28. Kurt's POV

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Starlight- Muse

Mayslee wakes quickly and is overwhelmed with anxiety. She doubts her abilities as a leader and fears she won't be good enough. I don't understand where it comes from, as she is one of the strongest and most selfless people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I may be biased just a tiny bit, but I think these traits follow her into her daily life. My spirits today are low, simply because I will not be by her side while she is meeting with the Grand Coven Leaders. She hurries to get ready and only slows to give me a kiss and make sure I have everything I need. I never imagined being in a relationship where I was not the caretaker, or the provider, but with her it is natural. I had tried to object, in the beginning. I will admit it hurt my ego for a hot second, but there is no denying her. She seemed to know that I had always been self-sufficient and really never had anyone be there for me.

She made it her mission to make my ever insecurity disappear and make sure I was taken care of. Our sex life was very much the same way. It gave her pleasure to give me pleasure. Of course, I still gave as much as I got, but it was so hard to deny her anything. I watch her walk away and can't help but watch her hips swing with every step she takes. I hate to have her go but damn do I love to watch her walk away. I lay in bed for a while, not planning to do much of anything. I am too keyed up from her anxiety seeping through the mind link to go back to sleep, so I settle in with a book from her shelf. I'd never been a big reader until I met her. Books were her escape when real life became too demanding and she literally inserted herself into the books as she was reading. I loved sitting next to her, watching along in her mind, while she read. It was one of the most magical experiences I had ever had. Then again, everything about her was magical.

Sebastian was only tolerable because she loved him. He hurt her on a daily basis and she just took it. There was a magnetism between the two of them that I couldn't understand. I don't think they understood it either. It's like they both know they aren't any good for each other, but they can't help it. I think back to the day she summoned him, using me to piss him off. I probably should have been upset, but while I wasn't human, I was still a man and damn was that hot.

I knew I needed to eat something, but couldn't find the motivation to get up yet. She must've known I would have a lazy day today because a few minutes later, there was a quiet knock at the door.

"Come in," I call, hopefully loud enough to be heard through the solid door. The door opens to reveal one of the castle staff. I hadn't ever seen this woman before as she was very small and compact. Her hair was plain as were her clothes and there was absolutely nothing remarkable about this woman. She seemed to take up as little space as possible and every time I looked at her closely, I grew incredibly bored. It's very possible she was new to the castle as they were constantly adding staff, now that there was finally another Queen. The woman was carrying a tray filled with breakfast food and of course, my favorite, orange juice. I get lost in the memory of my mating with Mayslee, and how she had so gently and lovingly taken care of me after our many rounds. She had brought me an entire pitcher of orange juice with just one request. She knew she could have ordered one of the staff to do it, but that just wasn't her style.

I thank the woman and receive a bow. She leaves, closing the door quietly behind her. I feel absolutely parched this morning, so of course I start with the orange juice. I am halfway through the glass when I realize that it tastes off. There is a metallic aftertaste that just won't go away. Abruptly, my hands begin to shake and my head fogs over. I should probably be worried but I can't find the energy to be. I know I should call out to Mayslee through the mind link, but I can't think straight enough to find it. I am lost, falling through my mind with no safety net at the bottom. I struggle to keep my eyes open and continue to fail. The last thing I see is that same strange girl in front of me with a sinister smile.

I come to slowly, my head pounding. I am groggy and cannot think. I open my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar room. It is plain and grey. It almost looks as if the walls are made out of natural rock. I try and fail at wiping the sleep out of my eyes, they are tied to the chair I am sitting in. I also become aware of a stinging pain in my wrists and the more I struggle against it, the worse the pain becomes. I know that I have been taken, prisoner. I knew that there were some people who were not happy with how young Mayslee is, but I never dreamed someone would do something like this. I try to call on my powers and the stinging in my wrists increases until it feels as if the skin is actually burning off. It's a collaring device. Of course, these are illegal, so whoever has made one will lose their head. I begin to panic as I still can't find the link to my love. I call into the void with no hope of a return answer. Throughout my assessments, I don't notice the woman in the corner. It is the same woman who served me breakfast.

"Finally, you took forever to wake up." She snarls at me, her face radiating hate for me. I couldn't understand. "You are going to tell us how Mayslee, the false queen, intends on making peace between the Vampires and the Witches." I quickly realize that there are people who don't want peace, those who are benefiting from the chaos. I will not say a word, will not betray my Queen. They can do whatever they want, I was willing to die for my cause. I clench my jaw and stare blankly into her eyes. "Well, we can always test how high your pain tolerance is."

She comes towards me with a sinister smile and her hand reaches out suddenly. She grips my chin and immediately there is a searing pain where her skin connects with mine. Inhaling, I can smell my burning flesh. The pain is unlike anything I have ever felt and I scream until my lungs hurt. Then her hand is gone, but the pain is not. It's like her hand never left my face. Waves of agony roll through my body and tears slip down my face. I don't try to resist because she looks as though that would only give her satisfaction. She will not get any information out of me.

I focus on Mayslee. Everything to do with her. Her skin against mine, her sweet smell, slightly woodsy and mostly floral. I visualize her before me and stare deep into her eyes. I imagine her gently tending to my wounds and suddenly, the pain is bearable. I will get back to her. There is no pain like the loss of a mate and I refuse to let her go through that. In her short life, she has been through so much loss and pain and I will not be the cause of anymore.

"You think she isn't in pain? She didn't know you were gone before this, but the spell has been set up to where she can feel everything I do to you. She will know every second how much pain you are in and there will be nothing she can do about it." The woman throws her head back in a crazy fit of laughter and my heart sinks. I mourn for the pain I am causing her and pray to whatever may be out there that she finds me quickly.

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