35. Anxiety

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You Shook Me All Night Long- AC/DC

Gathering Siobhan in my arms, I begin to heal her face, little by little. I could heal it all at once, but it would be very painful. Sobs rage through her with all of the new information she has gained. I open my mind up to her, offering to share in her pain and rage and she accepts. I call my emotions back to me quickly and shudder as they reenter my body. I am hit with all of her grief and distress at once. She is angry and betrayed and doesn't understand. We sobbed together for a long while, sharing her pain, and making it more manageable. A large hand settles on my shoulder and all I can do is place my hand over his. I have to be here for Siobhan and I know that Kurt is in good hands.

Siobhan's sobs slow and she begins to hiccup to a stop. She looks at me sheepishly and apologizes for her behavior. I roll my eyes at her and help her up. Her face is good as new as I walk her out of the cavern. I am aware of Mason's demanding presence behind us and become more anxious the closer we get to Kurt. Exiting the underground sector of the castle, we find Siobhan's mate, Cody, waiting anxiously. I am glad he is here, she needs someone and I have to go be with Kurt. I know they are healing him currently, but he is in pain and is scared that something happened to me.

I catch a glimpse of Sebastian, lurking around one of the doors, and make my way to him. I wrap my arms gently around his waist and give him a reassuring kiss before heading back to Siobhan and Cody.

I assure Cody that she is no longer hurt and that I healed her myself. I tell him that she learned some things that were shocking but that it was not my place to tell him. With the niceties out of the way, I sprint to find Kurt. I stop in front of our door, anxiety swelling inside of me, but I can't bring myself to open it. I know that everything is my fault, I shouldn't have left him by himself. I shouldn't have been so stupid. I see Mason turn the corner, finding me panicking outside of my own bedroom. I can tell he isn't a man of many words, per our previous encounters. But he also has a killer sense of intuition.

He doesn't say anything or look at me with pity. He simply wraps his arms around me, dwarfing my entire body with his. My breathing is fast and shallow as the first of many sobs wracks my body. He holds me together with his strong hands while I can't. He invades all five of my senses and it calms me. All I can focus on at this moment is him. His smell, the feeling of his arms, even his spiritual presence inside of my head. He leans back for a moment, with nothing in his eyes but love, and places the most gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Where is the warrior that I saw in the cavern? You can do this baby." His words echo through my mind as I stare, still panicked, into his eyes. He believes in me and he gives me a smile that makes my heart stop. Some people may have found the smile menacing or scary, but to me, it was a lifeline. He knew I was exhausted and he offered me strength. Sending me waves of caring and calm energy. I felt slightly energized and my heart rate slowed. Determination set in and he must've seen it in my eyes.

"Thank you, Mason. I don't know what happened, I just couldn't go in for a second." I sound pitiful but his loving gaze never falters.

"That's what I'm here for. I'll give you strength when you don't have any. I'll be here." His voice is strong and booming. He releases me and gives me a pat on the butt as if to say 'You can do it' and begins to walk away. He wasn't going to stand here with me, because he knew I had to do this by myself. He saw my strength and trusted me to do what I needed to. He was the perfect balance to the warrior I had found within myself.

I crack the door open slowly and peek my head in. To my surprise, Kurt is sitting up in our bed. When he sees me, his face breaks into a million-watt smile that I can't help but return. He is still badly bruised but at first glance, the majority of his wounds are closed. I run to him and have to contain myself from tackling him.

"I am so sorry, my love. I should have taken you with me, I shouldn't have left you alone." He cuts me off, shushing me and making soft soothing noises.

"You know, seeing you bust into the cavern, alight with your powers, was really hot. You were incredible." I can't help but laugh at his statement and just like that, the ice is broken. "I knew you were coming. You didn't have anything to do with me being taken. She wanted information on your plans to make peace between Vampires and Witches. I didn't tell her anything."

"And why not? That was the stupidest thing you could have ever done. You should have just told her little bits of information here and there until we came. You probably wouldn't have been hurt as badly had you cooperated." My eyebrows pull together in concern as I study him. I place my hands on either side of his badly bruised face and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. I focused all of my power on healing his body to a hundred percent. I felt him tense at the rush of power, then relax as the power healed him. Opening my eyes, I see that the bruising is gone and see a smile of relief sweep across his face.

"So, I heard that we have something to talk about." He looks at my face expectantly and I blank. I don't know how to tell him that I have found my next mate so soon after his near-death experience. "Actually I didn't hear anything. I can feel the anxiety coming off of you, love. Whatever it is, I promise you it will be fine." My anxiety peeks at an all-time high and the only way I can think to tell him is just to spit it out.

"I found my next mate. He's a Witch. His name is Mason." I watch my mate's mouth make a little o in surprise. There isn't any judgment or negativity behind it, he is just genuinely surprised.

"Holy shit! I didn't think he would ever find a mate. He's pretty rough around the edges and doesn't talk much, but I know he can protect you better than I ever could. And who knows, maybe he will be able to bend your will when you get crazy ideas, like storming in to save me by yourself." He laughs at his own joke about my stubbornness and I realize my fears were for nothing. There was never going to be an issue between my mates, they all only cared about what was best for me. At that moment, I was the luckiest woman in the world. "You wanna invite him in? Maybe try out the three-way option?" He already had me blushing, but now it was all down my neck and on my chest. I wasn't sure if he was serious or not, but I was not ready for that kind of thing yet.

Before he could continue being an ass, I leaned in to give him a passionate kiss. I put in every bit of relief I was feeling. From him being safe in my arms, to the relief of him being okay with me finding my new mate. His arms automatically wrap around me, but I pin them above his head, not allowing him to move. I move to straddle him, slowly grinding against him in a way that I knew would drive him crazy.

"I don't know if you're feeling well enough to be participating in these types of activities. It might be best if you leave the work to me." I say seductively, removing my shirt slowly. I take care of his every need that night, bringing him to a finish so many times that nothing comes out anymore. We fall asleep in the wee hours of the morning wrapped in each other's arms.

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