34. The Truth

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Toxicity- System Of A Down

We march in solemn silence until we have to split up. But even then, no one says a word. We all speak through our minds and the nine of us are almost like one being. A well-oiled machine, connected together by me. I was sometimes still shocked at my own power. It was far more advanced than I was. I also made the connection extra sensitive to any of their pain. I wasn't as skilled as they were, so I would take on any pain they received. Only Siobhan knew of my plan to take on their pain and she wasn't happy about it. She thought it was stupid and that they could handle themselves. I knew that to be true, but I wanted to give them the best opportunity to complete the mission.

The plan was for me to go in alone, with the others veiled in the dark. If this could be resolved peacefully, it would be. Although, we all knew it couldn't have a calm ending. Serena would die today. I enter the cavern and my eyes fly around to find Kurt. A sob shakes my entire frame as I take in his pitiful appearance. Blood is drying across his entire body and he is so swollen with injuries he almost looks deformed. On his wrists, there are small metal pieces implanted. These block his powers and would be the best thing to remove first. Once they were gone, he could slowly begin to heal himself. We needed to get him out first. We didn't want him to get hurt worse than he already was, which means he had to get out of the way.

"Isn't it beautiful? My artwork, I mean. The blood really adds a nice touch, don't you think, Your Majesty?" She damn near snarls the last two words at me. She was trying to get a reaction out of me, but the reaction had already passed. There was no other emotion that crossed my face. This enraged her, as looney as she was. "Aren't you mad? Dying on the inside at the thought of your mate being here, on the brink of death." She screamed at me and got in my face. I wasn't mad. I didn't feel anything. That was the ace. I had no emotions to run through me and make me do something rash. They were safely tucked away in the royal vault.

"I'm actually kind of bored. Are we going to fight or are you going to give up?" My voice is monotone and I just want to be done with this. I was actually kind of hungry. I realized that I hadn't eaten today. Her face was filled with shock. My lack of reaction and words almost had her blood boiling physically. I took the shock and used it to my advantage. I had been building a power ball up since we had begun marching to the tunnels. I released a tiny bit of it towards her chin. Purple light filled the cavern and then her screams came. The entirety of her bottom jaw was covered with blisters. I wanted her to feel what was happening, not burning her nerves today.

Her eyes filled with fear and regret as I stalk towards her. I silently tell the others to move in and get Kurt out. Secretly, before I had bottled my emotions, I didn't want him to see what I was capable of, I didn't want him to see me torture her. I was ashamed of the bloodlust that flowed through my veins. However, I wanted information. I needed to know who else was in on this and how she had stayed in the castle, undetected for so many years. Most of all, I want to know why. Why did she choose to inflict the pain that she had endured so long ago onto other people?

"Serena," My voice is even, with no trembling or emotion running through it at all. I mold my power into long ropes and wrap them around her. They burn her where they touch her, but it's nothing compared to what she did to Kurt. They do hurt worse the more she struggles. I pay special attention to her fingers and hands, making sure that she cannot cast at all. I feel Siobhan step up next to me and confirm that Kurt is out of the way. Her mind is filled with hatred and I caution her to let me ask questions. She will get the kill strike. "Who all knows you are here? We know you had someone inside of the Grand Coven Leaders, but I want to know who else is on your side."

She writhes in the confines of my power and tries not to whimper. She doesn't want to seem weak, even now, knowing she was done for. She stares at me defiantly and refuses to speak. We had prepared for this. I nod to Siobhan and she quickly gets to work. There are certain acts of magic that are forbidden but can be approved by the Queen in situations of grave danger. One of these was forcefully invading someone else's mind. This was considered to be the highest level of betrayal between the Witches. Siobhan understood the need for it and agreed to take on the burden of doing it to Serena. While it was not comfortable having someone invade your mind, if you resisted, it became physically painful.

Siobhan crouches in front of her and places both of her hands on Serena's temples. She begins snarling like a wild animal caught in a trap. She knows she has lost and in a final attempt to cause damage, she spits on Siobhan's face. However, it isn't normal spit it has an acid quality to it and I double over clutching my face in agony. I feel Siobhan's skin melting from her face and she has no reaction. She is going to invade her mind, regardless of anything that is thrown at her. Serena begins screaming and I assume she realized what Siobhan was doing.

Suddenly, Siobhan falls back on her behind. She is stunned, in utter disbelief. She isn't in pain and her mind link is shut down. Her eyes are wide with fear and I'm not sure what is going on. I know she has gotten the information we need and Serena needs to meet her end before she manages to escape again.

"Serena, you have murdered two Grand Coven members..." Suddenly, Siobhan cuts me off.

"Only one. She only murdered one." It comes out as a whisper. After several long seconds, she finds her voice. "It was all a trick. There was never a mate and she never killed my father. She was always truly evil." With that, Siobhan leans forward and drains all the power from Serena. She doesn't steal it, merely extracts it and lets it fade into nothing. No one would want to touch her power with a ten-foot pole. The light fades out of Serena's eyes, but no one is relieved. The tension is higher than before, so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. Siobhan turns to me, with tears glittering in her eyes. "My father is the one who is behind all of this, he is the traitor."

She opens her mind to me to show me what she found. Serena was just a nasty soul that was manipulated into helping cause chaos. Her father never died that night so many years ago, it was all a ploy. They still had minimal support, making it all but a lost cause. The man from the council and a few other stragglers were the only ones helping. No one of great consequence. There was no doubt in Siobhan's mind that her father had sacrificed Serena to see what he was really up against.

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