20. Connections

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Sex Not Violence- Yungblud

I stared at him in utter shock for what seemed like an eternity. My brain was trying to process what he had said to me and I was stuck on the Queen part of all of this. Then it hit me. He had said 'my love' while making that statement as well. I began to look at him as though he was losing his mind. Not even over the Queen part now.

"Look, I don't have the energy right now to process part about me being a Queen right now, but what was that about 'my love' you said?" I damn near stutter through this whole sentence. I wasn't scared, but so much new information was overwhelming and making me anxious.

"Why don't we get back in the shower and finish up getting washed and I'll explain everything. As long as you can behave yourself long enough for me to do so." He says with a smirk, always cocky, but now it was almost adorable, knowing the kind of control I had over him last night. There were things done last night that would have made me blush immediately in a different time. Now, they just seemed right. Maybe a little pervy, but definitely right. I can't think of anything to say, so I simply step past him and back into the shower.

"I know you can feel that what I'm saying is true, at least about the Other and the Queen part." As he says this, he begins to massage my shoulders gently. "The Other's are a specialized group of inhuman beings who have ruled the world of the supernatural for as long as human history has been a thing. We keep the peace between all of the groups. These groups are Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches. We help them stay secret from the general population."

His hands on my back are making it hard to concentrate, but I do my best. Sparks begin flying from my skin again and I struggle to keep my composure. I need these answers, but his presence here is very distracting. I feel his hands slide past my butt and down my legs. As he goes down, he leaves a trail of kisses. Starting at my neck, to my upper and then lower back, and finally across my bottom. He playfully nips at my butt with his teeth and I can't take it anymore. Fireworks light up across my skin and I all but jump him. He is simply irresistible.

The talking comes to a halt as we do things that would have nuns rolling in their graves. Sparks and shadows swim through the steaming water as we attack each other. The power struggle is more evident this time, with both of us wanting control and neither of us willing to give it up. Finally, he realizes he isn't going to get the control that he wants, and my stubbornness helps me for the first time in my life.

When we are finally completely out of breath and in a drunken, euphoric haze, we decide to get out. As I step out, I grab the towel from the rack and begin to gently dry him off. I start by lifting each of his feet and work my way up. I look up into his eyes as I am drying his chest and am surprised to find tears budding in his beautiful eyes.

"What's wrong?" I question him gently, desperately trying to understand what I had done wrong. Had I accidentally hurt him? "What did I do?" A strangled chuckle escapes his lips and my spirits lift the slightest amount.

"Nothing is wrong Mayslee. I have never had someone be so thoughtful. It's nice, every once in a while, to be taken care of. I just got overwhelmed for a second. You didn't do anything, love" There it was again. I think back a bit and remember the look of shock his face held when I jumped between him and Sebastian.

"Well, after the things I just did to you, you probably need as much help as you can get." A small smile spreads across his face and I internally cringe. Why must I always make a joke when things get serious?

"Don't worry about it. It's honestly charming." He murmurs to me. He heard my thoughts. Shit. "Yeah, I did. And by the way, you damn near made me go deaf with that thought stream you sent me." I shoot him an apologetic look as he begins drying me off. "It's okay, you had no way of knowing. Anyways, back to the topic at hand. The Others are in charge of all of the supernatural because we are a combination of all three of the groups. We possess powers from all three lines. When power is discovered, which is normally much sooner than you did, your color assigns your role in our world. Your color indicates how powerful you are." He stops for a moment, done drying me off, and leads me to the closet.

He motions to the clothes and his mind tells me to pick something out and that he will be right back. He is gone in the blink of an eye and I'm left alone with my thoughts. I can already assume that Purple means royalty. I assume that green must be the next level down because his power was nearly as potent as my own. I scan the room around me and collect all the things for a presentable outfit, undergarments, a baggy sweater, and some leggings. I also find a pair of chunky combat boots that look stunning. I slowly put the clothes on, surprised to find that everything fits me perfectly. I look around for a moment and realize that everything in this closet is my size. They were ready for me.

"Would you like to get some fresh air?" I jump, so consumed in my own thoughts that I hadn't sensed him coming up behind me. I don't trust my voice yet and I nod at him while soothing him with my mind that I am just a little overwhelmed right now.

We walk out the door, hand in hand and I don't pay attention to where he is leading me. Every person we pass bows to me and I automatically smile. Something tells me that it would have been rude for me to tell them not to do it. As we walk, Kurt continues right where he left off.

"I can see that you know that purple means royalty. Green, my color, is the second highest power, referred to as level four. Blue is level three, red is level two and yellow is level one. There is another color, as you saw, black and gray, that could be any level but for all intensive purposes, it is simply evil." He takes a small pause while rubbing soothing circles into my hand. He was checking to make sure he hadn't overloaded me. "There hasn't been a purple in more than 600 years. You are the first Queen we have seen in many, many years. Your people are so excited."

Now I am definitely overwhelmed. That's a lot of pressure. I am anxious and scared of what the future holds for me. My beast is telling me that he is holding back another piece of important information. I look up at him with an expecting expression and wait for him to read what is running through my mind. He takes in a huge breath and begins driving me crazy with his hesitation.

"You also, as Queen have five mates, one from each group. I am your Other mate." He says this while pleading with his eyes for me to be understanding.

"There are only four groups total. Where does Sebastian fit into all of this?" My voice shakes, it's my turn to plead with my eyes for understanding. I can't get him off my mind and I need to know why. The connection is similar to mine with Kurt, I'm assuming he may be one of my mates.

"You also have one dark mate. It could be any of the four kingdoms. Sebastian is your dark mate. He appeals to the darkest part of yourself and you appeal to the small amount of light that may be left inside of him." Everything beings to make so much more sense, but my head is spinning. My heart aches for Sebastian. I want him here. I send out a beacon for him, but there is no response.

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