movie but much bigger Emily laughs. Kayla laughs with her.
  We have three hundred acres what you see know is only seven acres. The family's house is about is hundred acres East of here. Were in the middle of the land.
  Once I get my legacy back I'll have more land this was Austin's grandfathers land he gave it to him which gave it to me kayla says.
  She walks Emily in the house there are two floors above ground and one bellow. Each room has a flatscreen tv as well as the bathrooms with jacuzzi tubs kayla says.
  She walks her to each room then the went down stairs to the stone doors. She pulls the large rope with a little struggle.
  There's two game rooms any game you can think of it's here one room board games and Digital games. The other sports and gym equipment with showers kayla says.
  We have a huge room with a playground for the kids as well we have one for the adults. There's also pools and hot tubs in these rooms.
  I have an Office down here. And our weapons and equipment behind a red door.
  We also have beds down here for if there's a bad storm the ones trapped here comes down here has fun and goes to sleep.
  As well as over there but they just have a few games and there mostly beds.

They won't let me fix it up says save my money for me and my future kids. But what they don't know won't hurt them huh Kayla laughs.
  We have to talk about the treaty your husband dad made us sign even tho we didn't need one kayla sighs.
  Emily nods following kayla out the stone door. Kayla pulls the lever. So In the agreement We are to marry one of our Highest family with yours.
  so I was thinking cole but we will not agree unless both parties like each other and fall in love. Is that good with y'all kayla asks.
  Cole why Cole you'd get a lot more female young and old with Trevor Emily says. Kayla pushes her up against the stone wall.
  Emily just smirks. sorry Emily I don't know what came over me Kayla laughs awkwardly. You did that on purpose didn't you Emily kayla asks.
  Emily smiles. Yes to show you you might actually like him kayla. Give him a chance for me please Emily begs.
  Emily leaves a trail of dust behind her car. Could Emily be right. Is it time to move on. Could Trevor fell the same for me.
  No no what am I fucking thinking kayla shakes the thought from her head walking back inside.

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