Chapter 21

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Divines nightmare

YOU DUMB BITCH. I feel my lip drip blood as I see his silhouette standing over me. I hear small cries in the distance and look and see Chase. She walks to me with a rag and starts cleaning my face. I'm so so sorry baby. I don't know why he does this to you. Chase, please untie me. I'll do anything just let me go. She looks at me and kisses my head. I'll try and get Daddy to untie you okay? I nod as she walks away and all I can think about is my baby. I see Jayce walk up to me and squat down so he can be in my face. I feel his cold hand lift my chin I see his evil smile on his face as he says. You're not doing this shit again right. I say yes sir and I feel my salty tears burning the few cuts I have. As he walks behind me he says if you be good I won't do this again. I feel my skin burn as he cuts the rope. He grabs my chin and kisses my cheek. Go get in the shower and Chase will help you make dinner. I try to stand up and can feel all my muscles tighten. He helps me to the bathroom and shuts the rook door behind him. Where...How..wait where's the baby? I feel my heart start to race as I open the door. Before I could open it I saw Chase coming in with the baby asleep. She lays him on the bed grabs his diapers and wipes out the closet. She grabs towels and comes to me. Can I help you get clean? I've never seen chase like this. I say no it's fine go fine what we are making for dinner and can you please find me my phone? She nods and says Jayce broke it again we have to get you a new one tomorrow. How did get me where is Zion and Kawaii or my jazz? I feel my tears and I'm knocked out of thought by my baby crying. Shh shh shh mommy is right here. I go into the bathroom and see the damage he's done, busted my lip and I have a black eye. I see a bruise on my collarbone and clean the blood off my skin and go pick him up. Hi, mommy's baby. He looks up at me with his lip poked out I can't tell if this is real or not. I pick him up and walk into the bathroom so he can see himself in the mirror. I know that I have to figure something out. I take his clothes off get in the shower with him and let the warm water make him calm down. I watch the water run through his curls and chew on his hand. That's my sweet baby. I get out of the shower and get him dressed and put on sweats. I find my hoodie put it on and put a cover on his head. I go to the kitchen and see Jayce kissing Chase's neck. I walk past them open the freezer and look for his milk. I flinch at the touch and can smell the alcohol. Jayce please I gotta find him food. He growls in my ear you need to be worried about taking care of your man. Jayce please let me feed the baby then I can focus on dinner. He pulls me and slams me against the fridge making the baby scream and cry. He snatches the baby out of my arm and he screams. Jayce please please give me the baby back. He screams COOK ME FUCKING DINNER SEE THIS IS WHY FIGHT AND GOT PROBLEMS NOW. I look and how he's holding the baby and see the fear on his face. Okay, Jayce I'm sorry please give me the baby and I'll cook what you want to eat. He smirks that's better I want burgers with those homemade onion rings. I give a big smile okay baby I got it. He kisses the baby's head and gives him back to me walking away.

I calm the baby down as I start making food. It's okay Mommy got you I promise. I place him under my hoodie rocking so he can eat and go to bed. I lay the baby in the playpen and finish making their plates. After a few minutes, I feel soft cold hands on my stomach and I know it's chase. I ignore her because I need to figure out why I'm here. Was it all a dream? Me with Kawaii and Zion and my sweet baby Jazz. I can't be, can it? She pulls me towards her and stands in front of me. Hi baby, dinner looks so good. I say you're welcome, place the plates on the table and feel a hard smack to my ass making me winch in pain. He grabs my neck and smiles. Don't act like that with Chase because she wants you to love her. I clear my throat and say your dinner is ready. He sits down and lets me slide past him. I grab Ace and walk to the room. I love you so much, my sweet boy. I put a onesie on and placed him in his little bed. Chase walks into the room and says can I put the rest of her food away so she can have it for lunch I nod. I walk back to the kitchen and see his plate missing and hers half eaten. I start the dishes and wipe the counter. It's quiet just the way I like so I can think. He comes and presses up behind me and places his dish in the sink after a while. I keep washing dishes and feel him grip my waist. Jayce please let me clean up. He gets close to my ear and whispers I have had nun from you since you got pregnant with that little nigga in there. I feel my heart race. Jayce if I don't clean it'll never get done please let go. He pins me to the counter and...

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