Aureen Returns

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Wrote it whilst listening to Buu's Medley from Gladius. Damn this music is the epitome of legendary. This is all I could think of for now, I loved writing some of it.


What do you mean never mind dragon?

Suddenly a gust of wind and a large dragon appeared, Zamasu got scared and fell on his ass.

Woah! who are you?

Did you feel that Shenron?

Yes Mother is in trouble ...

Yes but how do we help her? I cannot enter her domain it's sealed off even to me.

I don't know Aureen, but whatever is coming will swallow us whole if we don't stop it.

Well obviously Sherlock ....

Shenron looked at Aureen wide eyed.


Too much mortal tv Aureen ...

There is no such thing as too much tv Shenron!

Zamasu yelled from between them, "What the hell is going on here!!!"

Oh he didn't get his memories back?

No only I seemed to have gotten mine back and some of Mothers essence.

Well this is a snap.

Tell me about it. Is there any way to get him to remember?

I mean you've got Mother's essence can you not use it together with a wish?

I don't know, I suppose I can try ...

Zamasu looked on in shock as Shenron tried to access Mother's essence.

Your scaring him with that face Shenron!

Well Aureen why don't you try accessing powers within your core? tell me how easy it is ...

Well I don't doubt it's hard, but that face Shenron, it's just awful ...

I give up, I can't do it right now, I'll work on it, he doesn't need to remember right now anyways ...

No I guess not, as long as you remember it's fine.

Are you calling him useless?

No of course not! I do still love him remember?

You love me?

And you me, you just don't remember ...

I think I'd remember loving a beast such as yourself ... that was the wrong wording as Aureen stood up taller and said "who the hell do you think your speaking that way to?!?"

I am the Queen of every mortal realm now and I demand respect like anyone else!

Zamasu's face was priceless, Shenron was having a very hard time holding back his laughter.

And you! she yelled at Shenron, stop laughing and respect me just as I do you!

Yes my Queen said Shenron, anything you say. He started snickering, she heard it and slapped him with her tail, he flew into a nearby building, bringing it down with him.


That's for being rude to me, now that you've seen what I can do, you WILL! RESPECT ME!

What I can see for sure is you've lost it ... it's only been a few short months and you've turned evil ...


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