Chapter 3 Contest Battle

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Ash and Alice are now heading towards the Viridian City for Ash's first contest. Alice asks, "So what are we doing here? We could have gone to Viridian City a few minutes ago."

"I have a friend I have promised to find, it is right there." Ash says. they see a battle between Pidgeot and Fearow, each Pokemon fighting fiercely as the couple can only watch in surprise.

"They are still fighting?" Ash can't believe his eyes. "I mean, it was 8 years..."

"You know them?" Alice asks him as he nods.

Ash says, "In fact, the leader was once my Pidgeot." This causes her to gasp. "She is the first female Pokemon I caught."

"Okay." Alice says. "Should we help them?"

"We might as well." Ash says as he yells, "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt." Pikachu fires the attack and it hits Fearow.

Pidgeot notices the trainer as she doesn't know why he helps him, but Fearow is mad that the trainer attacks him, so he tries to give him a Drill Peck, but Pikachu dodges the attack and then takes out the fires the Electro Ball, causing it to fall down to the ground.

"Go, Pokeball." Ash then throws the Pokeball and captures the Fearow. But the action causes the Spearow to be more aggressive.

Pidgeot says, "I don't know who you are, but leave the rest to me."

Ash says, "Okay, but try this." He throws the Pidgeotite to her, much to her surprise, but then she nods as Ash presses the Key Stone on his glove. "Mega Evolve!"

As Pidgeot changes her form, it lands the Hurricane on the rest of his goons, causing them to fly away from the Route as soon as possible.

Pidgeot lands in front of the two humans and she says, "Thank you, human. They have been annoying us these years."

"It is no problem. In fact, I want to apologize for not finding you these years." Ash says. "It has been a while, Pidgeot."

"Wait...Ash? Is that you?" Pidgeot starts to form tears as she hugs him. "You are finally back..."

"I am sorry." Ash says. "I should have come back for you, but something happened that I couldn't. Oh, and meet my girlfriend Alice."

Pidgeot is surprised that Ash has a girlfriend, but she bows to her as Alice says, "It is nice to meet you."

Ash says, "So Pidgeot, do you want to return back to my team?"

"Of course." Pidgeot says, but before she assigns the new leader to protect the forest. After that, Ash captures her. Once the Pokemon is in the ball, Ash smiles and says, "Now we should leave this place."

Alice says, "Yeah."

As they continue their journey, they see a hunter chasing 2 Butterfree, with one of them being pink colored.

"Oh no, those Butterfree are in trouble." Alice says in horror.

"Not if I have something to say about it." Ash says in anger. "Nobody messes with my Butterfree and his mate."

"Wait, that is your Butterfree?" Alice asks in surprise.

"It is the first Pokemon Ash has ever caught." Pikachu says.

Ash then charges forward with Charizard being sent out. And it uses Fire Spin to block the hunter.

"Who are you?" The hunter asks in horror after seeing the Charizard.

"I am here to stop you. That is all you need to know." Ash says coldly.

"I am not going to leave until I catch that Butterfree, don't get in my way!" The hunter yells.

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