39. The People

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Fire In The Water- Fiest Music

The large courtyard was entirely full of people. From wall to wall, all the way to the back. There was a microphone on the podium and as I stepped up, everyone bowed their heads in unison. The faces before me ranged from anxiety to excitement to absolute boredom.

"Hello everyone. My name is Mayslee. I would love an opportunity to earn the title of your Queen." As I speak, my beast awakens and pulls on an ancient seeming power, the power of all the queens before me and my confidence grows. "Thank you all for coming. I appreciate each and every one of you. Including those tuning in from home. I know there has been some unrest between The Witches and The Vampires, but I am here to put those rumors to rest. No Vampire drained a Witch. It was a plot by Serena, the witch who has been on the run for centuries. There is also another very old and very powerful Witch who was working with her, but that person shall remain nameless at this time. One of the Grand Council Leaders was helping her and he has been dealt with accordingly."

As I speak, I project visual bits from my mind to every person there. I carefully black out any mention of Siobhan's father and when he actually does show up. There are murmurs running through the crowd and I clear my throat to gain back their attention.

"One thing I want to make abundantly clear is that there will be peace between my people. I understand that you do not like what the vampires do, but at the end of the day, they are Vampires. I am not favoring any one group over the other I am being fair. Anyone caught trying to disrupt peace or insight violence will be dealt an appropriate punishment. Anyone with concerns may speak directly to me about them and we will handle them." I motion for Siobhan to join me at the podium and continue. "I am incredibly sorry, but I am going to have to steal her away from her duties at the Grand Coven Leaders. I am very proud to introduce the new leader of the Queen's Guard."

Applause erupts throughout the crowd, as it is a great honor to be assigned to the Queen's Guard. Siobhan bows her head to her people and thanks them over the loudspeaker. She is teary, getting this response from her people. They are proud of her and she is honored. They chant her name and I begin to chant with them.

"Let the celebration begin!" I exclaim into the microphone and it is wonderful chaos. Music begins to blare through the speakers and people begin to dance. I kick my heels off and grab Kurt, Mason, and Sebastian by the arms.

"What do you think you're doing, Your Majesty?" Siobhan looks at me once again like I've lost my mind.

"I'm going to dance with my people. What else would I be doing?" I ask stupidly.

"What if someone tries to hurt you?" She grips her chest in anxiety and I might actually give her a heart attack one of these days.

"I guess you better stay close then, right?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her suggestively and hear Mason growl at my flirting with her. "You better loosen up love. You're dancing too." Fear crosses his face and Siobhan and I burst out laughing. He would literally fight a bear, but he's afraid to dance.

"Looks like someone's afraid of getting down." Kurt teases him, receiving a glare that could've withered plants. I hear Sebastian chuckling and am happy he is enjoying himself. He laughs and leads the way, ready for a night of dancing and letting go. His mind is content and happy with a little bit horny. Perfect, I was going to tease the three of them for a long time. By the time we arrive downstairs, Mason has quit dragging his feet and is resigned to the fact that he will have to dance with me. Opening the doors to the courtyard, everyone within a ten-foot radius bow. I amplify my voice as I address them.

"Relax everyone. Right now I am just Mayslee. Let's dance and have fun!" The crowd cheers and resumes its normal function. My body begins reacting to the music and I dance through the crowd. I make sure to lay a hand on everyone I walk past and smile at them. There isn't any point in trying to talk, as the music is so loud. Kurt is right next to me, dancing and having a marvelous time while Mason has a hand on my waist and looks as though he is about to have a panic attack. Sebastian is on my other side and while he's tense, he's dancing. I swing around and motion for Mason to lean forward a bit. I wrap my arms around his neck and stare into his beautiful eyes.

