Freedom From Corruption? Pshh you wish

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Since I've mostly exhausted the other world and Shenron for now anyways, maybe going back to Earth and the others would be a good idea.

Gotta introduce that new beast after all.


Shenron would be lying if he said Christie's incessant need to be on the move and visiting new places wasn't annoying him.

The minute the essence of the Creator entered him, he became more subdued, he wanted peace and quiet above all, he didn't fear the loud but he didn't want it around him 24/7.

Metropolis was new so he didn't yet feel the busy lifestyle, but once we made that house, all he wanted was quiet, he deserved it above all.

Unfortunately he realised with Christie that would be impossible, she'd lived nearly her entire life in the bustle, so to her it was natural.

He thought a lot on this topic, even going so far as to maybe using his powers to calm her mind and body.

Farrend, if I want someone to calm down, would it be bad for me to manipulate their mind?

Farrend wasn't expecting a question like this so soon, but he knew that it was a possibility he'd ask it someday.

Shenron ... as a Creator you can do anything you like within reason of course. Is this being your talking about, the one you saved?


She's always on the go, always wants to visit new places, whilst that is all good and great, I have taken to this quiet and alone time and she's really making that impossible.

If you want me to be honest, it holds no repercussions to the worlds around you, if you do that. But it may hold them in your own mind. You may someday feel bad for what you've done to her, whilst you can fix it for her, you'll always remember what you did.

But ... it's at least not murder, changing a person far outweighs murdering them.

Shenron couldn't help but feel an odd sensation to Farrend's extra wording. He wondered if he had done something in his life at some point, that warranted this line of thinking.

I'll be callable later Shenron, I've got to go take care of a problem.

The minute Christie knew he was off call, she sprung out the balcony door and begged him to take her to the festival being held at Caloose Bay.

Shenron looked miffed and ultimately very tired. He felt like sleep simply wasn't enough with her anymore.

He thought of sending her by herself, but feared her safety, than he had an idea. What if he temporarily gave her powers like Saiyans have? she'd be able to hold her own and fly and heal in record time.

The face he was making was scaring her though.

Shenron? are you okay?

Yes I believe I am, I will give you some powers so you can do all these things yourself from now on Christie.

Oh ... I'm annoying you aren't I? I've always been in the bustle and your clearly not, I'm sorry ... I won't ask anymore ... I'll be in my room ...

Shenron had never felt worse than just now hearing that ...

He entered her room a few minutes later and talked with her, eventually she accepted the powers and than after teaching her for a few hours to ensure she had at least some control he sent her on her way.

Finally he could get some peace he thought and he drifted into a very long sleep that would last days.

By that time Christie had returned, she saw him on the floor sleeping and felt bad that she had led him to being so tired, he didn't even go to bed. He had been that exhausted with her.

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