Vampire Emotions Truly Do Run High

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I cannot control myself at all right now! lol, this is wow like this is what I was before my issues got worse. Like when I could read pure smut without it triggering my nerve pain.

This chapter actually triggered me and I had to stop thinking about it or risk a lot of pain. I totally took it where I said I wouldn't because of my issues ... bloody hell, honestly when it comes to emotions I'm like a vampire good god.

Moods too though, sometimes they are whacking crazy.

This chapter has swearing, I've started bloody swearing again! it's happening!


Aureen and Grav are coming to visit Shenron said.

Oh okay, wait their what?!?

Yeah really awful timing eh?

Nah you don't say, omg this will suck, ahaha suck.

Shenron couldn't help but laugh with him.

We have to feed Shenron before they get here so were not "as" tempted.

Doubt it'll help much when it comes to immortal dragon Gods but I mean let's try it regardless.

They both went into town and of course Shenron had to save Zamasu's victim as he once again wanted to use his blade on them.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me Shenron, but I can't control that blade stuff at all.

We'll figure it out and if not than I'll just come with you.

You can't be with me 24/7 mate.

Yeah no your right I can't ... well I'll do the best I can than in any case, he beamed.

Zamasu not feeling it.

How long?

22 minutes to go said Shenron as he sat there in his beach chair and sunglasses looking out at the beautiful view.

I'm so paranoid!

I'm distressed as fucking shit myself Zamasu but we got this!

As the minutes grew nearer, both were nervous wrecks and when both dragons landed the nervous laughing begun. They'd both die of embarrassment if this went on any longer and so Zamasu jabbed Shenron in his ribs to get him to stop laughing.

Shenron we have guests, why don't you go prepare lunch and tea? maybe some of that compote too! I could use it ...

Right the lunch, excuse me!

I'll be right back said Zamasu as he followed Shenron.

Dad do they seem a bit off to you?

Yeah Aureen they do, I wonder what's up?

Once closed in the shack Shenron had a near nervous breakdown and Zamasu was like have we forgotten how to act normally? what was that?

I don't know what's wrong Zamasu, I've never felt like this before, why are we so oddly nervous?

It must be the vampire emotions, because fuck it we are acting like we've done something bad and are unable to hide it and it's written on our faces.

But we have done something bad though ...

I know! but like omg, it's not hard to act normal, although clearly it is as noted.

Look just prepare lunch and tea and compote for me and like I'll go out there and just entertain them.

Entertain them? since when have we ever done that with them? it's like we've forgotten how to act around others!!!

Just shush and act calm when you come out.

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