Trouble Beyond Xavou

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First part was pretty boring even to write, but it needed to be done, 2nd part was effectively much better and I actually had fun imagining what everything would look like.


Unfortunately Zamasu was far from better, if anything he was even worse than yesterday. Shenron had no choice but to tie him down with magically enhanced restraints and as he lay there he cursed under his breath at his so called friend.

Farrend I'm worried for Zamasu ... he's not getting any better, I had to magically tie him down like dude!

I can understand your plight but I have no idea how to help ...

Do you know if Xavou could be creating this?

Realistically Xavou is paranoia not crazed states, to me it makes no sense for this to be him. But we also don't know how Kai's respond to his paranoia as we have nothing in the history books on it. Nothing anywhere really and trust me I'm searching for answers.

Is there anyone you could potentially ask?

Not really, this cosmos doesn't have Kai's ...

As you saw in Metropolis the creatures we have are vastly different to the mortal creatures you have in your cosmos.

These 2 parallel cosmos are completely different versions of each other.

What about similar beings?

I don't think it works that way but I'll look into it for you.

Thanks Farrend.

Yeah no worries buddy.

I'll check this for you bud, but honestly I just don't know ...

When Shenron regained his conscious state he had a Ki blast fired at his face.

He looked towards Zamasu disappointed and than walked out.

I need a break from all of this. Maybe I can go somewhere quiet to view this holosphere that Father gave me.

Shenron found a rather secluded cave around 20 mins flight from Zamasu's cottage and took out the sphere, placed it on the ground and said "start"

Mostly images without words, memories Father had and than a recording of words.

Shenron my future King son, your life and that of your friends will always be catastrophic, you will face dangers untold unlike any of my other creations, I cannot tell you exactly why it is that you all were given this malediction, but it is yours to bear I'm afraid.

Your lives will always be full of misery and danger. Beasts will rise from the depths continuously to lay claim to your worlds and you'll have no choice but to deal with them.

Just like I am unsure why it is only the mortals who must bear the corruption, why can't it be a burden for all?

I may be the first to have created what you see, but I was not the only one creating at the time, I too had siblings and we all created our own worlds. So out there beyond this reality exists hundreds if not more parallel verses, just as if not even more beautiful than mine.

I am hoping that within these galaxies they too have problems and that it is not mine solely that has issues.

You'll find it hard no doubt to blend into regular society once you become like me, but I urge you to try as I find it very important. Do not force yourself to stay hidden from those you protect and eventually maybe even create.

I will leave a computerised or AI version of myself within this sphere, should you need my aid, I will try my best to help you. But remember my son, don't overuse my help, do things yourself and always try to figure out things for yourself before resorting to asking me.

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