Chapter 1

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POV of DIvine

"Why are you like this? HUH! Why do you have to give me a hard time Chase goes to school and comes home she cooks and fucking cleans and does as I say. All you did was get pregnant and have my son you are not even a good mom too. I wish I never meet you or fucking had him with you I should have left you when I met my princess" he scolds at me as I lay on the floor with a black eye and busted lip. Jayce please stop I look at him with tears please the baby is crying and Chase is in there crying too. Let me take care of them and I'll leave you alone. I won't speak, I won't be in your way or bother you for anything he pulls me up by my throat and whispers"Fine go clean yourself so I can go get my baby Chase she doesn't need to see this mess he says after taking another drink out of his bottle looking at me with so much disgust.

He slams the door making the pictures hit the ground. I go to the bathroom and hold in my screams and look in the mirror. I have to get out of here. I can't keep my beautiful baby here. He doesn't love me. I grab my phone I've hidden since he always wants control but expects me to lie and hide the abuse and pain he causes. 


Hey D are you okay?7:45 pm


Hey you never hit me back I need you okay

I saw how he snatched you out of the club that

Is not okay. If he puts his hands on you that shit is not okay. 12:00 am


Divine look call me when you see this okay

I love you. I am worried 12:05 am

Please come get the baby.

Bring the car seat I ordered for him.

I gotta get out of here.

All our new clothes are already at your place.

3:45 pm

I'm on my way 3:46

I go into the living room with my head down not to make eye contact with him or Chase who's sitting on his lap. I keep walking till I see my beautiful baby. His smile is my little bit of light. I pick him up and feel a hand wrap around my waist. I feel his lips come to my ear he can't stay I'm taking chase out so figure out what you doing with him. I nod fast. I'll have my sister come get him. I hurry up and get in the room packing a diaper bag and putting him in his seat and Jayace keeps a sharp eye on me. Umm Jayce, have you seen his pacifier? It's probably in the bathroom stupid why do you never know where his stuff is jump from his tone and rush to the bathroom and slide the phone in my pants and grab the new pacifier pack I just bought out of the bathroom and my work shirt. I didn't see his paci he had um but it's okay I bought new ones I say as I walk back in the room and see he's gone I put the phone in the bag inside the wipe container. I carry the car seat and the diaper bag into the living room where I see Chase with the baby's pacifier in her mouth while she's chewing on it. Chase stops taking the baby's paci. Okay, you have 3 I open the drawer and pull out her custom paci to hand her and she starts to scream.

DON'T FUCKING TALK TO HER GET YO SON AND TAKE YOUR ASS TO WORK SHE CAN HAVE WHAT SHE WANTS he yells in my face with his hand around my neck. I say okay faintly. He squeezes harder and I get out. I'm sorry as tears start to stream down my face from lack of air. He hurries and let's go as he hears the doorbell.

POV Ryan

I swear if I ring this doorbell again I'm gonna break this door off. The door knob finally turns and there he is with that ugly-ass smile. Hey, sis-in-law how are you doing he says before he tries to hug me. Excuse me no sir don't try to hug me you stack and I'm not here for you where my sister at. Damn, you are going to do me like that I push past him and she is grabbing the car seat. I stop her and she chases trying to hide a paci she must have stolen from the baby once again. I grab the car seat and the bag from her. Do you need a ride to work? DI can take you? I'm going the other way but I don't mind.I see Jayce grab her waist it's okay imma take her. We gotta talk anyway. I look at her and see she put up 2 and 3 on her thigh. I smile alright. I'll see y'all later. I start walking to the car and see them about to leave. I whisper to her as she connects the seatbelt and kisses the baby.D imma pick you up from work she looks up at me I work at a new dinner I have him drop me off at the old one but they aren't that far from each other okay go to Beth Ann's dine house okay. I nod and watch her walk to his car. I look down in the mirror and see the sweetest sleeping face. I sigh it's okay baby boy I'm taking you and Mommy with me. Okay, lil man let's go to mommy's job and meet her there. I drive the long way so he won't see my car I park and get a booth in the back for me and the baby.

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