27. Grand Coven Leaders

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Hey Look Ma I Made It- Panic At The Disco

The morning of the Grand Coven Leaders rushes towards me at an uncontrollable speed. I am nervous and excited. Kurt is there every step of the way and I can't put into words how much it means to me. I feel terrible about how much time I've been spending away from him, but he knows how often he crosses my mind. I make sure to check in with him as often as possible, making sure all of his needs and wants are taken care of. No matter what, I always make it to bed with him. I feel as though it is important to make sure he knows that I will be in his bed.

Sebastian, as usual, is doing his own thing, lurking throughout the castle, every so often putting deliciously naughty thoughts into my head. He avoids me a lot, which makes my heart ache, but it was the nature of our relationship. I hope every day that he opens up to me and our relationship develops. I give him his space, and make sure his needs and wants are met.

The last of the preparations is to be fitted for my outfit when I am presented to the Grand Coven Leaders. I tell the seamstress working with me that I want something bold and never seen before and super sexy. I want to shock and awe and maybe give people the impression that I am a weak little girl. In reading the diaries of the Queens that came before me, it had always been a power struggle. Even though they were the strongest beings on the earth at the time, it didn't matter because they tried too hard. Tried to assert authority to demand respect. It never worked.

I was deciding on a different approach. I wanted them to underestimate me, so when the time came that I had to assert my authority, I would stun everyone and there would be no question of who was in power. I didn't feel the need to demand respect or show off my powers. I wanted to make them feel as though I was only worried about my appearance. I have always enjoyed showing off. I wasn't about to wear traditional garb that showed nothing. If I was going to be Queen, I was going to look as sexy as possible doing it.

The morning of their arrival was here and I hadn't seen my outfit. I had no idea if it was a dress or just a g-string. I'm assuming that wouldn't be appropriate, but it's fun to think about. I gave Kurt a lingering kiss and made sure he was set for the day, as I knew I wouldn't see him much today. I told him to let me know, at any point, if he needed me and I would be there for him in an instant. I also send Sebastian a quick message and let him know the same as well.

I made my way to the seamstress workshop and tried to imagine what color my outfit would be. Purple made sense, but it was too predictable. I couldn't have ever come close to what she actually had in store for me. Walking into the shop area, there was a curtain completely cutting off a part of the room. I now knew that it was a dress and that it was made with the darkest black fabric known to earth. I would literally look like a walking shadow. I could see glimpses of the dress in my visions, but nothing would prepare me for seeing it in person.

The dress was a long sleeve with black lace covering the tops of my hands. The breast pieces drew to a point at both of my collarbones. There was no fabric in between them or all the way to my navel, creating the most dramatic plunge I had ever seen. Anywhere that wasn't covering something scandalous and I do mean everywhere was a mix of black lace and black see-through mesh. The breast pieces curved down around my midsection and to my behind, but that was it. The back was all mesh as well, except a small strip that started as small as a stitch could be at the nape of my neck and flowed outwards towards my hips to make sure that everything was covered.

I had never seen anything as beautiful as it was and it brought tears to my eyes. I would usher in a new era with this dress, making statements past Queens had been too afraid to make. The train of the dress was a few feet, nothing too crazy because I wanted the focus to be on my body. I had turned into a 13-year-old girl squealing at the dress. I was so excited to put this on and once I did, I truly felt like a Queen. I studied my final reflection in the mirror and found that the regal look came naturally. I was meant to be here. The dress hugged every curve as I had wanted it to and the black fabric contrasted perfectly against my almost translucent skin. My eyes were smoked out with a classy cat eye and my lips were painted an almost black-red color. The last piece of the outfit came through the door and I gasped at its beauty.

My crown. I had seen pictures of it, but the real thing was absolutely stunning. It was not gaudy, as so many of the human ruler's crowns had been. It was dainty and thin. Only made with one of the finest diamonds earth had to offer. There were thorns coming off of the top as well, to symbolize the trials and tribulations our people had been through and would continue to go through. As my seamstress placed the crown on my head, confidence grew in me. All of the anxieties of the past few weeks were gone and I was finally ready to meet my people.

"Your Majesty, The Grand Coven leaders are here." One of the castle staff informed me.

"Thank you, love. Please have them taken to the meeting room and tell them I am not ready yet." The young woman looked at me in confusion but didn't question it. "Tell them I will be there in five minutes. It's a power play, I don't want them to get the impression that I will jump to their every whim." I explain to her quickly. She nods and smiles in appreciation. These people are really not used to their higher-ups treating them with basic human decency.

I rise and examine myself one last time in the mirror and begin my slow march to the meeting room. I take as long as possible, stopping to say hello to every person I pass. I finally arrive and sweep into the room without a glance at the people around the table. I stand at the head of the table and scan the men and women that surround me. Everyone stands and gives a slight bow, as is customary with the Witches. I wait for everyone to finish and give a small bow back.

"My name is Mayslee. I apologize for my tardiness, as I was not ready yet. Please introduce yourselves." All eyes are on me in absolute shocked silence. Both the men's and women's faces range from oogling to jealousy.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty. We are just not used to being around royalty, as we haven't been for many years. My name is Siobhan and I am the leader of the Grand Coven." A woman with a slight Irish accent stands and bows once again. She is striking in looks and has an extremely strong aura surrounding her. Her hair is unkempt and is almost the exact same color as fire. She is dressed in black robes and knee-high boots. The others seem to find their voices and introduce themselves one by one. I probe at Siobhan's mind silently and find that she is very slick and cunning, although, there is no ill will towards me.

"Your Majesty, it is a deep regret that we couldn't meet under less stressful circumstances, but I'm afraid something has to be done about the vampires. They have taken things too far this time. They have drained one of our own." My stomach sinks as Siobhan says these words. However, my beast whispered to me as she spoke. You need to confirm yourself that this act was done by a vampire.

"I need to examine the body. I will be able to get a sense of who it was through my visions." At this statement, I noticed one of the men in the group tense and begin to visibly sweat. "Is there a problem with that, sir?"

He looks up at me with panic in his eyes as I blast through his mental barriers and see the true intention in his thoughts.

"Were you aware that one of your own Grand Coven leaders was a traitor?" I look at Siobhan and shove the images into her mind that I had pulled from the man's mind. Her eyebrows pulled together in confusion and then all hell breaks loose.

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