Chapter 18: Gringey Gym Battle

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Ash and Alice finally arrive at Gringey City, as they are going to have their Gym Battle. Ash says, "The Gym leader is said to use Steel Type. But I am not sure what to expect since there are some problems with this type."

"Why do you say so?" Alice asks in confusion.

Ash is surprised that Alice doesn't know the obvious answer, but he is patient as he answers, "If you don't know, the first 151 Pokemon in the Pokedex are found in Kanto, and the only Steel Type Pokemon in the range are Magnemite and Magneton. Unless you count in the Alolan and Galarian forms, which are Sandshrew, Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, and Meowth."

"I see. That sure is thinkable." Alice says. "Well, I guess we should find out the gym as soon as possible."

When they arrive at the Gym, they notice that it looks like a factory. "This sure looks like a factory, as expected from the Steel Type Gym." Ash mutters as he looks around.

"Why thank you." As they turn around, they see a person walking towards them. The boy has glasses that have swirls on it. Alice asks, "Who are you? Are you the Gym Leader?"

You are correct. My name is Akira, and I am the Gym Leader of this city." The boy says. Ash notices his looks and asks, "Are you perhaps related to Dr. Akihabara? Judging by the glasses you wear."

"The one you mentioned is my father, I assume you have met him?" Akira asks, now with curiosity.

"Well, yeah...he showed me about Porygon in the past, and he once brought me to the Cyber world." Ash says, not liking what happened back then.

"The Cyber World? You could actually go there?" Alice asks in shock, as she doesn't think that it would be possible. Akira just laughs and says, "That sure sounds like my dad will do."

"So how is he?" Ash asks. "It sure has been a while since I last saw him."

Akira frowns and says, "He was gone because an accident happened. It was two years ago."

Ash and Alice gasp as they didn't know it was such a touchy topic. "I am sorry to hear that." Alice says.

"Don't worry. Since you are here, I guess you are going to challenge my gym? How many badges do you have?"

"I have 8." Ash says. "I am aiming for the 16 badges."

"I see. A Master League trainer..." Akira says, "So you want to skip the league Conference to challenge the Elite 4 immediately."

"Wait, what? You mean getting 16 badges can give you permission to challenge the Elite 4 immediately?" Ash asks in shock.

"Why of course, or else why are you going to earn 16 since you could just participate in the league already?" Akira adjusts his glasses and says.

"I guess that's fair enough." Ash says. "My name is Ash, and this is my buddy Pikachu." "And I am Alice, and Eevee is my partner."

"Ash Ketchum...I have heard of you, as you are one of the people that found a rare Steel Type Pokemon." Akira says. "It will be an honor to face such a challenger."

"You found a rare Steel Type? What does he mean by that?" Alice asks, and Ash says, "Well, short story, I found the first Meltan and Melmetal and I was the one that asked Professor Oak to put them in the Pokedex."

"Okay." Alice says, wanting to wait until Ash finishes the Gym Battle so that she can ask more questions.

"So how is the rules?" Ash asks.

"Simple, four on four. With one loses all Pokemon the other one wins." Akira says as he takes out the Pokeball. "My first Pokemon is going to be this one. Bronzong."

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