Chapter 3

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POV Jazz

As we leave the diner and walk to the car Zion asks what happened when she calmed me down why don't you come back holding hands? and why are you so into your phone right now? well, I have found an interest so I am looking more into it different nail designs and styles things you guys don't care about I roll my eyes. I feel his hand grab my chain to look up at him. jazz who are you talking to Kawaii can easily try as to your sweet while I fuck you in this back seat. don't play with me I can easily fix that attitude you know it. sorry for my attitude and I'll fix it. I say it's a climb into the backseat. as I try to figure out what to save her name under. Should I put the baby girl no she's not buying it should I put it princess well I can't say princess because that's what she called me what about I can do Mamas so simple Mamas is cute. That's what I'll do. I'll save it as Mamas. I look up and see Kawaii Looking upset but it's probably because he wants her number and I already have it. I'll keep it to myself for now until I feel like he deserves it.



Hey Good Morning, do you work today?

I wanted to get lunch with you

and get to know you better. 7:30 am

No, I don't work Today.

Good morning to you also.

I usually just spend my off days with my son.

You know go to the park and do stuff that he can relax. 7:40 am

Wait, the baby I saw yesterday was yours.

He is so cute. I'm sorry I didn't realize you were

in a relationship and I tried to get at you

well my boyfriends did too. 7:42 am

No, It's okay I left him. 7:43 am

May I ask why?

Wait let me guess he didn't

want to take care of the baby?

Or did he cheat on you

and choose a hoe over his baby? 7:45 am

No, he wanted the baby at the beginning.

And he didn't cheat, we had a girlfriend.

He and that situation is a long story.

Call me and I'll tell you about it. 7:50 am

I got a bit nervous at first but I put my hair in a messy bun and called. And I hear this beautiful and soft hello. Hey, it's jazz. Oh hey, love how are you feeling today? I didn't want to text and ask how you are doing when I could say it to you and hear the truth in your voice. I am okay just eating breakfast. How are you feeling and how did you sleep? I'm feeling a bit nervous about my new journey and I slept better than usual. Can I ask a question, mama? She laughs softly at the name yea jazz go ahead. What's the baby's name? I hear her move around and I hear small cries it must be the baby. Shh shh shh hey mommy is right here. His name is Jayce Major Keller Jr. So that's the dad's name. Yea, that's that man's name but I call him Ace

I love the name, Ace. Thanks that is what I wanted to name him. I wanted to name him Major Ace Brown but his father filled out the birth certificate and made me feel bad for not wanting to name him after him. Saying that's my son right, why wouldn't he have my name unless he isn't mine then asked for a DNA test? I gasp, are you kidding me he did that to you?? Yea, he did but I didn't pay him no mind because I have my baby. What did your girlfriend do? Nothing she did, nothing they cared about me at the beginning of my pregnancy but after 4 months they were over it. And the abuse started. Please don't tell me he hit you while pregnant. I hear a soft voice filled with so much sadness. Hey hey, mamas your okay right you're not with him I'll come get you if you are.

I wrote down the guy's name in my phone memos and what was your girlfriend's name. Her name was Chase. Chase? Chase what? Chase Smith, why do you know her? I have a nail appointment for Chase Smith at 8:30. I hear her about to panic. That's in 10 minutes I gotta go. No stay, hey she won't know I'm on the phone with you I have my earbuds in and she won't be able to hear you.

Jazz I don't know about that I just left. You're probably looking for me and I don't need to be an earbud way. I take a deep breath mama how much you're telling me you haven't had a proper girlfriend or a proper boyfriend, someone that cares and that you can trust let me on your chest. I hear men entering her room greeting her and speaking to her and as they're talking to her Chase comes through the door. Hi, you're my 8:30 appointment. Chase says yeah girl I always set another appointment with you you always get my nails looking good for me and my man. I thought you had a girlfriend. She laughs then I can see sadness appear on her face. She disappeared yesterday. My man proposed to me and they were arguing that morning and I heard them sound like they were fighting but I didn't go in there because I didn't have time to get my nails messed up. I don't have time to mess up this pretty face. I hear her gasp in my ear to Chase's voice. I will come right back. I get up and head to the back to get my apron. Mamas listen to me. I care about you okay and your comfort. And right now I feel like I should cancel her appointments with me and no longer do her nails. I don't want you to hang up. I still want to hear you talk and tell me about yourself. Jazz do not stop your money for me okay that is your source of income. Divine, for you I'm willing to stop doing her nails. I do have many other clients but she's my only appointment for today. Jazz I'll stay on the phone but ask her more. I would like to be ahead of what they have going on. Of course love and when I'm done I would like you and Ace to join me for lunch okay? I hear a soft sigh. Okay, Ace and I will join you.

As I come back into the room. I look at her hands and the ring so tell me about your guy. I start doing her nails and she is ready to tell it all. Well, we met in college. He was in a relationship with another girl and we hit it off. We would go on dates together and cook and dance and hang out I loved it. We started a little family he wanted to get me pregnant and we tried him and her just me it was good. But when I got my period and she didn't I knew she was pregnant. I kept it to myself until she told me she hasn't had her cycle. So we went and got a test and I sat in the bathroom with her and all. I felt like we really connected. That sounds beautiful keep going. Yea, it was but then Jayce let me know that he thinks the baby wasn't his. I said that it was then he showed me these messages between her and this guy saying he would really love to link up with her and see what she really could do.

Then he told me to leave her alone and to stop helping her and fucking with her. I did because that's my man if he says something funny imma trust him. Then a few months later her water broke. She had paps he was so chunky and cute. He looked like her but light like Jayce. I heard faint sniffles and knew that mamas were crying. Then I held him he started crying instantly. He didn't like me and I tried to give him to his dad and he was like I'm not about to hold another man's baby. When I looked at Divine she was pale. They rushed us out of the room and said she lost a lot of blood. I thought she was gone but they made her get better and the moment she opened her eyes he told her we wanted a paternity test on the baby and you could tell she didn't have any fight left. He signed the birth certificate before the test came back. Ever since he has been fucked up to her but what am I supposed to do fight a man. Anyways we are taking a trip to Mexico today so I guess he doesn't care.

I fill myself getting angry so I get finish quicker okay your nails are done. you know the price it's the same thing every time. She gets all happy and looks at her manicure and hands me more than what it cost for her to be done she says to keep the rest it was a gift before she left. oh yeah, it was a gift a gift from what. it was a gift it looked like some kind of savings box it said Ace's name on it but Jayce told me that it was for me so I'm using it to my nails done pay for my outfit and for a gift for my man. she gets up and leaves and she does I say mamas are you still there are you okay? there's nothing but silence for a few minutes then I hear her say I say $3,500 dollars for my child's future and she's blowing it on things that are unnecessary. it's okay don't worry your son will be taken care of. she snaps back real quick yeah I know he will because he got me I'm all he needs and I'm only God and we going to be okay because I'm going to make sure we're okay. I hear the upset and overprotective telling her voice Meet me at Lakeview I will pick you up but I kind of want to change. Are you sure you still want to do that with me and my baby I don't want to be some kind of Burden to you. yes I'm sure I already got the reservation and I would like to be joined I'm going to pick up the food in front of Lakeview and we'll go in some grass I feel like so he can still have some fresh air. Better yet I'll text you my address Meet me there and I'll drive all of us to Lakeview. 

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