Chapter 20

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Pov Zion

I pull the car into the garage take my bloody shirt off and grab a clean one. I wash my hands and start the washer machine. I walk to the living room and find everyone in the living room watching a movie. I see that Jazz, Divine, and the baby are missing. I say hey yall and see them jump. I laugh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare anyone. Where are my girls? Kawaii points to the kitchen and I walk that way as I hear the baby fussing and trying to calm him down. I come around the corner and see them both mad at me. Jazz punches my arm and walks away with an attitude. I walk to divine and she turns away from rocking the baby. Omega Look at me. She says not right now zion. She walks down the hall to the other living room and I follow behind her. Ace says Daaaaaaa is a very sleepy sound that turns into sad little cries. She says shhh it's okay it's okay mommy is right here Mommy got you. He reaches for me and cries and I grab him rubbing his back sitting on the couch. It's okay Big Guy, I got you go to sleep. I feel him start to relax as she folds her arms pacing. I look up at her and see her holding back her upsetness. Omega talk to me. She turns to me upset and says you could have been hurt and it would have been my fault. You just drove however far and cut off your locations so I couldn't see. What if he made you crash? What if he shot at you? What if you would have gotten hurt? I place him on my shoulder and go to hug her. Shh okay okay I'm sorry for making you worried. I hug her and rub her back. I am safe, okay you and him are okay. She looks up at me in tears. Divine listen okay I got you. She steps back and looks at me. She takes the baby and says where is your shirt.

Pov Divine

He looks at me searching for an answer. He sighs and says in the washer machine. I walk away from him and go to put the baby in the bed and go to find jazz. I check Jazz's room and she's not there then the bathroom and her office.

💋My Love💋


Where are you?

Are you okay?

I'm fine just sitting

That doesn't answer where you are.

I know you are upset

Let me be with you

I'm sitting in my car

It's cold outside

Come inside

you can have me to yourself

I don't want to...

Okay babe here I come

I walk to the kitchen and hug Ryan as she gets ready to leave and starts grabbing snacks. Kawaii comes and hugs me from behind. Yes, baby boy is it something I can help you with? He says softly, "No mama, I can just tell you're irritated and wanted to know what I could do to help. I kiss his cheek and turn to hug him. I need you to make sure that the baby is good and talk with Zion. Jazz is outside in the car and I'm going to make sure she's good okay? He grabs some of her favorite stuff and grabs some wine and 2 glasses. I walk outside with a big blanket my backpack with a few snacks and my laptop. I knock on the back window and she opens the door to the tented truck. I tilt my head at her and show her the wine glasses.

Pov Jazz

When I open the door I see mama standing there with a blanket and wine glasses. I know I'm not mad at her but I sit back and return to my phone. She lays her seat back so it can form a bed like mine and pulls out her laptop connecting it to the projector in the car. I raise my eyebrow and look at her. Mama, what are you doing? She says softly you are upset and don't want to come in the house so I came to you. We are going to watch the show you like and eat snacks and drink wine and relax. I look surprised but then I see my show on the roof and she lays the snacks out with my favorite wine. She grabs my phone and sits with her arms folded. Mama give me my phone back. She opens her arms and I go and lay on her. She kisses and rubs my head and says I got you. Tell me what's wrong. I play with her hand and say I don't like what he did. I understand we all reacted fast but I love Zion. For him to drive off like that and not text me back bothered me so much. He wasn't always the guy he is now. She rubs my head and listens. When we first got together he was in trouble with some guys and on our 5th date he saw them and they chased behind his car and shot at us. He has a scar on his back from where the bullet grazed him. I feel tears fall down my face and her warm hands lift my chin. She kisses both of my eyelids wipes my tears and says I'm sorry that you are reminded of it. I sit up and look in her eyes. I was scared at the hospital. I heard the yelling and I looked down and saw Ace and I had to get him out of there. She hugs me and says thank you for doing that. I know you love my son and I knew from the moment we went to the lake. I feel her heartbeat and it calms me.

Pov Kawaii

I go to find Zion sitting in the living room with his head back. Aye, you okay? He stands up and says Yeah I'm good. I hand him a glass of scotch and sit on the other chair. He takes a sip and says where are the girls? I set the baby monitor on the table and finished the shot. They are sitting in the truck. He looks at me confused. Jazz went to the truck after you saw her and I guess she didn't want to come inside so Mama went to keep her company. He nods and finishes his drink. Z tell me what happened when you pulled off you got a whole different shirt on man. He rubs his hand down his face and sets the glass down. I drove to the shop and he followed me there so I kept going taking the back streets trying to shake him. And then I pulled in front of my brother Zeke's house. When I hopped out, Zeke came running through the door and Jayce jumped out of his car with 2 of his goons. We started fighting and Zeke took the other dude off my back. He said no matter what he's gonna get divine back and Jayce. He pulled out a gun at me and then left when he heard the police sirens. Before I could respond I heard the baby fussing on the monitor. I get up and go into the room and see him in tears rubbing his eyes. Hey hey, little man what is wrong? I pick him up and feel that he is still warm. I take his clothes off and change his diaper as he cries. Come on Ace let me get it off of you. I pick him up and see Zion walk in with his pacifier. He places it in his mouth. He spits it out and cries mama. I give the baby and call Jazz's phone and it goes straight to voicemail.

🤎🤱🏾 My Babymama🤱🏾🤎

Mama, he is up and crying. 

Do I give him a bottle or should I give him medicine?

Have you checked his temp

I didn't use a thermometer but he still feels warm

Here I come, papa

In a few minutes, I hear footsteps and it's Mama coming in. She kisses me and says thank you for watching him and she walks past me to go get him. Before I could turn around I saw a very tired jazz and she put her head against my chest for a little bit. Are you okay babe? She nods and looks at Zion. She nods and then walks to him.

Pov Jazz

I walk away from Kawaii and go stand behind Mama. I look over Mama's shoulder and see him more frustrated than earlier. I tap her shoulder and she turns to me with the baby as she tries to calm him down. I rub the side of his head. My baby doesn't feel good huh? He sniffles and puts his hand on mine. I grab him and rub his back as he lays his head on my shoulder. We can just have the baby tonight and sleep. He's tired and I'm tired and I just want to be with him. I walk away from them and go to the kitchen and warm him up a bottle. I go get curled up on the wave couch. I give him a bottle and lay on my side as he holds my hand and falls to sleep. As I feel myself dozing off I hear divine's sweet voice. As comfortable as this huge couch is let's go get in bed. I put the baby on my chest and sit up. I don't want to sleep with Zion. She holds her hand out to me and leads me to my room. She opens the door and turns the temperature down. I put the baby in a rolling crib climbed into the bed and cuddled into her. Mama turns to face me kisses me Softly and says I got you. I cuddle into her chest making her laugh and we fall to sleep. 

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