Chapter 9

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Imma change

your contact name. 9:05 am

To what mamas 9:05 am

Imma change your contact

name to 💋👶🏾baby girl👶🏾💋 9:06 am

I like that😋 9:06 am

I knew you would.

I need Kawaii and Zions 9:06 am

Okay mamas🙄 9:07 am


Do you have an attitude? 9:08 am

No mamas I don't

I liked texting you

To myself 9:08 am

You still can tho

Baby girl don't

be like that 10:09 am

After a few more minutes of driving, we are at the gate. Zions presses the button and hears Jonathan. Hey Jonathan can you let me in, please? Right away he says and the gates open, Zion parks his car next to mine. As we get out of the car I see my sister holding my baby. When we get to the top of the stairs. Ryan, this is Jazz, Kawaii, and Zion. I take Ace out of her arms and see him smiling at Jazz. Hi, Mommy's handsome boy. Ryan hugs Jazz and Zion and Kawaii hands her the food he brought her. Jonathan comes out and takes Zion and Kawaii to the back where the grill is. Jazz and I walk to my room so I can change and pump. When we get in the room I sit the baby in the middle of his U pillow. Jazz sits next to him, hi little man. Do you remember me? I hear the baby and Jazz laugh. I take off my dress and put on a summer dress. I take out my pumps and latch them on to empty my breast before they get sore.

I come around the corner and Jazz has her eyes stuck on me. Why are you looking like that? She looks back at the baby. Nothing, you look very pretty. Thank you, I open the door to the baby's nurse and grab him a white shirt and shorts. Once I get him changed we go downstairs to meet everyone. As I walk down the hall I see Kawaii in the kitchen of course. I sit at the counter with the baby on my lap. Hi baby boy. He turns his head and smiles hi ma. His smile gets brighter when he sees the baby. he washes his hands and comes around the corner. Hi little dude, I'm Kawaii. I look down and see the baby chewing on his hand looking at Kawaii.

I stand him up on my legs and he reaches for jazz. Jazz takes him and they both talk to the baby making him smile. I get up and go to the back door and see Zion talking to a group of guys. I lean on the glass looking at him and laugh. Then he looks over and notices me. Well, the dress and starts walking towards me. He opens the sliding door and puts his hand on my side. You look beautiful. I smile and say thank you. Where are the other 2? I grab his hand and say they are with the baby. I walk him over to the two and he smiles looking at Jazz and Kawaii plays with the baby. He stands behind me with his hands on my waist. As more guests come. I grab the baby and take him to my room after an hour and they all come with me. Then I get a text from Ryan.

🤞🏾sissy pooh🤞🏾

Stay in my room. 10:18 am

I don't know who they

came with but Jayce and Chase are here.10:20 am

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