Chapter 26

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I wake up to Kawaiis arm around my waist. I cuddle closer into his warmth for a few more minutes before I get up. I know Zion had to go to work this morning but where is jazz? I climb out the bed and go to brush my teeth. I look at the time and yawn It is 6 am where can my baby be? I close the door behind me walk to the kitchen and see nothing has been touched. I go downstairs to where her art room is. I walk to the only room door that opens lean against the door frame and watch her focus on painting a press on set. I walk up and sit on the other side of her desk. She looks up at me and takes her earbuds out. Hi Mama she says giving me a sweet smile. Hi my love how are you feeling? She stops painting and smirks I'm good. She turns the nails to face me showing me a blue camo design. I like it baby it's cute. She smiles up at me and goes back to painting. How long have you been up? I watch as she paints paying attention to every detail. I have been up since 5:20 I felt Zion get out of the bed and decided to walk him to the door. I lean back against the chair how come you didn't come back to bed? She giggles I did get back in the bed I cuddled you and Kawaii. I fold my arms and smirk. Have you eaten anything? She says no ma but I'm not hungry. I get up walk to her mini fridge and grab out an apple. I'm gonna do something for all of you today. She looks up at me pulling her chair back making space for me to sit. I laugh no finish painting I'm not trying to be a distraction. I sit in the chair cut the skin off the apple and smile as I hear her get up. She sits the plate on her lap as I try to cut it smoove. Mama? I look up in her eyes and smile yes my lobe. She takes the apple and knife from me and sits it on a plate. What is the plan for my birthday?

I laugh and shake my head no. Now, jazz you know it's a surprise. I get up to walk away and feel her grab the back of the shirt. She laughs okay okay can I at least still get my kiss? I turn around and stand in between her legs. I kiss her deep and slow good morning my love. I feel her hands hold my face so sweetly. She pulls me in kissing me softer. I hear her phone buzz and pull back. She answers the phone and puts it on speaker. Hi lover boy good morning. I hear a sleepy voice answer. Where are my girls? I giggle aww here I come, papa. Jazz gets off the desk, grabs my hand, and walks to the door with me. When we get upstairs I see him putting his dickie pants on. Where are you going i say with my eyebrow raised. He puts on a tank top grabs my neck and kisses me deep pulling me in closer. When I open my eyes I see him kissing Jazz the same way. He lets go and says I want to go to take you both somewhere. He smiles licks his lips and says go get dressed.

Pov Ryan

I wake up and see that my bed is empty. I get up brush my teeth and wash my face. I go to check the nursery to and see the baby isn't there. I hear music from afar and follow the sound until get to the gym. I open the door to see the baby doing tummy time on the floor next to Johnathan as Rod Wave braceface plays. I see Ace giggle and laugh as Johnathan makes faces in the mirror. He looks over and sees that Ace rolled over. Hey, little man we not doing that workout you owe me 2 more push up he tickles Ace looks up at the mirror and sees me. I watch him get up and grab the baby. I watch Ace get excited as he gets closer. Hi, Auntie fat boy I say with a huge smile. I take the baby out of his arms. When I look up I see his eyes on me with a smile. I smirk you better stop looking at me like that in front of my man. He laughs as Ace looks at him crazy. He grabbed my chin kissing me softly. I take Ace to the kitchen and sit him in his high chair. Are you hungry? Let's see what we got. I see an unknown number calling my phone. I ignore it as I feed the baby and handle making breakfast for John. I give Ace some eggs, blueberries, and a tortilla. As I start to make Johnathan's plate I see the same number call my phone. Babe I call out feeling a bit strange by the number. He comes around the corner fresh out of the shower. what's wrong? This number keeps calling my phone. He looks at me confused. Look I show him my call log. This number called me 5 times yesterday during dinner yesterday and then 2 times this morning. He says that's weird when the number calls again give me the phone and I'll answer it as he sits down at the table. I place food in front of him and give the baby a little more eggs on his table. so boys what is the plan for the day what are we going to go do? has I asked a question I see the phone Buzz and it's a message from my sister. don't forget to bring me my child you always trying to kidnap him and keep him. I laugh and text back I will bring him when you are ready but he is eating breakfast right now. I'll take a picture of Ace at his high chair with a smashed piece of the egg on his face and send it to her. I smile at Jonathan do you want coffee or orange juice? he says orange juice as he makes faces at Ace making him laugh. I go to grab a glass cup and fill it with orange juice then I see the number call again. Jonathan looks at my phone and puts it on speaker. who is this and what do you want? I hear Jayce's Voice and sit the glass down turning to look at Jonathan. who is this? Jonathan replies you called my phone what do you want and who is this. no homie I'll call Ryan's phone that's my sister-in-law and I need to talk to her. Jonathan folds his arms and sits back she can hear you say what you want to say. I want my son and I know that Ryan gets to see him. Ryan bring me my son or let's meet up somewhere so I can see my boy. before I can respond Jonathan says that's not happening. I hear an evil laugh on the other side of the phone. that's my child and I'm not about to let y'all keep him away from me. so tell your sister she needs to contact me right now before things get messy and it is a problem. I would hate to have to lay one of her little pretty boys out for me to see my son. bring me my child I'm not going to ask anymore this was my first and last time so I suggest you pass the message on or find out what will happen next. the phone hangs up and all I feel is my tears falling down my face as I shake. it starts crying and reaching for Jonathan. he picks him up and walks to me hugging us both tight. he says you're okay it's okay I'm right here I got you don't worry. I grabbed Ace out of his hands and walked to the room to call my sister. I go in the room and shut the door behind me Laying Ace in the middle of the bed as I sit in front of him to change his diaper. I call my sisters and put the phone on speaker. the phone rings until I hear the voicemail. I hang up and Jonathan opens up the room door and hands me his phone. I call her from his number as he walks away with my phone and she answers. I hear her laugh and her joy and her voice and she says hello. I tried to hold back my tears but can't. Divine I need you to listen I need you to sit down and I need you to stay calm. I hear the worry in her voice and she says what's wrong what's going on? I ask are you by yourself are you alone? she says no Jazz and Kawaii are with me what's going on what's wrong what happened. I can hear her but the phone is on speaker as Jazz says what's wrong what is your face look so worried what happened? I say Jace just called my phone he called five times last night he caught three times this morning and he said that he wants his child. he threatened to her Kawaii and Zion. he wants me to bring him Ace Jonathan already told him no I don't know how he got my number. I hear Kauai say we're on our way to your house now. no, don't come here we will meet somewhere and I will hand you Ace I don't know if he knows where I live I don't know what he knows and since he has my number I don't feel like that's safe. let's meet somewhere and I'll hand you the baby and we'll discuss something further. I hear Divine say okay in a shaky voice before the phone hangs up. I look down at my nephew terrified for his safety. I picked him up and held him to my chest let's go cake use some clothes so you can go see your mommy I said with a big smile. I get a stressed and a little black sweat suit and prop him up on the bed letting him watch TV as I pack a bag with fresh clothes and his new bear he just got. I'm so far in my head that one Jonathan crabs me a flinch. he pulls me into his chest and says I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I hug him tight trying to hold in my tears and My Cries. he says everything is going to be okay we got you we got him and your sister's going to be okay. I don't know how he got your number or who you talk to that talks to him but I'm getting you another phone just for my number your sister's number in her partner's numbers. I'm out of my head as he takes the baby bag away from me. we need to find a location to do an exchange I have to give her her baby I know she's worried and freaking out and scared and I don't want her panicking because she doesn't have Ace In Her Arms. he lifts my chin to look up at him before he kisses my head. we can meet at the park whatever Park Jazz and your sister went to for their date that you were telling me about. I look into his eyes and say what if they're sitting outside my house? what if they're sitting at the front gate waiting for us to leave? he kisses Me Softly and puts his head against mine. all four trucks will pull up the same gate and we will go in separate directions we will pull onto the freeway and zigzag through traffic I know it sounds dangerous but we'll make sure it's safe. then we'll line up I'll ask off the second exit and I'll have a truck speed off of the first exit and we'll just have to figure out which car you're in. I love you Jonathan when I say looking deep into his eyes. I love you too Ryan and I'm not going anywhere. 

