19. Revelations

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Surfing In Iceland- Goth Babe

I wake with a contented sigh and a smile on my face. I stretch and feel the welcomed soreness blaze across my body. I open my eyes to find hungry emerald ones looking back at me. We were literally up almost all night and he is ready again? Unbelievable. I sit up slowly and am surprised by the lack of headrush.

"I want to apologize for attacking you last night, Mayslee. It was completely unprofessional." I hear his words, merely a formality, and also the smile in his voice.

"Well, I don't know if you had noticed yet or not, but getting attacked seems to be my thing these days." I chuckle as I make my way to the bathroom. "I might make it a kink." I need to take a shower, although, I don't seem to smell as bad as I normally would after a night like this. Wow, my friends weren't joking when they said I was promiscuous. Obviously, it was a bit more vulgar than that, but I won't go into detail. I really needed the decompression and just between me, myself, and I, it was the best decompression session I had ever been a part of.

Just thinking of his hands on me, leaving streams of electricity across my body, had my knees going weak again. The way he had kissed me, so passionately, made me hurry up and jump in the shower. I needed to get my mind off of him and focus on the task at hand. Take a shower, ask questions, and get answers. I realize that I feel alive. Completely buzzing with life and with shock I realize I'm relatively happy. I still have feelings of negativity and longing for things that I had lost, but I could think past it and see tomorrow. It was like a thousand pounds lifting off of my shoulders.

There was a pang of guilt too. It curled around in my stomach and made me nauseous. I needed to know more about Sebastian. I needed to help him. My mind connected the dots and I see that the same primal urges running through me with Kurt, applied to Sebastian. I needed to know what the connection was. There had to be something to explain this situation.

I get in the shower and really wash for the first time in ages. Out of my depression funk, I can think back and see how bad it had really gotten for a moment. I wash my long black hair twice and condition it thoroughly. I foam up the rag and begin to wash my body. I notice that my hands don't hit any angles and remember my beast healing my body as well as my mind. My body is back to having curves, my ass curving out deliciously and my breasts as full as they have ever been. I close my eyes against the steaming hot water and instinctively begin to run the soapy rag across my body. This only brings memories of last night rushing back, but I let them come. I imagine that it isn't my hands running across my stomach, it's Kurt's and my skin erupts into sparks.

I know he can feel me beginning to get worked up again, just as I can feel the heat coming from him in the next room over. I'm not exactly sure how my powers work and why but a naughty thought comes into my head. I wonder since he can get a general idea of what I'm feeling and what I'm doing if I can send him thoughts? Almost like I'm talking to him, but no one else can hear.

My beast tells me it is possible, but it may take a few tries to get the whole message through. I think about him, everything to do with him. The color of his eyes, the curve of his neck, the muscles that ripped through his arms and held me down with such sensual force. And then I think, as loudly as I can in his direction, help, I've fallen and I can't get up!

I giggle to myself as Kurt bursts through the door in a panic. He looks incredibly enticing as he sweeps the room for danger and his eyes settle on my naked form. I shoot him a seductive smile and open the shower door just a little, making it known that there is always a choice.

"Mayslee, you're driving me crazy," Kurt growls at me in a way that sends heat waves to my most sensitive places. So I decide to play it innocent.

"That's fine. I was just feeling a little sore and wanted some help washing up. I can take care of it." With a mischievous smile spreading across my face, I close the shower door. His next actions have me yelping with surprise. He pulls the shower door open with such force that it should have been impossible for it to stay on the hinges.

In a flash, his hands are around me and his lips are at my neck. His hands cup my bottom and swiftly lift me up to his level. His assault on my neck continues, teasingly grinding against my core. My skin flashes with every touch, with a slightly lilac tint, mingling with the steam in the shower, creating an almost rave-like atmosphere. I run my nails along his spine and am not disappointed by the flash of green that follows my every move.

A need erupts inside of me and it is impossible to ignore. I feel a change in my physical appearance, but in my almost drunken state of mind, I can't pinpoint exactly what it is. I want to bite him and make him ours, my beast completes my sentence for me. I freeze for a moment, completely unsure of what to do. Kurt feels my change and slowly and gently lowers me out of his grasp. When he looks at my face, he looks shocked. What the fuck was that for?

I am immediately out of the shower and in front of the mirror. My eyes are swimming with my familiar purple, but that is where the familiarity stops. My face and body, as far as I can see, have streaks of purple lighting up under my skin. They stay for just a second and appear on a different part of my body. It's not of this earth and, not to sound vain, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I wasn't meant to be human. I was meant to be something else. Something I didn't have a word for. The most startling difference was my mouth. Sharp points had erupted from the tips of all four of my canines. Not like vampire fangs, you see in movies, but almost snake-like teeth. It was startling but completely normal in my head.

"What am I, Kurt?" I ask him in complete awe, without a glance in his direction. I can't take my eyes off myself. It feels right and completely natural.

"You, my love, are the most astonishing Other I have ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on." The term Other resonates with something deep inside of me, something ancient. I know what it is and I know what I am. "You also happen to be my Queen." With that last statement, he bows in my direction. It is almost comical, seeing the state of undress we are both in and watching things bob while he bows.

I wasn't sure what he meant, or where he got his information from, but I was no queen. I literally found out about my powers in a nuthouse. I almost didn't have the mental capacity to process the words coming out of his mouth. Queen of what? Didn't Queens and Kings get targeted almost daily? The description of what I was made sense in the core of my being, but I couldn't imagine myself being a Queen, especially when I couldn't even help myself most of the time.

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