Zero Mortals Plan

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I took a different approach to the writing here, using quotation marks (apparently forgot them in my earlier done writing lol) and the name after the word in some instances where it wasn't obvious who was talking. It honestly didn't take me any longer to write than without them this time, but I also had more free chats than voiced chats so that certainly helped.

The end direction was a bit different to what I had planned earlier today. But I like this better, get some much needed emotion in there.

I noted on my read again, not spell check I'll do that later, that I messed Shenron up on the branding part towards the end. I think what I'll do here instead is have it like a 50 shades of moods type of deal. He's good, he's better, than he slowly starts to succumb to the dark and becomes worse. Whilst it's true the Dark is locked away and the brands are fading, Shenron is still Aether and so I'd like to consider that for him it's not quite that simple.


Completely locked out of the other worlds by Father, Shenron and Zamasu continued to fester within their own cosmos, they'd have been okay if it wasn't for the marks.

They awoke from each other's arms as per usual, but unlike most days today marked the day of the marks taking over their minds.

They got up normally, went to make tea and regular food, kissed and hugged. It all felt so dreamy due to the marks. It wasn't until Shenron made a comment about the mortals that they both had the marks fully activated, this would be his greatest mistake but than he also didn't know.

Haha, you feel that mate? - Zamasu

Yes it's incredibly beautiful isn't it, the Dark Aether is coursing through us, this is unlike anything I've ever felt before! - Shenron.

We must go out and purge all the mortals! it must be done! - Zamasu

Yes! let's us go and purge them all indeed! - Shenron

Woooow I have never ever felt anything like this before!, this is magnificent on the many levels of insanity haha! - Zamasu

Haha what are you talking about Zamasu?

I admit I'm not quite sure, it just has me feeling beyond Godly! - Zamasu

Shenron loved this and although he found the ways the Kai felt a little odd, he knew he too was having fun.

Shenron changed his voice as he motioned to which planet they should go to first to start the cleansing. In a demonic growly voice he said what about that one?

Zamasu was caught up in his voice but he found it damn sexy, he wished he'd use it more often.

You mean the Elongated Mouth Pleasers planet? - Zamasu

Yes, said Shenron dark, low and growling, before he let out a giant laugh at the words Zamasu used. Those same words that had him stumped the first time and his first ever orgasm. He didn't attest to the orgasm however that was indeed very good even if to begin with he hated it.

They landed shortly after having gained great speed from the Darkness.

The inhabitants a little whiplashed at their incredibly sudden arrival.

Oh it's you guys! they all clamoured towards them, what did you want, they seemed eager to know.

Both simply stood there unmoving as they watched the masses join them and than a dark glint in their eyes and a smirk forming. They would have them, well most of them in one place, this would be perfect.

They compelled the lot to just stand there and watch helplessly as they got to work.

Bodies torn in half, sliced in half, heads thrown every which way, blades sliced into stomachs and blood strewn all over their homes, the ground, themselves and the murderers.

Dark Future - Shenron - Zamasu Where stories live. Discover now