Chapter 19

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We all run in looking for Ace or Divine. After a while, we see them and hear his little cries. I walk up and look at him and see he isn't feeling good. He whies a bit and reaches for me divine turns towards me and I pick him up out of her arm. Dont cry look what I got. I take his stuffed giraffe out of my pocket. I watch him grab the toy and give me a little smile. I rock him back and forth on my shoulder and sit letting him lay on me looking at Jazz. He holds her finger n the waiting room as we wait for a nurse to call his name. I watch as Divine talks to his doctor and Zion stands with her. Devyne walks to me and sees he's tired. He starts fussing a little before she picks him up and rubs his back WAlking around. A nurse comes over to divine and exchanges words. When she walks back over to me she grabs Jazz's hand.

Pov Jazz

She she tells me to come with her We walk to the back room for them to take the baby's vitals. The nurse says was he feeling hot earlier. Divine says yes as I help her strip him to his pamper. He gets a bit fussy and puts his arms out to me. I pick him up and let him lay his head on my chest. She checks his heartbeat and lungs. He lets out a little tired cry saying Mmmmma. I bounce my leg and kiss his head. It's okay baby I got you. He starts to get fussier and cries mama. Divine comes and grabs him. The nurse looks at us and says he has a cold and needs to stay hydrated. She kisses his head and rocks back and forth. The nurse types on her computer and say may I as a personal question. I look up at Divine confused as she says yes. She types a bit more and says where is Aces father. I look at her in disrespect. Divine looks at me and back at the Nurse. His fathers are in the waiting room. The name on his birth certificate means nothing. His biological dad is living life and having fun. If you would like to get his father's I can. I Storm out of the room and go to the waiting room and point to Zion and Kawaii They follow behind me into the room as we hear Divine getting more frustrated. I walk back in and hear her yell. She turns around and points to Zion and Kawaii and says these are his fathers. These men love him more than the man you're asking about. Zion stands in front of divine and asks for the head nurse. The nurse leaves the room as Kawaii hugs her having her calm down. After a few minutes, Dr.Tracy walks in and can see Divine is upset. I grab the baby from him and let him lay on my chest to go to sleep. Divine steps out of the room with the doctor as we pack up his stuff. She comes back with discharge papers. I walk back to the waiting room and hands the baby to Ryan. I tell her what happens. While I'm talking I hear him. Jayace Comes and walks towards Ryan but Jonathan stops him. Zion stands in front of him blocking the view of the baby. Divine turns and sees him and looks at me Kawaii runs to the car and pulls it to the front. I put on my zip-up jacket and put the baby inside of hit holding him close and walk out of the exit and climb into the back seat of his car and put the baby in the car seat.  

Pov Zion

I walk up to Divine covering her. Let me take you to the car. She looks at me and says no. She storms past me and stands in front of Jonathan and yells why are you here you have no reason to come here. He steps closer to her getting in her Face where is my fucking son. I stand behind her side as I see him ball up his fist. She shakes her head stop calling him your son you dont love him. You dont take care of him. He shakes his head and laughs where have you been at huh you stole my son from me and disappeared. Then have the never to send me a restraining order for I can't see him. He goes to grab her arm and I slap it away. He looks over at me and sees my eyes locked on him already. Dont touch her you understand. He turns to get in my face and laugh. Aye bro, Dont worry about how I speak to my girl. This isn't your fucking business alright he says. I grab Divine's throat and kiss her deeply and disrespectfully. I look back at him and smile she is nothing to you and the baby isn't either. We will see you in Court. I pull her to my side and start walking her to Kawaiis's car. I open the door and tell Kawaii to drive to our house. Jazz hands me my car keys I go get in my car and see him Running out after me. I pull off and drive in the other direction making him follow my car. I zoom past Kawaii's car so they can see him follow me. I call kawaiis phone and Divine answers. She says where are you going. Please just come home with us. I smile at her voice. Baby is okay and this is okay alright your sister will meet us at our house and I will drive around and make him lose me okay? I hear the baby cry for me and it makes me grip my wheel tighter it's okay big guy imma be home soon okay?

Pov Divine


Are you okay?

Are you safe?

Yes I'm okay are you okay?

How's your mental feeling?

My hands are shaking but

the baby is sleeping on jazz

John and I are on the way

we are right behind you

I grab Kawaiis hand and play with his knuckles. He looks over at me and says its okay babe. I look back and see Jazz looking down into the jacket. Does he need a bottle? Jazz looks up at me with a soft smile. She says no mama he is still asleep. he just looks so peaceful and comfortable. I smile at her and look back at Kawaii and notice his bulge. I'm sorry baby boy. He keeps his eyes on the wheel and makes a confused face. Why are you sorry? I place my hand over his sweats and he looks down and over to me. He says don worry about that okay we will have our time. Jazz makes a confused face and leans forward to see my hand on his hard. So you guys had sex jazz says with an annoyed tone. I looked back at her well not really we had just started when my phone was called. She folds her arms and rolls her eyes making Kawaii get mad. He pulls the car over and turns around to look at Jazz. He grabs her throat and pulls her to his nose. Fix your fucking attitude now. You have no reason to be upset you are mine and you fucking know it so fix that shit now. I hear her say yes sir softly. Kawaii grabs my throat and pulls me in surprising me. You are mine too and the next time I see that punk ass nigga imma fuck him up. That is my son and you are my girl do you understand me? I grab his wrist and look into his eyes. I say yes sir and he starts back driving. After a few more minutes we pull into the gate with Ryan and Johnathan following behind. We pull into the front of the house and I get out of the car and hug my sister. I look at Jonathan and say go find Zion I dont know where he is but I feel like something bad is gonna happen. I go up the stairs behind Jazz and walk into the house.

💫🤴🏾My Prince 🤴🏾💫

Where are you?

Are you safe?

Please answer

I'm getting very worried


I'm on my way home okay

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