Chapter 5: Rota Revisit

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"So where are you going next? Ash? Alice?" Brock asks the two people, who are eating breakfast along with Brock's other siblings.

"According to what the Rotom Phone says, the next Gym is located in the Rota Kingdom." Alice says as she looks at the Rotom Phone.

"Oh, Rota. It sure brings back old memories, don't you think? Ash?" Brock asks.

"Yeah." Ash says with a weak smile, but then he starts to remember how Sir Aaron sacrifices himself to save the tree and Mew.

After that, they bid farewell to Brock and his siblings as the two of them head towards the kingdom. On their way, they see a group of Arbok passing by.

"Those are Arbok...I wonder what they are doing here." Alice says.

"But is it just me? Or does that Arbok seems to be familiar?" Pikachu asks Ash.

"You're right..." Ash says. Just then, the Arbok notices Ash and Alice as one of them says, "Hey, aren't you the twerp?"

"Twerp? What does he mean?" Alice asks Ash. Ash says, "The only ones that will call me twerp is Team Rocket. But Team Rocket is disbanded..."

Pikachu looks at the Arbok and he says, "Wait a second, didn't that Jessie have an Arbok before?"

"You are Jessie's Arbok?" Ash gasps in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

The Arbok just lowers his head and says, "Jessie released me back in Hoenn because I want to protect them from hunters. Where is she? Is she fine?"

Ash says, "Well, you see...Team Rocket is no more. From what I heard Jessie is training to be a movie star in the Unova Region."

Arbok is surprised to hear everything, then he turns to the Arbok team, finding an Arbok to become a new leader. "What is the meaning of this?" Ash asks.

"Ever since I was Jessie's partner, I met you and know how kind you are. If only our former masters weren't doing evil things, we could have been friends." Arbok says.

"We still can be friends." Ash says. "What are you talking about?"

"Can you capture me? I want to be as strong as that Pikachu over there." Arbok says.

"If that's what you want, then sure." Ash says as he takes out a Pokeball, capturing the Arbok. Alice says, "Can you explain everything? I don't think I understand the conversation."

"Sure." Ash says as he starts to tell her about Team Rocket, and the fact that the trio all become good after Team Rocket is disbanded. Alice finds it weird to learn that the trio follows him in every region just to steal his Pikachu, and both of them laugh at it.

They decide to take a rest until they spot a lot of Pikachu. Pikachu goes to greet the others, and a female one decides to share some berries with him. The action causes Eevee to get jealous, as she wants to get close to Pikachu as well.

"Why is there a lot of Pikachu?" Alice asks.

"Well, I start to remember this place, Go and I came because Goh wanted to capture a Pikachu, this place has a lot of Thunder Stone and Pikachu gather here to evolve."

Just as the female Pikachu tries to share the Thunder Stone with Ash's Pikachu, Ash's Pikachu immediately starts to run away. "Help, Ash!" Pikachu yells.

Alice asks, "But why is Pikachu running from the Thunder Stone? Doesn't he want to become a Raichu?"

"Nope." Ash says, "It all ties back to the Vermilion Gym. When the Gym Leader's Raichu underestimates him, he vows to become stronger as a Pikachu instead of Raichu. And I decide to respect his wishes."

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