43. The Zipper

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Freaky Deaky- Doja Cat, Tyga

We pulled up to The Zipper around three in the afternoon. I wasn't expecting a club to be busy at three in the afternoon, but I was wrong. The parking lot was packed and there was a line around the building. We parked across from the club and I see Mason's face light up in excitement. He is like a kid in a candy store. We really nailed this date. I have to be sure to thank Siobhan and the guys somehow soon. The doors to the SUV are opened and as soon as we get out, we are flanked by Siobhan and Christian.

"Six of us will go inside with you and six of us will stay outside. I know you probably don't like it, but you don't have a choice." Siobhan says to me with an apologetic smile. I understand and to be honest, I don't mind. It makes me relax a bit to know that I can let loose. Mason places his arm around my shoulders and I snuggle into him, basking in his happiness. His aura is vibrating in anticipation. As we approach the doors to the club, all eyes are wide. Everyone seems as if they can't believe their Queen is here as if they didn't just see me fucking. They begin to bow and Siobhan immediately tells them about themselves. "No bowing, no Your Majesty. She is just here to get freaky with the rest of you." I hear the smile in her voice and want to smack her. I literally can't take her anywhere. She's the best though, and I could never find her equal.

The massive men at the door immediately begin speaking into their communication devices and open the classic black velvet ropes that block off the door. Stepping into The Zipper is like stepping into an entirely new world. There are chains and cages everywhere. Everyone is either naked or in something that might as well be naked. I see hallways leading off to the left and a beautiful bar to my right. There are poles and stages and suggestive music blasts from the speakers. A woman wearing nothing but a thong stops in front of us and looks like she can barely contain her excitement. She is a gorgeous drink of water with almost white blonde hair down to the back of her knees. I look at Mason in deep satisfaction as he looks at her with disinterest. That's my man.

"May I take your coats?" Mason removes his overcoat to reveal a jet black button up that leaves nothing to the imagination. I almost need a cup to catch my drool. He dominates the entire room and everyone is staring at my man. It's satisfying to know that everyone wants him and that no one else can have him. As I'm staring at him like an idiot, I realize everyone else is staring at me. Siobhan gives me a discreet thumbs up and Mason looks at me expectantly. His curiosity is peaked and I don't want to disappoint him. So I puff my chest out and slowly remove my coat, watching Mason's eyes slowly light up. By the time the coat is off, both of Mason's hands are on me. "Would you like a more private area?" The woman looks at me expectantly, clearly checking me out and I am stunned to find that I like it. I offer her an appreciative smile and she looks as if she might pass out.

"Absolutely not," Mason speaks up, catching her attention. "Everyone will see this ass tonight." One of his hands leaves my body momentarily and I miss it immediately. A second later, a loud smack sounds from my ass and I yelp. He keeps his hand there all the way to the sitting area she leads us to. It is still closed off but in immediate view of everyone in the club. There is a beautiful black curved couch with a small coffee table on either side. There are hooks hanging down from above the couch with chains, ropes, crops, floggers, butt plugs, and other things I'm not even sure what to make of. I'm feeling a little intimidated, but never letting it be known on the outside, I tell Mason discreetly that I need a drink. I don't really care what it is, but I just need one. "Can we get a couple of rum and cokes over here?" The woman nods and quickly leaves us. Mason turns to me and begins a check-in of sorts.

"Are you okay Baby Girl?" I nod to him and I can tell he doesn't believe me.

"No, I am okay. I'm just a little intimidated. I don't even know what some of this stuff is. I want to be able to please you, but I feel too inexperienced." He smiles at me reassuringly and pulls my feet into his lap.

"Don't get me wrong, I love the boots, but they're covering too much skin for my liking." Once they're off, he begins to massage my feet. "Tell you what, let's try a stop light method. Have you ever heard of it?" I shake my head and he patiently explains it to me like he and I both aren't itching for me to be spanked. The waitress places our drinks on the side table and immediately leaves. We begin to chuckle as we both watch her ass while she struts away. He must've seen the silent exchange between us. Mason hands me mine and takes a sip of his before getting back to my feet. "Basically, how it works is, I'll check in with you, regularly, throughout our playtime. If everything is fine, you tell me the green light. If you need me to slow down or be a little less rough, say yellow light. Finally, if something is not okay with you or you don't like it, say red light and we stop and discuss it immediately. It is very, very important that you say red light when needed. My reward out of this is having you trust me completely and if you don't say red light, the trust you put in me is corrupted. Does that make sense?" It does make sense and I really like the idea.

"I like it. It makes me feel less intimidated, knowing that." I smile seductively at him and down my rum and coke in about two gulps. "By the way, I'm an extreme lightweight."

"Well, then no more alcohol for you right now baby girl. I want you to remember the things I do to you tonight." His face is alight with excitement and I can tell he is in his element. "Now, we need to talk about boundaries. Is there anything that is a hard no for you?" I shared his excitement and the wheels in my head began to turn.

"Um, let's see, I think anything to do with any bodily fluid is a no-go," He mocks gags and I'm glad we are on the same page. "I don't want anyone but me touching you and I don't want anyone but you touching me. I trust you completely, not anyone else." His mind is alight with unlimited naughty possibilities.

"Okay I think we are on the same page with those, but what about me or you touching someone else? I know you like to dominate, could that be something we try together?" I consider it for a moment and I notice the buzz slowly coming on. I curse myself for chugging the drink, as it goes straight to my head.

"That's fine with me. I don't see any issues with it now, but I can't promise I will like it when we try it. I'm open to trying anything with you, with those few things being the exception. Tonight, I am yours to do with what you please." I don't think I've ever seen such giddy excitement in him. His smile is ear to ear and he is basically bouncing up and down in his seat.

He guides me to the center of the room and we begin dancing, feeling each other get hotter and hotter until he breaks the dance and yanks me back to the couch. He pulls a crop from above and I fall into my blissful subspace as the first smack lands across my ass. He had never been one for beating around the bush. 

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