Pov Divine

I feel my heart race as I grab my shoes. I run to the car with Jazz and Kawaii behind me.I JUmp in the driver seat and Kawaii grabs me before I start the car. He grabs my face and says let me drive baby your shaking Okay I got you. I climb into the back seat and call Zion.FUck he's not answering I yell as tears fall faster. Jazz pulls me into a hug holding me tight. She rubs my back and says" Shh shh listen to my heart baby, please. Just listen to my heart and follow my breathing. I feel her melt holding me tight until all I feel is sniffles. I text Zion letting Him know what going on. I feel her phone vibrate and she gets up and looks at her phone.She rubs her eyes and says Ryan is almost at the park. We pull into the parking lot and jump out of the car. Kawaii Opens the trunk and sits down I stand in between his legs watching the cars drive by until I see a black pull up and I take off running.I feel Kawaii try to grab me but I'm gone. I feel my heart racing as I run out of my shoes. When I see Ryan's face I run even faster. I see Ryan get out of the car with tears as Ace smiles.I grab him hugging him close. I turn and see Jazz trying to catch her breath as Kawaii drives up. I laugh at her tired out-of-breath smile as Ace Claps his hands saying maa. She stands up and walks to me still out of breath saying You never..Never said ... you were a track star. Ryan laughed and said yea she did track in high school I told her she should do it for college but told me no. Kawaii gets out of the car and hugs me and Ace. Jonathan puts Bags in the trunk as Kawaii puts the car seat in the back. I look at Johnathan as his phone rings and I get this deep anxious feeling in my stomach. His voice goes very serious and He says He's at the house, Ryan. I hold Ace closer to my chest as I see Zion's car pull up and he hops out looking pissed off. I watch as he walks past everyone and comes straight to me and Ace. I look up at him as Ace pulls on his shirt. Zion takes him and says what That nigga want. Johnathan says he wants to see Ace and have a sit down with Divine. Zion laughs saying thats not happening. He's not about to be with her alone its not fucking happening. Ryan says what if we meet somewhere public? Kawaii steps up and says tell him to meet us at Chiaro di Luna. I walk to him and grab his face. Baby no that's your special place I dont want it to become somewhere that brings in any negative memories. He kisses my head and says it's okay. He looks at Jonathan and tells him to meet us tomorrow. Jonathan hangs up the phone and opens the door for Ryan to get in the car. Zion says Meet us at the tattoo shop with some of your boys okay. Johnathan nods and Kawaii says he's taking us to the beach house. So we will not be that far. I look over and see Jazz sitting in the back seat with her head back. I take the baby from Zion after kissing him and hand the baby to Jazz. I shut her door and got in the passenger seat. Kawaii looks back and the baby cuddles into jazz as she rubs his back and drinks her water. As we drive I hold Kawaii's hand rubbing over his knuckles.

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