Chapter 31 Fossil Revival

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On their way to Viridian City, Alice is a little uncomfortable since so many people are traveling with them. But Ash assures her that it won't be a problem as they continue forward.

"So Alice, do you have some new Pokemon that you want to capture?" Ash asks his girlfriend, and Alice says, "Well, there is something I find pretty weird. I think my Eevee is unable to evolve."

"Eevee can't evolve? What do you mean by that?" Ash asks.

"Well, last night, I found a Thunder Stone and I decide to give it to Eevee, after Eevee touches it, it just doesn't evolve." Alice says.

"That is strange...perhaps it is a Special Eevee? I remember that Chloe also has an Eevee that she can't evolve as well." Ash says.

"Yeah. But what are we going to do with the Eeveelutions?" Alice asks.

"Well, how about we try to find some of them?" Ash says as he takes out the Teleportation Device, "Don't forget we have this."

"You're right. But won't Brock, Misty, and Tracy be angry at us for being missing?" Alice asks.

"If it really happens, I will protect you." Ash says as he turns around to the three traveling companions. "Hey guys, I am sorry. But Alice and I have to go since we have something to do."

"What is that about?" Misty asks, and Alice says, "It's a secret. But we'll see you soon."

Just then, they disappear from thin air, and Tracy asks, "What just happened?"

Brock says, "It happens a lot, Ash and Alice got the Teleportation Device from Professor Cerise, and they are probably going to get some new Pokemon for their team."

"But why didn't he take us as well?" Misty says. "I will want to have some new Pokemon as well!"

Brock says, "I can understand since Ash and Alice need some alone time as they are in a relationship."

Back at Ash and Alice, they get to Decolore Island's treasure island, and they find a Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon. The three of them are happy to see Ash and Pikachu again, and they get to be friends with the Eevee, and eventually, they agree to join their team. And then they visit Akira in Gringey City and also get a Porygon since it is already finished.

Once they are teleported back, Tracy asks, "So what Pokemon did you find?"

Ash and Alice send out the Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon. Ash says, "They are my friends that I met in Decolore Islands, we were searching for treasures and they helped us along the way."

"That sounds like an interesting story." Brock says. "But why didn't you just evolve your Eevee if you want to have an Eeveelution?"

"That's the problem. My Eevee can't evolve, I tried Water Stone, Thunder Stone, and Fire Stone, and none of them worked." Alice says, "But I really like it as an Eevee, and I am sure Pikachu likes it as well."

Pikachu blushes a little and he nods. Misty says, "That sure is weird, but I guess you have a Vaporeon that you wanted."

"And after we're finished, we also take a visit to Gringey City since the Gym Leader has finished the gift that we requested for." Alice says as she shows the Porygon.

"A Porygon?" Tracy says, "That sure is a rare gift."

"I know." Ash says, "He worked all day making this Pokemon for us, so we have to take good care of it." Ash says.

They are now at Pewter City, Ash says, "Since we are here, how about we go to the Pewter Museum of Science?"

"Why are we going there? If we stay here, we'll never reach Viridian City until dusk." Tracy says.

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