The End of the World

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Not the end by the way. I think I wrote an enormous load again, spell checking will be fun! *groan* haha. Didn't find any issues, but I am tired.

This did not go the way I thought it would, but I prefer this outcome. I feel it was way more impactful, despite having much less fight of Mother than I was hoping for. The Darkness was also meant to play a much larger role, but I lost interest in bringing that to life as it would've taken too long to go over that entire story.

I want Shenron to be a unique Creator unlike the others. He will continue his life on Earth amongst his friends, unlike every other Creator. I feel this was maybe their eventual downfall, no friends, just creations that annoyed them to no end. This thought process was created from Buffy, where all previous Slayers fell, but Buffy did not due to her friends and family.


As everyone sat around the campfire and shared stories with Shenron's magical mushr... ehem marshmallows, they noted that regarding Mother they really didn't know very much at all.

Our knowledge on her is extremely slim cried out Shenron, we know jack all, let alone how to stop her! not even those as old as her know anything useful ...

Well it's not like we had much Mother - son bonding time, most of us were created and than sent to the Unseen Realm for being what I could only imagine "annoying"

Mother was always positively overbearing and a lot of us had a very hard time controlling our "emotions" around her. She could be very undeniably cruel at times as well.

Which is why I said to keep your "friendship" with her as her creations and nothing more, despite the fact that you Shenron are not hers, but just keep it simple.

When I told Alfred that she was considering lesser beings as friends he had a damn near stroke at that revelation. Because she's always been so high and mighty and uncaring that it was difficult to believe that it was the same dragon.

Well she had mentioned to me Shenron spoke, that she had to lock up a part of herself as everything accumulated in her life was too much to bear.

That doesn't sound like her at all ...

This is confusing ...

As the others continued to bicker amongst themselves, two other dragons wanted to be released from their purgatory.

Kiln why do we have to do this at all?

You'd never understand my reasons Bren, but that's okay because you don't need to, now get up off your lazy ass and let's go see Kgycal.

We understand that Allren and Alfred were let past to be free in Mother's realms ... we'd like to be offered that same degree of kindness.

Kgycal looked at them before groaning.

Allren and Alfred were refused just as I'm going to refuse you, now get out of my sight.

Come now Kgycal you know me right?

I know your mighty annoying and a big bully to little Bren here ...

Bully? why I never ... fine don't let me past, but I'll find a way around you even if it kills me!

Kgycal looked towards Kiln and sighed ...

BREN! we're in luck, I found something!


He was fast asleep on his couch.

Useless billion year dragon.

Suddenly a very loud boom and squeal sounded and Bren flew off the couch and got into his fighting stance.

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