The Boys New Lives

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I had one Tomb Raider 3 I think? level in my head the entire freaking time I wrote this and knew I had to do something based on it. Of course it's 1am and I am barely able to keep my eyes open and honestly as badly as I don't want it, I have to go to sleep. Hopefully I can continue the story tomorrow with the exact same feeling as I was getting today when I wrote it, because without that ... I dunno ... no idea what it'll become without that. I suppose I could always play the level to get the feeling back and than continue onwards from there, I mean if it really is that easy.


As Zamasu lay there he pondered if he was right in making himself normal again, he realised he greatly missed what he and Shenron had in their lustful states and this connection of sorts unlike what they have now. It was like they were fused to each other with their souls or something, he had never felt anything like it before.

You know Shenron ... I think I made a mistake making myself normal again, I really do miss being a vampire, more now than ever ... I feel like we were linked via our souls, it was something else ...

I know what you mean ... feelings were crazy and fun, now it's just not the same, not that it's bad ... but ...

You think Father would let us do that again someday?

Maybe someday, but definitely not any time soon, he seemed incredibly enraged when I chose you over being a vampire again.

I still wonder how you managed to do that ...

Wasn't easy really, had intense emotions wracking me, but than I realised that with you I'd have life and as a vampire who knows? you know ... I could end up by myself for all eternity should anything ever happen to you.

Zamasu felt like Shenron was hiding some unknown truth, like it was more than just feelings, maybe Father had threatened him and he submitted? but even than threatened how?

We got anything on the agenda today mate?

Yeah we've got to go see Gern about his shipments.

Right, I'll go get ready.

Ever since both were banished to Shenron's Cosmos without any way out or to speak to anyone outside of it, both took up a few hobbies to pass the time and decided to get to know the mortals around Earth and the other planets. They did odd jobs, helped the guys hiring them with their own stuff and started to take over a few cafes to sell their wide range of foods and drinks. You could say they were becoming quite mortal.

I'm ready spoke Zamasu as he walked out from his bedroom, wearing actual mortal clothing now as he needed to blend in. He still stuck out like a sore thumb due to his colour and ears but it was better than before he noted. As the world at large got to know him, he became less of an alien to them and more of a "different person" instead.

Shenron had to completely change himself to the Fused Zamasu state as no one would ever believe that a dragon was a "different person".

Zamasu having been in love with Shenron for most of this relationship now no longer saw the Fused form as the most beautiful version of him, he had matured quite a bit in that department and was always relatively unhappy when Shenron was forced to be him. He often wondered if the dragon could simply put up a cloaking spell to hide his true visage from everyone but him. He figured he thought enough about that and decided to finally ask him.



Can you not put a cloaking spell around you instead? so that everyone sees you as me or someone else and I see you as you?

Yeah I can but why?

I no longer see the Fused version of you as my love, I see only you now and I know we get a lot of time to ourselves, but I'd rather just see you forever and ever, not me ...

Dark Future - Shenron - Zamasu Where stories live. Discover now