Chapter 9: Four New Captures

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During the stay at Misty's Gym, the girls get to know Alice and they share some embarrassing stories on their journey. Alice giggles a lot as Ash sure is reckless in the past, but that doesn't change the fact that she loves him and he loves her as well.

"So what is your dream, Alice?" Dawn asks. "Surely, you won't be just traveling with Ash forever, right?"

Alice is struck by the question, she says, "Well...Being with Ash is a part of my dream, but I want to be friends with every Pokemon as well." Alice smiles, "Besides, I was born in the Kalos Region until I lived in Kanto for years. I also wanted to take part in the Showcases."

Ash says, "I know you'll like the Showcases." This causes them to look in surprise. "I have seen my friend Serena doing it, and I know you can do it with ease."

"You mean it, Ash?" Alice asks with a delightful smile. Ash says, "Of course, besides, my mother used to be the Kalos Queen as well until she retired."

This causes them to be surprised and Misty asks, "And she never told us about it?"

"Well, my mother kept a lot of secrets than I thought." Ash giggles a little. "But back at Rota, she has been training me a lot of performances."

"Wait, you mean Rota? The place where you met Lucario?" Max asks.

"Yeah. Turns out Queen Ilene is actually my mother's disguise." Ash says, much to their shock. "No way...does that mean you are a prince somehow?" Max asks.

"You can say so." Ash says. "But I will like to make Alice my princess."

"Oh, Ash." The four of them aren't used to seeing Ash being this lovey-dovey, and it disturbs them somehow.

"Okay, I am going to get sick if I see you two do that again." Misty says. "Surely you don't want to be like Brock, right?"

"I am different than Brock, you know." Ash pouts, "I only want one girlfriend and that is Alice."

This causes them to laugh and both Ash and Alice are blushing again.

The next day, they bid farewell to the others as they head to Porta Vista. "Apparently, that gym in this place is a new gym." Alice says. "Maybe we can see something very great there."

"Yeah." Ash says. "But first, let's see what we can find in the wild. I still have to capture all the Pokemon."

As they walk forward, they see a fox Pokemon jumping out of the bushes. Ash says, "It is a Vulpix! You don't see that Pokemon every day."

The Vulpix yelps as she is surprised by Ash and Alice, Alice says, "Judging by the tail, it is just born."

"You're right, where is your mother, Vulpix?" Ash asks, but the Vulpix shakes her head, saying, "What is a mother?"

Alice and Ash are surprised at the question, then Alice asks, "Are you perhaps alone?"

Ash uses his aura to check out the Pokemon, and he finds that her recent memory is when it hatches and then spots us. "I see. This Vulpix just hatched a few minutes ago. But I feel like the egg was being abandoned."

" poor thing." Alice says as she hugs the Pokemon. "You really need a family, how about you join us on this journey?"

Vulpix feels a lot of care from both humans, and it feels a warm feeling and then she starts to call them papa and mama. And in the end, Ash captures the Pokemon so that it can come with them.

On the way, they meet the same Jigglypuff once more, and the Jigglypuff starts to sing before Ash grabs the microphone and says, "Please stop this."

"Give it back!" Jigglypuff tries to use Double Slap, but Ash quickly takes out the Ghost Knives to make the attack useless. Alice says with a stern tone, "Ash, what are you doing, that is not nice."

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