'It's okay love. Focus on me, breathe with me, sway your hips with mine, let me invade your senses, Sir.' I push these thoughts into his head over and over again. I let go of his neck and put my back up against his chest. My hips begin to sway and his breathing begins to slow. His hands slip onto my hips and he starts copying my motions, effectively grinding against me. Kurt is in front of me and I lean forward a bit to peck him on the lips. I become sandwiched between the two of them and work up a sweat dancing. I look around and see others beginning to pair off with their own mates and dancing a little bit more intimately. I loved the openness of sexuality and sex in the supernatural community. It was just a part of life.

My heart hurt a bit when I realize that Sebastian has slipped away. Reaching out to him in my mind, he tells me this just isn't his thing. I get it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't sting. I will go find him later. I won't let him ruin the time we are currently having. Kurt notices my mood shift and checks in to make sure I'm okay. I let him know what was going on, never losing my step in the dance with Mason.

Let him go pout in his room, baby. Enjoy yourself. You deserve it. Mason must've been listening to our conversation about Sebastian and that was his two cents. He didn't care much for Sebastian. I push all of the bullshit out of my mind and vow to enjoy this.

I feel Mason begin to grow against my back and I do the only logical thing- I grind harder against him. His hand wraps around my throat, not tight but enough to start my kitty purring. I hear him growl into my ears and my knees grow weak. I yank Kurt in by his tie and kiss him aggressively, pulling on his hair and running my nails along his shoulders. I continue grinding against Mason, eliciting delicious groans from him. Looking around again, almost everyone is missing some articles of clothing and some are already going to town. This has become a massive orgy and it is the most beautiful and magical thing I've ever experienced.

I rip open Kurt's dress shirt and the buttons scatter, all the while, Mason has lifted up my dress and is on his knees behind me teasing me with his breath. The sexual magic being released into the air is immense and heightens every sense making every touch euphoric. I run my tongue up and down Kurt's chest, making him shiver and moan. Mason's face is now buried deep into my core, starting with my clit, then inserting his tongue as far as it will go. Kurt quickly fumbles with his pants and shoves my mouth down on his throbbing member. I love the few times he takes control and the magic in the air seems to make him more confident.

Suddenly, my head is jerked backward by my hair. Kurt's member pops out of my mouth and I am lifted about a foot off of the ground. I am spun around and gasp at being speared on Mason's mammoth cock. He gives me no time for adjustment. He simply plows me into submission.

'Do you trust me Baby Girl?' He purrs into my ear. With the overwhelming sensations, I was currently feeling, all I could do was nod. I know he was communicating with Kurt, but I couldn't hear it. They had spiritually blindfolded me and I had no way of knowing what they were planning. I feel Kurt's hand rub my ass and Mason's hands spread my ass cheeks as far apart as they can go. 'Do you wanna see how much you can handle baby girl?" I had never done anal, but I trusted both of them. I would do whatever they wanted and I would love every second of it. Once again, I can only nod. 'Relax baby girl, it will hurt if you can't.'

I focus on relaxing and feel the pressure begin against my virgin asshole. I fight against my instinct to tense and Kurt's head pops through. It was painful, I was not going to deny it. But between the magic and the pleasure Mason was already giving me, it was heaven. I had never felt so full. It was overwhelming. Mason buries his face in my neck and without warning, his teeth sink into my neck. I cry out in pleasure and realize he is mating me. I feel his power seeping into me and some of mine seeping into his mouth. I begin to cum and the world stops. It was an erotic thought, I mated with him while my other mate had his cock up my ass, in front of a shit ton of my people. I watched through people's minds as I had an out-of-body experience.

It was a glorious scene, all three of us cumming in unison. Our faces locked in pure pleasure, Mason and I exchanging power, my purple running through his veins and the icy blue creeping through mine. Coming down took a long time. By the time I was coherent again, none of us could hold ourselves up and we collapsed into a heap. My eyes flutter and the last thing I see is Siobhan.

"Now you're broken." She says with a hearty laugh. She's missing her clothes as well. "Don't worry, Your Majesty, you'll get back to your room safely." And with that, I drift off, wrapping myself around both Kurt and Mason.

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