33. Mason

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The Antidote- St. Vincent

Siobhan's mouth pops open in disbelief and she looks a little frightened. I'm not sure what the look she's giving me means, but I'm not sure I want to know. A smile creeps across her face and she gets a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Girl, you know you might die." A giggle slips through her lips and I have no idea what she is talking about. "He's going to literally split you in half." She begins to laugh loudly at my stunned face. I couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. Red splotches form across my cheeks and neck, which only goads her further. "I guess it's a good thing he wasn't your first mate. At least being your third, Kurt or Sebastian can take care of you when you can't walk for the next week."

"Siobhan!" I was never a prude, but I also hadn't ever had a girl to discuss such things with. I could feel Siobhan growing on me and had a feeling it wouldn't be long until we were the best of friends. I began to get flickers of her in a Queen's Guard uniform, close beside the throne. I had already seen the entirety of her mind. I trusted her with my life. If we made it out of this alive, I would make her the head of my Guard.

We arrived in the throne room only moments later and I realize that I am nothing but ready. I am not anxious or scared, simply ready to go to battle for my cub. I am ready to be done with this and have him back, safely in my arms. My eyes, despite my protests, sweep the room for Mason. I find him, farthest from the door, with his back firmly planted to the wall. When his eyes meet mine, they widen in surprise. He knows immediately, just as I would have if this was the first time I was seeing him.

"Sir Mason, can I have a word with you, in private?" I speak clearly and motion for him to follow me to the meeting room just off the throne room. The others in the room feel the tension and I am pretty sure most of them can guess what is happening and their faces show a range of emotions. A few of them show no interest at all and actually seem pretty bored, while others look at us in shock and a few with perverted smiles plastered on their faces. I open the door quickly and wait for him to enter the room. With the door finally shut, I turn to face him slowly. His presence dominates the entire room. There is nothing but him in this room. I feel heat begin to roll down my body and I take a deep breath to steady myself.

That was a mistake. His smell filled my nostrils and nearly had me floating. He smelled of fresh-cut pine with a little bit of mint. The deep breath that was meant to calm and center myself had knocked me so far off kilter that I momentarily dropped my shield. Pain. Unbearable, almost deadly pain. I doubled over and my knees hit the floor. I began to dry heave as I struggled to put my shield back up. A giant hand made itself at home on my lower back, throwing a fresh shield over mine. The relief was blissful and I knew I had to stay focused. At this point, Kurt couldn't differentiate between his injuries. All he knew was pain.

"Look, Mason, I understand that we are mates and that it is distracting, and that there are things that need to be discussed. However, Kurt, one of my other mates is currently being held hostage by a psychotic witch, hell-bent on destroying everything. I hate to do this, but you are going to be the one who stays behind and makes sure all of us have extra levels of protection. Please do not argue, because we don't have time." I say this softly and I can tell he is raging inside. No one has ever told him what to do. He is the one who gives orders. Who was I to come in and boss him around? I reach up onto my tippy toes and place my hand on his cheek. The connection between our skin is electric. It is demanding, but we must stay focused. "If both of us go in there, we will be more worried about protecting each other and that makes it more likely for everyone to get hurt. Please understand, Mason. I'm begging you. I'll do whatever you want to make it up to you."

His eyes light up with a devilish tint. I might regret those words later, but I don't have time to worry about that. I plead with him silently and a smirk sets on his face. I feel the link between Sebastian and I go numb with shock. He knows I've found my third mate. The darkness inside me smiles at the fact that he is in shock. Serves him right.

"I like it when you beg." I can hear the smirk in his wonderfully deep voice. His voice sends euphoric chills down my spine and we both know the effect he is having on me. "But I understand. I will stay a little ways away and make sure everyone is covered. However, two conditions. First, if you get yourself hurt, you will regret it." The smirk never leaves his face, but I know he isn't joking. "Secondly, I'm holding you to your word. You owe me for making me miss one hell of a fight."

With that, he strolls out of the room, like nothing ever happened. I gave myself five seconds to pull it together. I willed the blush out of my cheeks and concentrated on finding Kurt. I was flustered, but I had to get it together. My thoughts raced as I tried to imagine what he could possibly want from me, but I knew it wouldn't involve me taking care of him in any way. My five seconds were up and I needed to address the rest of the team.

"I apologize for the interruption. My mate, Kurt, is currently being held hostage by a rouge Witch, Serena. She is wanted for the murder of two Grand Coven Leaders. This means that if anyone has a death shot, take it. No questions asked. She is also using forbidden magic, something that can control you and make you turn against your fellow warriors. This is a life-or-death situation. I want you to be fully aware of what you are getting into. Siobhan and I will be heading up the first team." I get the same reactions from the warriors surrounding me that I had gotten from the Grand Council. However, no one says anything. The first to step forward is Jaime.

He gets down on one knee and bows his head, symbolizing that he is at my service. The others follow in quick succession and I am honored by their bravery and loyalty. As they bow, they introduce themselves, letting me know their names. Of course, there is Mason and Jaime, both Witches. The lone other is called Beau and the two Werewolves are Jackson and Mary. The Vampires are named Cheyenne and Chelsea, both clearly sisters.

"Thank you all, I cannot express how much this means to me. Your bravery and honor, will not be forgotten. Cheyenne and Chelsea, you will be group two." I point at the labeled map on the ancient oak table. "You will go through the tunnel that is parallel to Siobhan and I. Jaime and Beau you will take the tunnel directly across from theirs. Lastly, Jackson and Mary will take the tunnel across from ours. Are there any questions?" Everyone's eyes flicker between Mason and I.

"Your Majesty, What about Mason? I would wager to say that he is the most powerful warrior here." Jackson questions, genuinely curious. I was prepared for this question and already had an answer prepared. I was going, to be honest.

"Mason is my mate. I told him he would not be allowed to fight with us today. It would be a distraction for both of us and we agree that it would be dangerous for us to fight together. He will be waiting not too far away, providing extra protection to each of us. Any others?" The room's tension slows as they realize what I am saying is a complete truth.

"Why are you fighting with us? Not that I don't appreciate it, but I've never met a royal who didn't send their lackeys to do the work for them. Please don't think I'm challenging you. I am just trying to understand." Cheyenne takes a step back as if I would actually do something to her for questioning me.

"I am not upset. As a matter of fact, the Grand Council members asked me the same thing. First of all, I will never 'send my lackeys' to do things for me. I will always be on the front lines unless I absolutely cannot be there. Secondly, would any of you let someone else go search for your mate if they were in danger?" I send Cheyenne a small smile and try my best to make her see that I am not angry or upset. The warriors look at me in awe and I don't know what to say. My eyes find their way to Mason for about the millionth time and I find them filled with pride.

"Let's do this. We don't know how much longer she will keep your mate alive." Siobhan snaps everyone out of their thoughts and tension fills the room. Siobhan falls into step with me on my right and Mason on my left. I lead my small army into the depths of the castle and prepare for anything. All I do know is that Serena's blood will spill today.

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