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As his lips brushed against yours, an electric current surged through your entire being, igniting a euphoria that consumed you from within. And the chain within you awakened pulsating with an ethereal glow that radiated waves of relief, joy, and unadulterated happiness, in a way that left you feeling like its roots were coming from the depths of your soul.

In that transcendent moment, you lost yourself completely. Your fingers delicately intertwined in his hair, your senses blissfully oblivious to the existence of anything else around you. Time stood still as you basked in the tender warmth of his lips and surrendered to the exquisite mastery of his kiss.

When that dreamy moment came to an end, you reluctantly opened your eyes, still intoxicated by the sweet spell of his touch. Yet, as your hazy vision cleared, a scene unfolded before you that tugged at the deepest corners of your heart. Tears glistened in Hoseok's eyes, trailing down his cheeks, leaving behind the proof of his raw emotion.

The sight made your heart ache for you could only imagine how long he has lived waiting to hold the one he loved. The desperate image of him dying in the flames while looking towards your portrait with eyes full of regret and love, flashed before your eyes immediately and as Hoseok whispered your name, it echoed in your ears as if he was miles away.

You couldn't reply anything back as the feeling of the chain within you suddenly grew unbearable and in a blink of an eye, you felt a pull coming from within you that drove your consciousness into a deep darkness.

You collapsed in his arms right after and Hoseok panicked visibly at the fact that you had just fainted, calling your name a few more times before he started to look around him and made eye contact with Yukio.

"Y/N!" She rushed towards you and along came Jake and Lola that snapped out of their momentary shock, for the three of them were observing your interaction with Hoseok.

"Oh my, what happened?" She asked Hoseok as she touched your cheeks lightly and looked over you with worry.

"I... have no idea. I will get her home for now. Come as soon as possible." Hoseok concluded then he secured you in his arms and without thinking twice, vanished along with you. Leaving Jake and Lola frozen once again.

But most importantly leaving Yukio to have to deal with them on her own for she had to come up with a logical explanation.

---change of set ---

Your vision started clearing up only to let you be astonished by the sight that was before you.

That portrait of you from Hoseok's past life was standing right before you and as you instinctively took a look at your surroundings, you realized that you were back in that room

"Am I seeing another part of his past?" You murmured to yourself right before the sound of a door opening made you turn around instantly only to face some kids standing by the door.

"Noona, Noona, Hoseok Hyung is waiting for you to go shopping for your engagement. Hurry ~" One of them rushed inside and grabbed your hand pulling you along while you were left shocked over the fact that they could touch you to begin with.

Last time you had seen parts of his past life you weren't visible to anyone else and everyone just passed through you as if you were a ghost. But now not only this child was touching you but they could see you too and they were treating you as if they knew you.

You followed them silently down some stairs and to the front door, only for your eyes to suddenly get a glimpse of your own figure in a small mirror that was placed by the entrance.

Your feet froze immediately upon realizing that the clothes you were wearing weren't the ones you had just a moment before nor your hair was exactly the same. It was all styled in an elegant way and the colour was slightly darker than the one you actually have.

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