Chapter 11

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                       POV Kawaii

I wake up on the couch and find my phone and see that it's 5:00 a.m. I get up, walk to the bathroom, and see Jazz and Zion are still asleep. And take care of all of my morning things. I decided to take out a button-down shirt and swim trunks. I take out my phone and text Babe

🤎🤱🏾 My Babymama🤱🏾🤎

Good morning, hope you
slept well and little man too.
I just wanted to let you know
that I did try to make him some
snacks. If you want him to
try out new food there will
be some if you don't that's okay.
I hope you have a great morning
and if you need something
let me know.

🤎🤱🏾 My Babymama🤱🏾🤎
Good morning baby boy,
I slept okay and
he is still asleep.
Thank you for going out
of your way to make snacks
for the baby. I can't wait
for him and try them for you.
Why are you up so early?
Are you okay? Do you need
someone to talk to?

Yeah, I'm okay I'm just about
to get in the shower you're
asking me why am I up so early.
Why are you up this early?
Doesn't your class start
at like 7:00 or something?

Yes my class starts at 7:00
but I just woke up early.
I haven't gotten out of the
baby's old schedule yet since
he's starting to sleep fully
sometimes he wakes up so
I try to be up but if he does
needs help going back to sleep
I'll be right here

Can I ask you a question?

Yeah, you can ask me anything

How have you been feeling lately?
I mean you got the order done
so that  has lifted
weight off of your shoulders.

I'll say I'm pretty okay for
the most part. I don't really
go anywhere I usually am
at home with the baby doing
school work and taking these
management seminars for work.

I miss you being here.
When I try to get up when
you're here you make me lay back
down and rub my head.
Jazz does that but since she
has two men to take care
of and love on sometimes she
just stay asleep I know we
can be tiring. But your touch is
soft and warm. It makes me
not hide anything and makes
me stop thinking so fast.

I'm happy I make you feel 
like that. I try to give you all
love and affection equally,
sometimes I give others more.
But I keep it balanced pretty much.
You're rough sometimes
but sometimes you are very
soft and sweet. It makes me
just want to cuddle with you
or rub your head maybe
tease you. You have walls up
that I have to learn how to take
down but I'll go slow.

I've noticed that a bit.
It's like you want to care
for me and make sure
nothing ever happens.
But I'm a man,
I got me and I got you.

Yes, you are a man.
Not quite my man yet but
while I'm in the process of
learning about you and your needs
and how you've been hurt.
It is what I'm supposed to
take care of. It's kind of like
how you look at my son.
You haven't even known him
that long but you swear
he's yours. You buy him
all kinds of clothes and shoe
chains like he walks around
with you all day. Y'all came
with me to get his ears
pierced and looked more
  distressed than I did.
I can tell you all love me
all three of you.
But I can really tell you
all really love my son.

That's cuz I haven't had a dad
I didn't grow up with one of those.
So I learned how to be a man myself.
I learned to take care of things
and that being rough isn't
always the answer.
Your son has a bozo as his father
and I refuse to let him lead an
example to your son that way.
So he might not be mine and
I might not have been
there since the beginning.
But I want to be there now
and for however long he
needs a man there.
You don't have to put the
responsibility on me because
I'm telling you I'm going to take it.
I'm telling you that if he needs
anything that I'll go get it.

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