22. Venom

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My Universe- Coldplay X BTS

I watched what seemed like a million emotions cross through his mind before realization sunk in. His eyes widened as he took me in and he couldn't look away from me for a moment. The look of lust that filled his expression as he drank in my appearance was so satisfying, but this wasn't about me. This was about making this the best night of his life. He knows better than anyone on this earth that I am not good with words when it comes to being serious and expressing my feelings, but I wanted him to hear, with his physical ears, how much he meant to me.

"Kurt," I grab his hands and stare deeply into his eyes. "You have been the most supportive and loving and sensitive person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. You make me a better person, just knowing you. I am so lucky to have you and I promise to make this the best night of your life. I love you more than I would've ever thought possible and, with your permission, I would love to, more than anything, mate with you."

I see tears come to his eyes and he envelopes me in his arms. I rest my head on his chest and embrace him tightly, breathing in his intoxicating scent. I lean back and peck him on each cheek. Grabbing him by his hand, I lead him to the middle of the never-ending pillows and blankets. Keeping eye contact with him, I begin to undress him, doing each action with intention and as much love as possible.

"This night is about you Kurt and showing my love for you. I want to ravish you and care for you and make it as special as possible for you. Do you want my outfit on or off, my love?" I ask him.

"I love the outfit and I think you look absolutely mind-blowing, but I think I want it off." I'm glad he is responsive to what I'm doing and not trying to make this about me. In my head, making this about him will give me more pleasure than it ever would if it were about me. I have him take a seat among the pillows and begin to strip out of the outfit. I go as slowly as humanly possible, savoring every lustful sigh and his growing impatience rolling like a thunderstorm through his mind.

I slowly lower myself onto his lap and begin to plant kisses on every inch of his face, neck, and shoulders. I want the pressure part of this over as soon as possible, so as soon as I feel my fangs elongate, I sink them into his shoulder. A moan slips from his lips and it sounds like pure ecstasy. His mind instantly becomes drunk and unintelligible with my venom flowing into him. He is barely left with enough sense to sink his own fangs into my shoulder. It is the most overwhelming sense of pleasure I have ever experienced. I can't even put it into words. It's like the most powerful orgasm you've ever had times a million. We had amazing sex before this, the best of my life, but it was mild compared to this feeling. His venom flowing into my veins was like my entire universe was being uprooted and connected directly to him.

My fangs slowly retracted from his shoulder and my instinct was to lick the wounds, which instantly closed them and he repeated the same to me. I felt energy course through me as his tongue touched the sensitive flesh of my mark. I had to have him now. There was an animalistic need that demanded to be met right now. The first round was not romantic or sweet or making love. The first round was raw passion and we both attacked each other with a force I didn't think we would withstand. Later I would find out that was normal, but I felt greedy at the time. Our fangs slipped into each other's skin all over and brought out pleasure to new heights. We were drunk on each other with no possibility of ever getting sober.

The second round was the most loving and passionate experience of my life. Kurt showed me he felt the same way through his thoughts. We communicated without speaking now because when we mated officially, any barriers between our thoughts were torn down and our minds were combined. We floated to new heights together as we memorized every inch of each other's bodies. After the fifth round, I lost count and we continued to appreciate each other long into the morning hours. We began to slow down and were both exhausted. We lay in each other's arms for a long time. Just staring into each other's eyes and sweet talking each other. Neither of us wanted to speak, so we stayed wrapped up in our own world as the light started to filter through the windows.

"Do you want anything, my love?" I ask him softly as I begin to get up. I grab my robe and wrap in around myself. "I'm going to get us some breakfast and I'll be right back."

"I'll eat whatever you bring me, love. But some orange juice would be wonderful." His physical voice sends warm waves down my body and I force myself to leave before I jump him again. He needs to eat and his needs come first, especially after the night he had. I tell him I love him and make my way to the kitchen. Once there, I quickly fill a tray full of everything from croissants and bagels to eggs and bacon, and sausage. Finally, I fill an entire pitcher with orange juice. I think about grabbing some cups and plates but decide against it.

I make my way slowly back to the room, balancing the tray and the pitcher. As I pass I get strange looks, but still respectful bows. They must not be used to people they work for doing anything for themselves. I open the door to the room and feel my heart click back together. Anytime I leave him, a piece of my heart stays with him and I don't become whole again until I return. This train of thought reminds me of the other piece of my heart that is missing. I chastise myself and refocus. Right now was about Kurt. After making sure he has eaten and drank enough, I guide him to the bathroom attached to the mating room. I draw him a steaming hot bath and slip in behind him. There is nothing sexual about this bath. It is pure love and care. I make sure every inch of his body is cleaned gently and then I wash his hair.

When I am done with him, he tells me of his desire to do the same for me. He asks permission and I realize he has given me his trust as my submissive. My heart swells with pride as I nod to him and move in front of him. We may still switch every once in a while, but I fulfill his need to be taken care of and he fulfills my need to take care of someone else. He has become my cub and I am his momma bear. I see the corners of his mouth lift as he hears his new pet name. It's perfect.

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