21. Learning

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Run Away To Mars- TALK

I sit on a bench, in a garden area, on the grounds of my castle, trying to process the dramatic life changes that have come forth in the past week. Honestly, the easiest part of all of this to process was the fact that I have five mates. So that is what I began to focus on. The ache in my heart never lessened. Besides, I wasn't being thirsty, I wouldn't be allowed to officially become the Queen without all five of my mates by my side. I began to recognize faces around the castle and was sure to be as nice as possible to everyone I met. I didn't want to become spoilt royalty. I really didn't want to become royalty at all, but I didn't have much of a choice.

The first thing I learned was the nature of each of my suitor's mating rituals. All five were different. That was why I had wanted to bite Kurt that day in the shower. The only thing that would be the same for each of them was that I would mark them with the Queen's seal, protecting them for all eternity.

Throughout my studies, I learned more about myself. I was effectively immortal and would no longer age. Out of confusion, I asked why Sebastian and Dr. Sampson had aged so significantly and the room turned cold with hatred. Everyone here was full of love and extreme loyalty to me. They spit when I mentioned them. It was explained to me that when you turned evil against your people, one of the main side effects was the loss of immortality. None of us were born evil or dark and if you chose to be so, you had 20 years at most left. From the way I had described them, they were very much on their last legs. A pang of panic shot through me as I thought of Sebastian, but Kurt was quick to calm me. He informed me that once Sebastian bore my mark, the effects of his evil would be reversed.

Somehow, Dr. Sampson found out about my status before anyone else. Probably through the blood tests or something like that. She wanted to eradicate me before I could come into my powers. Another revelation that hit me like a ton of bricks was that my biological parents and I weren't related at all. Honestly, that was a relief, what piece of shit human beings. Whoever my parents were, put a shield on my powers and hid me away in the human world.

Kurt was my rock through all of this. He was supportive and informative. He was there to swiftly return me to my room whenever I couldn't process a new bit of information and needed to take my mind elsewhere. Or when the ache in my chest became so heavy I couldn't breathe. I couldn't imagine loving five people as much as I loved him. It was wild to think about it. I was worried that they wouldn't get along and that there would be jealousy issues, but Kurt assured me that it wouldn't be possible. Each of my mates, down to the very genes that made them up, was made to be in a polyamorous relationship.

I would obviously put my seal on all five of them and they would all involve extracurricular activities. However, at their core, the mating rituals all had their own characteristics. The mating ritual with Kurt would involve injecting each other with our venom. The snake-like fangs that had come out when I wanted to bite him, actually produce a venom that is lethal to everyone but an Other's mate. My vampire mate and I would, you guessed it, exchange blood. My Witch mate and I would combine our powers together by fusing our minds. I wasn't exactly sure of the specifics of that one yet as it was the most complicated of the five. Sebastian was also an Other, making his ritual the same as Kurt's. Finally, my Werewolf mate and I would simply mark each other with our werewolf instincts. Essentially, we just bite each other, not with my fangs.

I could feel the fact that I hadn't mated with Kurt weighing heavily on him, but he wouldn't say anything to me. Always the gentleman, he didn't want me to feel pressured into anything. I don't know why I continued to delay it, he was the perfect mate to start with, the most instinct-driven I would experience. I think I was nervous. We had seen everything and were well into trying everything but for some reason, I was worried I wouldn't do something right. I had adopted the dominant role in our sex life, but sometimes he liked to take control. When it came down to it, I just loved taking care of him in a way that no one had ever had the pleasure of doing.

One day, it was weighing heavily on Kurt and he felt like there was something wrong with him. It wasn't custom to go this long without mating properly. Feeling him feel like that made me ready. I was going to mate him today and I had to hide it well. This was going to be the best day of his life and I would ensure it, but it also meant hurting his feelings for a while. I had to shut myself completely off from him to make sure he didn't suspect anything. I heard the gasp and saw the look of hurt on his face when I shut him out. My heart ached as I looked at him and for the first time, he left my side.

I had to focus on making tonight unlike anything he had ever experienced. The first thing I did was make a list of things he liked, both sexually and not. His favorite color had quickly become purple since meeting me, but his second favorite was midnight blue. I quickly spoke to my right-hand lady and told her to have as many purple flowers as she could find delivered to the mating room, but not to let anyone tell or show Kurt. I also told her to have the room painted a beautiful midnight blue.

I had the bed removed from the room and replaced with a fortress of blankets and pillows, in assorted shades of purple and blue. I also had some of his favorite toys and accessories brought down, just in case. I didn't see him all day and it made my heart ache to be away from him for so long, but it would be well worth the wait. I located him in the library with his nose buried deeply in a large book. I could feel the rejection coming off of him in waves and promised him silently that I would make it up to him.

I slipped up behind him silently and because of my shut-off, he hadn't the slightest clue I was behind him. I quickly wrapped the silk blindfold around his eyes and felt his panic until he recognized my hands on his face. He pleaded with me to open my mind to him and I sent him a sharp no and told him to wait. He grew more excited and more excited as I lead him toward the room. When speaking to him, I had been using a very forceful tone, making him get an inkling of an idea of what was happening.

Stepping into the room, I closed the door softly. I walk around him and take my robe off, revealing his favorite sexy time outfit. A skimpy outfit made of nothing but strips of leather. I open the mind link and quickly rip off the blindfold. I want the full impact of his reaction.

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