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Not the end, after all the others still have to fight Xavou and Shenron needs to return home and another possible enemy as I have an idea for another.

I wanted the fight to last longer and I think I did that, won't know for sure until I read over it for the spell check.

I had his powers written down and checked over it often to make sure I used them all. Oh I forgot the lightning ... oh well.


In Shenron's future the fight with Molkor spanned many days, creatures both Gods and mortal joined the fight, despite knowing they wouldn't make it they gladly laid down their lives to save the lives of trillions.

Shenron watched a recording which had made itself known to him in this past verse. He saw everything, he knew he had to help them here to hopefully stop his resurrection in the future. But he knew it wouldn't be easy, Molkor was no pushover he had abilities far beyond that of any Creators ever. This may very well be his last stand.

My Queen I've found the original Creator! it was Mediva ...


We must go see her at once!

Ah Mother Queen and her friend let's see here ... Cleaver?

Galaver ...

Yes right Galaver ...

What do I owe the pleasure?

You made mortals ...

Yes I did many billions of years ago in fact, so your hopes of stopping me from creating them are dashed, oh dear ...

Mediva ... why would you create such corrupt beings?

Corrupt? they had no corruption when I made them, no that started later in their life cycles.

Unfortunately they are incapable of living without it, thus it had to be born out of necessity.

Well your corrupt beings eventually corrupted future Creators, there was trillions of Corruption Creators vs True Light ones.

Oh my ... well what's done is done ...

How could you be so nonchalant?

I'm the oldest Corruption Creator why do you think? I've lived through it all, nothing fazes me anymore, sorry little dragon.

Now if you don't mind ...

Galaver yelled the Queen DON'T!

Should of left well enough alone little dragon, she reared up only to come down on the Queen who got in her way instead, letting out a positively torturous roar as the other Creators talons were forced downwards against her side.

Oh my Mother Queen, I didn't think you'd have the audacity to get in my way, but I suppose you always were weak around your "children"

Begone I don't wish to entertain you any longer.

Come Galaver we're leaving, but Queen?!? GALAVER! now! yes my Queen.

Go on little dragon, your master calls you.

Galaver glared at the old Creator but left regardless.

Upon reentry into her world the Queen collapsed from her wounds. A cry rung out for aid and Shenron flew to check what happened.

All manner of dragon and creature landed around the Queen to give their aid. There was a steady stream of blood trickling out from her wounds and onto the pristine greenery turning it a reddish brown hue.

The Queens breathing was heavy and laboured as heavy pain swept in every couple of seconds. The healing dragons trying desperately to save their Queen.

Shenron finally arrived on the scene and what he saw would make anyone shiver. The Queens usual colouring had paled, her eyes had dulled and a gigantic pool of blood was all around her.

Dark Future - Shenron - Zamasu Where stories live. Discover now