Chapter 25 Pikachu's Past

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Ash, Alice, and Brock are now on their way to O-hina Town, but on their way, they see some Pokemon that they are not expecting to see: Koffing and Weezing.

"I wonder what are those Pokemon doing here." Alice says in confusion. "I mean...this place isn't like the place where they will be staying..."

"Indeed, it is not usual to see the whole group of Pokemon here, but we really need to avoid them as soon as possible. Since they will make poisonous gas."

"You're right." Ash says as they are going to leave, but then they notice a Weezing as it is looking at them curiously. "Are you perhaps Ash Ketchum?"

Ash is surprised that Weezing knows about them, and Ash asks, "How do you know me?"

Weezing suddenly tackles him into a hug, and the force is so big that Ash falls down to the ground. "Ash! Are you okay?" Alice asks in worry, but then Ash says, "I am fine. But it seems like this Weezing knows about me..."

Brock says, "A Weezing knows you? The Weezing we knew from the past belongs to...wait, is this Weezing originally from James from Team Rocket?"

Ash says, "Wait, you're James' Weezing?" The Pokemon nods and Ash asks, "But what are you doing here?"

Weezing tells them how James released him so that he can help out the Koffing and Weezing that are in the wild. Ash says, "So you were just like Arbok? Speaking of which..."

Ash takes out a Pokeball and then he sends out Arbok. The two Pokemon hug each other as they are reunited, Brock asks, "Wait, you have Jessie's former Arbok?"

Ash says, "Yeah, it wants to join me because she wants to be as strong as Pikachu so that it won't be defeated by Pikachu."

Alice says, "And it seems like this Weezing will act the same?"

The Weezing, who has learned about what Arbok has been doing, goes to his other companions as he bids farewell to them, and it also wants to join Ash. Ash is surprised at first, but he agrees to capture him and now he is also a member of the team.

"So you have Jessie's Arbok, and you also have James' Weezing and Victreebel? You sure are something else." Brock says.

"I know, I have been wondering why they would help Team Rocket if they like me more?" Ash sighs as they continue forward. When they reach Route 11, they decide to go to Rock Tunnel because Ash wants to capture a Rhyhorn.

"In the Kalos Region, Rhyhorn racing is actually famous. Have you tried that before?" Alice asks.

"Well, I did try it once, and it is not that easy." Ash says. After capturing the Rhyhorn, they manage to train it to evolve into Rhydon. Brock asks, "So you're not going to evolve it into a Rhyperior?"

"I don't have a Protector with me." Ash says. "Maybe I will do it when I find the item."

After getting to Route 12, they also notice a Chansey healing a Pokemon with Soft-Boiled. Alice says, "I remember Chansey is actually rare to find."

Brock says, "Chansey's egg is used as a high-class cooking ingredient due to the nutrition it has. As a result, Chansey has been referred to as doctors' doubles because of its eggs. Due to its egg being over-harvested, Chansey is extremely rare in the wild and is said to bring good luck and happiness to those who manage to catch it. Fleeing from those seeking its egg has made this once-slow species much quicker on its feet than in the past."

Ash is already approaching the Chansey and captures it with ease, Alice asks, "You caught it that easy?"

"Yeah, I mean, I used Aura to help me out." Ash says.

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