13. Losing Control

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Sex, Drugs, Etc.- Beach Weather

Regardless of how much I wanted to hate Sebastian for driving the truck through my heart, I couldn't help the thoughts that ran through my head. I laid in bed many nights struggling internally. Between what I knew and what my body craved more than anything. I couldn't escape these cravings, even in dreams. My dreams were the most X-rated things I had ever seen. I knew what my body was feeling was perfectly normal, but the obsessive cravings I felt towards this man were enough to drive even the sanest woman over the edge.

This night seemed to be much worse than normal. I had already taken two long, cold showers to try to ease the heat that radiated across my skin. Nothing seemed to help. The nurse on duty noticed my restlessness and had checked in on me multiple times. I was irritated with my inability to control my thoughts and that irritation seeped through to my interactions. The nurse was unaffected by my attitude and began to leave me alone.

After 20 solid minutes of silence, I grew a bit uneasy. Every 15 minutes they were required to check on us. I peek out the door to my room to see the hallway empty. Logically, I should have been worried, but logic hadn't been my strong suit lately. Instead, I was relieved. The sear running throughout my body hadn't lifted for one second today and I was long overdue to get in trouble. The hormones coursing through my veins took control of my body and the thought of getting caught only made me more excited. I wanted to close the door to my room but knew that would draw attention for sure.

I returned to my bed and snuggled deeper into my covers, anxious to extinguish the flames that licked up my body. I always enjoyed a bit of foreplay, getting myself to the point of no return, teasing myself into almost a deranged state. My slender fingers slide their way across my collarbones and across the tops of my imprisoned nipples. I was almost shocked to find them straining against the fabric that held them back. My other hand slithers its way, devastatingly slow, down my toned stomach. I leave a trail of goosebumps along my skin, teasing my way down to my drenched sweet spot.

I teased myself torturously slow, lightly brushing the top of my mound with my fingers, driving myself to shaking madness. My other hand had snaked under the fabric of my shirt and bra, pinching and pulling to add a sweet spot of pain to my pert nipples. I bite my lip, hoping to muffle any sounds that might have come through, but the thought that someone, well Sebastian, might hear me, goads me on further. In my head, these aren't my hands roaming my body, they are Sebastian's roughly soft ones worshiping the forbidden places on my body.

Somewhere in the corner of my mind, I hear a deep, lust-filled growl and write it off as something my head made up. It's gotten really good at doing that, so it was easy to write off. My hands continued back up my body, causing a whimper to leave my mouth at the lack of contact, but loving it all the same. I sense I am being watched, but I'm beyond the point of caring. It's not like I would be the first crazy they caught helping themselves. I'd always been a risk taker and the thought of someone watching me or catching me playing made me soak myself even further.

The sense that someone was watching me grew stronger until I couldn't ignore it. With a huff of irritation, my eyes opened on their own accord, just to make sure no one was there. A strangled gasp leaves my mouth as I make eye contact with Sebastian who is lurking in my doorway. His eyes burn with lust, drawn in by the show I had been putting on. My next moves shocked even myself, as I was too far gone in lust to stop myself.

I continued what I was doing. The only difference was the half-lidded eye contact I kept with him. My eyes began to travel across his body only to see that he was missing a shirt and only wearing boxers on his bottom half. When my eyes reach his lower half, I see there is a huge member straining dangerously against the fabric. Imagining his body against mine causes a breathy moan to slip from between my lips. Some part of my brain is appalled at my behavior, but right now, I am drunk on my lust and loving the stare I'm getting from him. God himself was shocked at the words that fell seductively from my lips.

"Are you just going to watch tonight?" A pink tinge covers my face at my blatant display of shamelessness. Although I will never regret them, I could have been a bit classier. I hear a rumble run through his chest and his eyes flash darkly. I could practically see the naughty things he wanted to do to me running through his head.

"I thought we weren't talking." Of course a smart-ass response, but I have more important things to worry about.

"Do you really want to talk right now or do you want to come punish me, Sebastian?" His name rolls off my tongue hotly as my hand slides back down my body. I make a show of slowly snaking my hand down to my dripping core and letting moans fall from my lips as I throw the blanket off of me with the other hand. His breath catches in his throat for a moment before whatever restraint he had is blown away. I hear him rush toward me and growls crawl from his chest slowly and dangerously.

I open my eyes just in time to see his face crash into mine. His lips are soft and unyielding. He is unhinged and I love it. My body erupts in fireworks as his tongue slips past my teeth, sensually fucking my mouth with his tongue. I catch his tongue between my teeth and slowly suck his tongue, putting horribly naughty things in his head. My hands rub over him as though they have never touched another human being as he detaches from my mouth. His mouth travels along my jaw, nipping and sucking along the way. As he reaches my ear, he mutters something that makes my core clench in anticipation.

"Mine. Don't touch things that are mine." His voice is dripping with lust and sinful promises. He roughly shoves my hand away from my soaked middle. "Mine." The word was so animalistic it took a few moments for me to decipher the word. It sounded more like a growl and made my hands tremble in excitement. My nails curled into claws and dug into his shoulder. Everything is in flames as his mouth sensually trails down my neck, across my collarbones, and finally lands on my breasts.

My moans and sounds of pleasure fill the room and I need more. My hands snake down his chest desperately trying to rip off his boxers. His teeth bite down on one of my nipples and I nearly come unglued. I feel him pull away and a whimper of protest leaves my mouth. His mouth trails lower and lower down my stomach, leaving bites and kisses. He's driving me to madness and I need him inside of me.

"Please, Sebastian." The words fall from my mouth sounding like a whine and a moan all in one. It's desperate and it seems to only make him slow further. I feel his breath fan across my drenched core and squirm anxiously. Suddenly, his face is buried in my wetness. Attacking, biting, and drinking in my core like it was the fountain of youth.

"Look at me, Mayslee." I barely hear the words as his mouth does unholy things to me. My eyes snap to his and I'm shocked for a moment. His eyes have gone smoky, literally. It looks like they have a smoldering fire in them. Something about that doesn't sit right, but the things I'm watching him do to me and the lust running through my veins, overpower any other thoughts running through my head. "Tell me what you want, Mayslee."

His voice is still a growl as he travels back up my body. He keeps eye contact with me as he hovers over me. I feel his clothed member grind against me. I can't concentrate and my skin is on fire. He never let me cum, stopping whatever he was doing each time just before I got my release. He stops moving, forcing me to concentrate and formulate a response.

"Sebastian," I gasp out seductively, trying to tease him while I could. I quickly grab his throbbing cock and take him by surprise. "I want you to make me cum until I'm begging you to stop. I don't want to walk tomorrow."

His eyes darken and he groans deeply as I run my hand up his member slowly. He looks at me like I am a piece of meat and I can't get enough. If the feelings running through me and the touches I'm experiencing weren't so intense, I could've believed that I was hallucinating. I had lost all control and I didn't want it back.

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